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瑞典工作福利多:364天病假 480天育儿假(图)--亲稳舆论引导监测室

[提要]: [abstract]:日前,瑞典政府某中文官方网站刊发了一篇有关瑞典工作福利的文章,介绍了休假情况:15个月之内最多364天的带薪病假病假工资为正常工资的80%;480天的父母共享带薪育儿假,期间领取的报酬为正常工资的绝大部分,另外,孩子出生时父亲还有额外的10天带薪假。[ Prior to the,The Swedish government a Chinese official website published a article about Swedish welfare work,Introduced the situation of vacation:Within 15 months up to 364 days of paid sick leave,Sick pay for 80% of the normal salary;480 days of parents share parenting holiday with pay,During receiving compensation for most part of the normal salary,In addition,Child birth father and an additional 10 days paid vacation.[我来说两句 Me two sentences] >> ] >>更多旅游资讯 More travel information

  人民网1月8日讯 日前,瑞典政府资助的中文官方网站Sweden.cn刊发了一篇有关瑞典工作福利的文章,详尽介绍了带薪病假、带薪育儿假、企业年金和非强制失业保险等以工资为基础的福利保障制度。其中,最吸引眼球的包括:15个月之内最多364天的带薪病假,病假工资为正常工资的80%;480天的父母共享带薪育儿假,期间领取的报酬为正常工资的绝大部分,另外,孩子出生时父亲还有额外的10天带薪假。

People's net on January 8, recently,The Swedish government funded by the Chinese official website Sweden. Cn ran an article about Swedish welfare work,Detailed introduces the paid sick leave/Paid parenting false/Enterprise annuity and compulsory unemployment insurance, etc. Based on the salary welfare security system.Among them,The most eye-catching:Within 15 months up to 364 days of paid sick leave,Sick pay for 80% of the normal salary;480 days of parents share parenting holiday with pay,During receiving compensation for most part of the normal salary,In addition,Child birth father and an additional 10 days paid vacation.

  以下是文章内容: The following is the content:

  带薪病假 Paid sick leave


If you are ill,You will have the time and let you recover compensation.General Sweden sick pay is equivalent to 80% of your normal salary,But you the first day of sick leave is not included.


You do the first day of sick leave is waiting for the day(karensdag),This means that in that day you won't get any reward.Your employer will pay you wait after 13 days of sick leave pay.If you are sick leave more than 7 days,You have to be issued by the doctor to explain why you can't work proof.


If you are still unable to work due to illness after this time,You will have a qualification from the Swedish social insurance(F?rs?kringskassan)Get sick subsidies.Social insurance subsidy amount decided to your illness,Is usually about 80% of the total amount of your salary.After 180 days on sick leave,If you still cannot be engaged in any work on the conventional labor market,You can continue to get sick.With 15 months as a term,You can apply for a maximum of 364 days of sick.


Sweden in addition to sick leave system,And ensure the health of the worker is active and prevention system.Employers usually support staff to participate in the fitness,Some employees even can use one hour of work time every week to exercise.

  育儿假 Parenting is false


Sweden is a country very support of parents' parenting.Parenting is the central part of family life in Sweden,Let you in the pursuit of their career at the same time it possible to raise their children.Paid parenting fake a total of 480 days,Shared by mother and father,During which the compensation is equivalent to a large part of your usual wages.


Parenting false let parents keep their work at the same time can stay at home with the children.Parents can obtain 480 days of paid sick leave/children,There are 60 days is dedicated to my father and mother.This is mainly in order to ensure fairness and mutual responsibility.When the child was born,Father and an additional 10 days paid vacation.


Sweden parenting false is very flexible.Parents can choose to leave for a long time/Single day off or in a certain time of the day off.Holiday can even save it,Can choose 60 days before the due date to children between the age of 8 any vacation time.


Like other income,Child care subsidy is also should be levied,The levies affect the pension.In 480 days parenting false of the 390 days,Child care subsidy amount is the same as sick subsidies:The welfare 80% of income,According to what you earn wages floating up and down.The highest parenting allowance is billion Swedish kronor per day(2009).In the rest of the 90 days,If a child is on July 1, 2006 the day or after birth,Allowance is billion Swedish kronor per day;Otherwise it is 60 sek/day.If you are sick during the parenting false,You can still get paid sick leave,Is separated from your parenting false.

  失业补助 Unemployment benefits


Sweden is one of the system design principle of the whole life of people in the process of support he/they - even if he/they have out of work.If you lose your job,And have participated in the unemployment insurance,You are entitled to unemployment benefits,Subsidy amount depends on your previous work.but,To attend unemployed insurance is the responsibility of your own.

  工作时,你需要出钱参加失业保险(arbetsl?shetskassa or a-kassa),这就保证一旦你失业就有失业补助可拿。失业保险计划是由工会管理的,但雇员必须自己另外申请此种保险。你所应交保险金和应得补助取决于你的工作领域和你所选择的保险计划。

At work,You need to pay to attend unemployed insurance(arbetsl?Shetskassa or a - kassa),This will ensure that once you unemployment have allowance can take.Unemployment insurance program is managed by the trade union,But the other employees have to apply for this insurance.You should hand in insurance and deserved the subsidy depends on your job and what you choose in the field of insurance plan.


Sweden's more generous unemployment insurance program,But the insurance is to pay for you looking for a new job of living expenses.As a matter of fact,You must be actively looking for a new job and would like to apply for by public aliens(Arbetsf?rmedlingen)Recommended by the work is only eligible for unemployment insurance.Once you prove that you are actively looking for a job,You can apply for unemployment insurance allowance.Because the allowance is limited in a very basic level,You'd better to join trade unions,The union may provide additional more matching with your previous wages of insurance.No matter you choose what insurance,The time you enjoy unemployed insurance is limited.You took the money and normal work remuneration is should pay tax.


 企业年金 Enterprise annuity


In Sweden,All employees in the work in his whole life in earn income pension.In addition,Based on the trade union and the management agreement,Many employers for extra money every month to the so-called occupational pension.Most Swedish residents to private pension saving investment.


Swedish pension system is often described as a pyramid,Your basic pension income is the base of the pyramid,Your employer of share structure around the middle of the pyramid,And your personal retirement savings plan is a top.As stated above,Many employers will pay money to your occupational pension(tj?nstepension)In the,But you must ask your employer agreement on what is your specific job is located.Your employer to pay the money and the interest generated by each year into your retirement savings.


Despite the national pension security and the parts by the employer,A portion of the pension is controlled by your own,Called the pension premiums(premiepension).Pension premiums in your personal account,You can be in any one of the marketization of pension funds.


No matter when you retire,Your pension will be the same of the total.This means that the more you retired early,Pensioners of your time will be longer.So if you retire ahead of schedule,You should be aware of your monthly pension will be reduced accordingly.You can also choose to work until 67.You can choose when to retire,Some people is 55 years old to retire.But pension income and pension premiums can only since the 61 - year - old began to get.



    盘点各国休假:法国年休150天 日本月月有假     Count off from all over the world:France 150 days annual leave Japan from month to month, false

    日本———每月都有"红日子" :日本的工薪族虽然一天上班时间挺长,而且经常加班,但他们的假日也挺多,除了星期六和星期天休息,每月基本上还有一两个其他假日,这些假日在日历上显示为红色,因此叫做"红日子"。[详细](大众网-齐鲁晚报)

    Japan - every month"Red day":Japan although the applicability of one day to go to work time is long,And often work overtime,But their holiday also pretty much,Except Saturday and Sunday rest,Basically, there are one or two other holiday every month,The holiday on the calendar for red,So called"Red day".(detailed)(The nets - qilu evening news)


   2013年节假日请假游玩攻略 春节可巧休14天 2013 holiday leave play strategy defeated Hugh had 14 days. The Spring Festival


    [The holiday policy]:Feb. 9 to 15 days holiday paid leave,For 7 days.On February 16,(On Saturday)/On February 17,(On Sunday)Go to work.


[Actual vacation days]:9 days or 14 days!


[Sohu tourism comment on]:Chinese people pay attention to the Spring Festival beyond etc.Big New Year's day home reunite as filial piety in the first place.Train tickets during the Spring Festival/Under the condition of air tickets, etc. Various kinds of shortage,If only the traditional holiday seven days is too small.16/17 is Saturday/th,Eating at home you must not huanguo to god from the festive atmosphere,It simply is not to please 2 days annual leave to the leader,The Spring Festival/Over time![detailed view](Sohu tourism)

瑞典工作福利多:364天病假 480天育儿假(图)

瑞典工作福利多:364天病假 480天育儿假(图)

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瑞典工作福利多:364天病假 480天育儿假(图)


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