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中国游客赴美旅游保持高增长 热衷迪士尼过春节--亲稳网络舆情监控室
中国网1月4日讯 记者从携程获悉,2013年春节黄金周,大量中国游客报名前往美国旅游过大年,美国旅游业界为欢迎中国“贵宾”做足准备,“共聚加州迪士尼,童话王国过春节”等大型活动受到追捧。业界预计,在签证办理大幅便利、人民币升值等利好下,2013年中国赴美旅游市场仍将保持高增长。
Does China on January 4, reporter learned from ctrip,The Spring Festival golden week in 2013,Sign up a large number of Chinese tourists traveling to the United States a year,The United States to welcome the Chinese tourism industry"VIP"Do enough preparation,"Copolymerization Disneyland in California,Fairy tale kingdom of the Spring Festival"And other large activities by chase after hold in both hands.The industry is expected to,In the visa processing greatly convenient/The appreciation of the renminbi under projects,In 2013, China to the United States travel market will maintain growth.
According to the coming China Spring Festival golden week,Overseas tourist destination for Chinese tourists launched in succession characteristic tourism projects.Reporters recently learned,Disneyland in California and the nation's largest online travel services electronic sole for the first time cooperation,Will launch"Copolymerization Disneyland in California,Fairy tale kingdom of the Spring Festival"Large-scale activities and theme,According to the demand of Chinese guests for Chinese culture,And the mickey Minnie invite family photographs,Let China to the United States guests have a lively Chinese New Year.This activity also caused local attaches great importance to the United States,When is expected to California tourism bureau/Walt Disney World of heavyweights such as guests will attend the opening ceremony.
"This activity combined with our strong online travel platform and Disney's brand influence in China,Chinese guests joined together to make a different experience of the Spring Festival."Ctrip travel services business, deputy general manager pursuing told reporters.Customize the characteristics of tourist activities and for China"VIP"experience,Stimulate the enthusiasm to travel.During the Spring Festival in 2103,Is expected to have thousands of domestic tourists for ctrip travel to the United States team products,More than double compared to the same period in 2012.It will have the most up to five hundred people participated in Disney the activities of the Spring Festival.Add hot lines of Hawaii,Spring Festival golden week is expected to ctrip travel will organize more than two thousand people travel to the United States.
The Spring Festival of 2013 about eighty percent is expected to have arrived in the United States,Will be closing date for application.Although due to the aviation resources nervous,Spring Festival line relative to the off-season price 5% - 10% of the increase,But does not affect the enthusiasm to travel,The Spring Festival most of the team after the additional opening is already sold out,After the Spring Festival how mass is the special offer promotional products have been sold out,Even many people have registration in 2013 during the National Day in advance.
据旅行社介绍,春节赴美旅游的主要是家庭群体,亲子游最受欢迎。比如,携程旅游与迪士尼联合开发的经典主题产品“洛杉矶Disney乐园9日舒适英语精致小团游 ”,用VIP方式绿色通道玩转迪士尼,特聘当地外教让小朋友体验美式教育。3代出行的客人更加青睐一次游遍美国的线路。如“美国东西海岸大瀑布+加州双乐园14日游”,为不同年龄层客人安排的主题乐园。
Introduce according to the travel agency,The Spring Festival travel to the United States to tourism is mainly family group,Parent-child swimming is the most popular.Such as,Ctrip travel and jointly develop the classic theme of the Disney products"Los Angeles gentlemen paradise 9 comfortable English delicate small group ",The green channel play Disney in VIP way,Invited local teacher allows children to experience American education.Travel three generations of the guests more favour a line around the United States.Such as"The United States east coast great falls 14 + double park in California",For different ages guest of the theme park.
In the visa processing greatly convenient/The appreciation of the renminbi under projects,Travel industry value to tourism market in 2013.Pursuing said,In 2012,,Ctrip travel more than doubling to tour of the organization,The east coast in the United States/Hawaii, lines are very fire,The size of the number of total travel up to ten thousand people for the first time.In 2013 is expected to sign up the tourist will also maintain high growth.China to the United States tourism overall market will still keep about 40% of the growth.
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