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In People's Daily, the legal person of micro bo"Next year the holidays,What you really want to do"The micro investigation,48% of the net friend said want to go out to travel,44% of the people who want to curtilage at home with family,The holiday learning charge listed as the first 27% of the plan,13% of the net friend said want to reunion with the other relatives and friends,There are 13% of the net friend said he and better lifestyle for a holiday.
People's net power BBS voted in in the Internet,Six adults have travel plan in 2013.Among them,Nearly half(48.7%)Plan to travel 1-2 times,8.9% to travel 3-5 times,Going to travel more than 6 times of 3.2%.Net friend castle peak temple community said:"Holiday in 2013,Want to accompany children to the people of the motherland,Red tourism resort zunyi/The jinggang mountains, etc."
As for the holiday as to where to travel,42.6% of the net friend choose domestic travel,35.8% of the net friend choose surrounding the cities,12.3% of the net friend choose to clean,9.4% of the net friend choose to swim in the province.
In the leisure way of investigation,Like to travel the netizens accounted for nearly forty percent of the total vote,While nearly thirty percent of the net friend like fitness on vacation.In the leisure culture,Nearly half the net friend's favorite film and television,Like reading of netizens accounted for 17.8% of the total number of voting.
对于休闲消费(不含购物开支)占收入的多大比重比较合适?近五成的网友希望个人休闲消费不要超过本人收入的5%,24%网友则把休闲消费控制在收入的5%—10%之间。 (王洋)
For leisure consumption(Does not contain the shopping cost)How much more appropriate proportion of income?Nearly fifty percent of the net friend to individual leisure consumption not more than 5% of my income,24% net friend is control the leisure consumption between 5% - 10% of the income. (WangYang)
江苏烧煮师 Jiangsu cooking teacher
利用假日学美食 Use holiday to learn
Now people of food grade requirements higher and higher,Hope better food to eat/More nutritious,Also hope that a dish can have a good moral and the other.The cook put forward higher request.
A well-balanced meal,Closely related to the local diet culture,A producer understanding of it in it.If do not have the accumulation of various aspects,It is difficult to make food entry does not forget/Let food culture.Many chefs itself cultural degree is not high,Many people actually have to further study/Improve their ideas.
The New Year's day,I'm going to use of dwell time to charge/Improve yourself.I'm going to the bookstore to buy some professional books to read,Such as[Smoked halogen pickles]/[Homely cold dishes]And so on,Learn about the use of spices,Knowledge of and add soy sauce and other condiments.
另一方面,我也希望可以在美食文化上有更多的积累。可惜目前市场上供厨师阅读的地方饮食文化和历史典故类的书籍较少。我还打算拜访几位有经验的资深烧煮师,向他们讨教经验。(记者 姚雪青整理)
On the other hand,I also hope can have more on the food culture accumulation.But at present the market offer chef to read the books on the local diet culture and historical allusion.I also intend to visit several experienced senior cook,Asked their experience.(Reporter YaoXueQing finishing)
太原小学生 Taiyuan pupils
想看高层次演出 Want to see high-level performance
At the age of eight cows is have learned piano for 4 years.Last year on December 23,,Lang lang piano concert in the China of taiyuan, taiyuan coal trading center on the opening.Mother LiWenJin feeling in taiyuan the second-tier cities seldom see such high performance,And pushing bought two tickets to the cheapest.
"I learn piano for 4 years,This is the second time I watch the concert.Lang lang play a few songs,And also the name QinTong ensemble,Total lasted two and a half hours,It can be enjoyable to me.To see the play of the lang lang,I'm a little bit understand teacher often said"Brain by heart"To play the piano."Cow is said,"The front of the ticket to 1980 yuan,I also thought of the first row of the lang lang,But the tickets are too expensive."
LiWenJin said:"Not we don't want to take children to see the elegant music performance,Mainly in taiyuan really few opportunities,Hope there will be more than hold some of the public welfare performance for the citizens,Let the children as soon as possible to get more excellent artistic edification.Is not for free,Ticket prices in 100 yuan I can withstand the working class."
“新一年,希望能看到更多演出。”这是牛蔚然的心愿。(记者 冀 业)
"The New Year,Hope to see more."This is the desire of the precision.(The reporter ji industry)
上海白领 Shanghai white-collar
爱出游 重品质 Love to travel - quality
An architect's office in Shanghai of the white-collar little hero,New Year's day is going to travel.
The little hero original plan to mount wudang in hubei a walk,But later changed his mind.The little hero said,The domestic many tourist attractions although the scenery is very beautiful,But the management is generally lag behind.In addition to"11"During the period of huashan/Mount tai and other places of large area tourists stranded,The little hero decided to some of the tourism industry chain is perfect/The service level is guaranteed."Before going to tourist attractions mustn't impulse,Cannot see advertising is in a hurry to buy a ticket.Must be looking for a good reputation,Not the micro bo to see specific users of the evaluation.Advertising the moisture of common."
“境外旅游一般都比国内服务水平好一些,所以我计划还是去巴厘岛、香港什么的。虽然钱花得多,但是至少服务水平有保障,不会出现花了钱还受气的情况。元旦假期时间很短,万一在国内某个景点被困在山里,没准回上海上班都会成问题。为求保险,还是出境游。”小杰说。 (记者 杨 宁)
"Overseas travel is generally better than domestic service level,So I plan to go to Bali/What does Hong Kong.Although much money to spend,But at least the service level is guaranteed,Would not have spent money also suffer indignities.New Year's day vacation time is very short,One thousand a scenic spot in China were trapped in the mountains,Maybe back to Shanghai to work will be a problem.For the sake of insurance,Or outbound."The little hero said.(The reporter Yang ning)
作者:姚雪青 (来源:人民日报)
The author:YaoXueQing (The source of:People's Daily)
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