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关岛购物节进入最后狂潮 春节包机直飞赢取大奖--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  关岛这个距离中国最近的美国小岛不但是迷人的度假地,还是个免税港,同时也是亚太区最大免税购物中心之一。远近驰名的购物天堂关岛,犹如太平洋上的一粒明珠,虽然个头小,但其所散发出的光芒却绝不容小觑。关岛被称之为“购物天堂”,有三大原因:第一:全岛免税,意味着游客可以在这里享受超级优惠的待遇;第二:奢侈品品牌齐全,这里有全球最大的免税店--DFS Galleria 免税店,而且产品种类齐全,如服饰、化妆品、食品等,各大奢侈品品牌也几乎都能找到。第三:方便。这里的免税店坐落在机场和市中心等关岛最高档繁华的地方,酒店和DFS之间还有免费的班车接送,也极大的方便了游客购物。

Guam this distance China recently in the United States island not only charming retreat,Is a free port,Is also one of the largest duty-free shopping center in the asia-pacific region.Guam and well-known shopping heaven,Is like a grain of pearl in the Pacific Ocean,Although a smaller,But they send out the light cannot be underestimated.Guam is called"Shopping paradise",There are three reasons for:The first:The island tax-free,Here means that visitors can enjoy the preferential treatment;The second:Luxury brands,Here is the world's largest duty-free shops - DFS Galleria duty free,And product category is complete,Such as the dress/cosmetics/Food and so on,The major luxury brand also can be found almost.The third:convenient.At the duty-free shop here is located in Guam, such as the airport and downtown high-grade busy place,And the free shuttle bus between hotel and DFS transport,Also great shopping convenience to tourists.

  为了树立海岛购物目的地的形象,以及吸引世界各地游客来关岛体验免税购物天堂,第一届关岛购物节(Shop Guam Festival 2012)正在如火如荼地进行中。在关岛,每年最大的折扣季是从感恩节的第二天开始启动,直到来年年初。其间关岛各大购物中心都以疯狂的折扣亮相,亚太地区最大的免税店DFS Galleria、关岛第一家奢华购物中心Tumon Sands Plaza、时尚流行的综合购物商场The Plaza以及折扣名品的淘宝圣地Guam Premier Outlets都在不同程度的让利促销。

In order to set up the island shopping destination image,And attract tourists from all over the world to Guam experience duty-free shopping paradise,The first Guam shopping festival(Shop Guam Festival 2012)Are carrying on like a.In Guam,Every year the biggest discount season to begin from the second day of Thanksgiving,Until early next year.In Guam each big shopping center with discount,The asia-pacific region's largest duty free DFS Galleria/Guam first luxury shopping center Tumon delighted Plaza/Fashion popular comprehensive shopping mall of The Plaza and discount famous brand of taobao holy Guam Premier Outlets are in different levels of profit promotion.

  在关岛购物节即将接近尾声的时候,各大商场除了免税和低折扣,又推出了更加诱人的大礼,现在BALDYGA GROUP提供了价值50美元的礼券,可用于Sand Castle沙堡秀,Globe俱乐部,Lina'la' Park查莫洛文化园,Lina'la' Night BBQ餐厅,BIG Sunset Dinner Cruise夕阳游艇晚宴,The Beach bar & grill沙滩酒吧。Tumon Sand Plaza则是提供了免费的咖啡甜点券,在您购物之余还可以在此休憩片刻。如果您在2013年2月14日前会前往关岛,都有机会获取,数量有限,先到先得。DFS免税店更有神秘大奖,价值上千美元的高档女士手提包抽奖活动,自2013年1月1日至2013年1月25日,凡前往关岛DFS的中国游客都可以领取一张表格,完成个人信息的填写后放入抽奖箱,大奖将于2013年1月28日公布,届时奖品会由DFS邮寄给幸运的中奖者。

In Guam shopping festival is near the end of time,Each big market except for tax exemption and low discount,And introduced a more attractive gift,Now BALDYGA GROUP provides a value of $50 gift certificates,Can be used for stillbirth bear sandcastles show,Globe club,Lina 'la' Park sending check group,Lina 'la' Night BBQ restaurant,BIG Sunset've Cruise yacht the Sunset Dinner,Ok to The bar & Grill beach bar.Tumon stillbirth Plaza is provide free coffee coupons for dessert,In you shopping also can have a rest at this moment.If you will go to Guam before February 14, 2013,Have the opportunity to obtain,A limited number,First come first served.DFS duty free more mysterious awards,Thousands of dollars worth of high-grade ladies handbag lucky draw activity,From January 1, 2013 to jan. 25, 2013,All to Guam DFS of Chinese tourists can get a table,Complete the personal information in a lucky draw after fill in the box,Awards will be announced on January 28, 2013,When the prize by DFS mailed to the lucky winners.


During the Spring Festival in 2013,Eight class charter flights from Beijing,Direct flight to Shanghai and hangzhou Guam.Charter flights direct to avoid the trouble to transfer the third,Leave plenty of travel and leisure time to the tourists.This charter flights from united airlines and China's tourism industry to cooperate,And get the support of Guam tourism bureau.Is expected to more than 1200 tourists spend a wonderful and unforgettable in Guam Spring Festival holiday.

  美国关岛,位于西太平洋,是密克罗尼西亚群岛(Micronesia islands)中最南端并且最大的岛屿,长年恒夏,温暖而不湿热。关岛也是美国最西边的领土,由于跨越了国际日期变更线,每当旭日东升时,它成为太阳最早照射到的美国领土,所以有人称关岛是“美国一天开始的地方”,那里与中国的时差不过2个小时。同时,关岛也是距离中国最近的美国领土,北京直飞关岛的航程为5.5小时,而上海直飞关岛仅仅4.5小时。

The Guam,Located in the western Pacific,Is Micronesia islands(Micronesia islands)The largest island in the southern and,Years of constant summer,Warm but not hot.Guam is also the most territory west of the United States,Due to cross the international date line,When the sunrise,It has become the sun radiation to the territory of the United States, at the earliest,So there is called Guam"The beginning of a day in the United States",Where the time difference with China but 2 hours.At the same time,The us territory of Guam is also from China recently,Beijing direct to Guam for 5.5 hours flight,And Shanghai direct flight to Guam only 4.5 hours.


Guam is an experience American way of life the ideal holiday resort,With its rich water activities,Native check morrow(Chamorro)culture,Romantic wedding chapel,Diving the holy land,The asia-pacific region's largest duty-free shops such as the world famous island holiday place.In this all can enjoy blue sky and lazy recreational flavor.
