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京广高铁撼民航 沿线民航客运量票价同比降三成--亲稳网络舆情监控室
四大航空集团无一“幸免于难” Four major aviation group no"survived"
From the wuhan-guangzhou high iron to beijing-shanghai high iron,The civil aviation from the impact of high iron have become common.Even so,In December 2012, and the opening of the jingguang high iron,Let airlines fall after a gasp.
[China business newspaper]The result that the reporter investigates display,With its high iron jingguang zhengzhou as an example,On January 1, 2013 to 6, the time dimension,Beijing - zhengzhou route,The divisions of the Air China fell 7% year-on-year,China southern airlines, fell by 32%.
Has been,about"High iron our civil aviation"Discussion can be heard,However high iron for civil aviation real influence, but few quantitative statistical research.With the opening of jingguang high iron,Reporter exclusive obtained data display,In Beijing to zhengzhou route airline passenger capacity 39% year-on-year drop,And the Beijing - guangzhou airline passenger capacity is only decreased by 4%.
铁路冲击即时显现 Railway impact appeared immediately
On January 1, 2013 to January 6,,In Beijing to zhengzhou route,Airline passenger capacity 39% year-on-year drop,Ticket prices 33% year-on-year drop.
As a China southern airlines [micro bo](3.85,0.07,1.79% -)Co., LTD., a marketing staff,Li mo(alias)Have experienced a few next to the impact of iron.Him the deepest impression is the end of 2009 the opening of wuhan-guangzhou high iron.
"(wuhan-guangzhou)High iron open that day,Our company to wuhan flight sales almost become everybody met greeting."Li mo told reporters,At the China southern internal,"Guangzhou wuhan"Flight is sales benefit good a route,The emergence of high iron changed the pattern.
A year later,China southern airlines become connecting by high iron impact's largest airline.The most affected by the guangzhou - changsha section as an example,Aviation passenger capacity fell 48%,Ticket prices fell 15%,Flights every day from 11.5 class reduced by class 3.
"The lessons drawn from others' mistakes,You can imagine to the beijing-guangzhou high iron attitude."Li mo told reporters,On the eve of the opening of the beijing-guangzhou high iron company has already made a plan,Ticket marketing in/Flight reduction and a series of aspects.
And China southern airlines is not the same mental minority."Usually a high iron opened within 35 days,Airlines will quickly react to this,Or lower ticket prices,Or cut flights,And most of the time is lower side of the ticket,Side cut flights."A in the airline industry with many years of the personage inside course of study tells a reporter.
Now the airlines seem to learn more intelligent and to respond quickly - in the jingguang high iron Open Day,Zhengzhou to Beijing ticket even sold 1.7 fold 118 yuan.
Jingguang high iron for airlines how much impact?It will also become a kill airlines profit the spell of blood?
In the industry of uncertainty,Reporters have a set of data display,Jingguang high iron on the impact of the airlines have cannot small gaze.Time to January 1, 2013 to January 6, as a dimension,In Beijing to zhengzhou route,Airline passenger capacity 39% year-on-year drop,Ticket prices 33% year-on-year drop;In Beijing - wuhan route,Passenger capacity fell by 28%,Ticket prices fell by 9%;In Beijing - changsha route,Passenger capacity fell by 16%,Ticket prices fell by 15%.
And in the course of operation in Air China airlines/China Eastern airlines/China southern and can get to the hna's,That is commonly known as the four major aviation group almost without"survived".
"This in the industry and the study of the theory of the roughly the same,Which airlines flights within 500 miles,For high iron no choise but to force;About 800 kilometers,Airlines may cut capacity forced to deal with;And 1500 km course,The airline's advantage than high iron obviously,Almost won't be high iron impact."The above the personage inside course of study to reporters analysis.
The previous civil aviation administration director Eric study published the same:Within about 500 km high iron on the impact of the civil aviation above 50%;500 km to 800 km high iron on the impact of the civil aviation above 30%,Within 1000 kilometers high iron on the impact of the civil aviation is about 20%,1500 miles (kilometers) is about 10%,More than 1500 miles (kilometers) have no effect.
航空公司的竞争与竞合 The airline's competition and competition
High in iron after opening,Airlines in the competition route to increase the density of flight,Trying to and one for high and low.Airlines treat high iron another tactic is competition.
Since 2009,China's aviation market has been rapid development.But it is also 2009 years later,Airlines have been living in"HSR to the"Under the shadow of.
For high iron,Airlines have two kinds of disparate attitudes.One is on the contrary,High in iron after opening,Airlines in the competition route to increase the density of flight,Trying to and one for high and low.
Such as Air China and China southern airlines in the route are introduced"Air express"products.In wuhan - Beijing flight as an example,Airlines daily HangBanLiang keep in more than twenty class,The day is almost done half hour.And new aircraft is ever fresh international routes to the plane.
Rao is so,Fast line 客座率 but always not satisfactory."Can say,Aviation companies rely on increasing the density of flight,Trying to frequency to win high iron practice almost completely failed."The above the personage inside course of study such comments.
Airlines treat high iron another tactic is competition.In China, for example,In early 2011 China Eastern airlines, announced that it would take the lead in promoting empty rail transport,With the long triangle area as a pilot,The two kinds of mode of transportation network seamless connection,Even booking system communication.
Soon after,China southern airlines relevant personage also told reporters,China southern airlines will consider and high iron for more/Deeper cooperation,Such as the implementation of the train ticket ticket and transport/IT system butt/Aviation railway baggage transport etc.
然而时至今日,空铁联运却更像是一个美梦。“据我所知,某航空公司内部一直在和铁道局商谈合作事宜,但是很多技术问题难以解决。比如火车票并非实名制购买,如何保证‘一票到底’?而且利润分配也是一个难题。”一位接近东航的高层人士坦率表示,以中国铁道部的国企风格,合作很难推动, “空铁联运”大范围推行尚无时间表。
But today,Empty rail transport is more like a dream."As far as I know,Some airlines internal has been and railway bureau about cooperation,But many technical problems difficult to solve.Such as train ticket system is not to buy,How to guarantee‘A vote on’?And profit distribution is also a problem."A close to China's top people frank said,China's ministry of railways in the state-owned enterprise style,Cooperation is difficult to promote, "Empty iron transport"There is no timetable for a wide range of implementation.
Shijiazhuang airport in has introduced"Empty iron transport"products,Commonly known as"Seven cities surrounding passengers through the high iron to shijiazhuang airport on a plane to submit an expense account high iron ticket",The first five days through passenger has reached one thousand people.However, this kind of"Empty iron transport"Is not based on fast on the transfer processes,Is essentially a ticket discount of the profits,In the long term may be unsustainable.
Compared with,The only cheap airlines in the spring and autumn airlines go is the third road.
"Starting from 2008,In the spring and autumn airlines began to layout,Try to develop long route and route to avoid the impact of domestic high iron."In the spring and autumn airlines ZhangWuAn spokesman told reporters,In the spring and autumn airlines goals in 2013 international airline flight hours scale development to 20%.
And airlines also started the transformation road."Subject to the impact of high iron,Airlines route layout in general is the basic course/Feeder route,And international routes."China Eastern airlines LuoZhuPing secret before dong said.
In fact,High iron for the impact of the civil aviation is evident.According to the Chinese[Long-term railway network planning],By 2020 the total scale of railway construction investment will break 5 trillion yuan,Business mileage will be more than 120000 kilometers.Facing the impact of high iron,The airline is the dim out or competition?Airlines have a crossroad.
"No airlines can not by the impact of high iron."The traffic department of transportation policy advisory group members TianBaoHua says,But high iron and is not as terrible.According to his measure,Every km high iron need to cost 25 million yuan RMB,Plus car/Power consumption and cost,"I think high iron to profit,It must will fare to the level of civil aviation."
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