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  两个未满19岁的大一学生,在网上看了纪录片《搭车去柏林》后,决定效仿,一路搭乘陌生人便车,去游香格里拉。 Two under 19 years old a freshman,Look on the net the documentary[A lift to Berlin]after,Decided to follow the lead of,A ride on the stranger,To travel to shangri-la.


Lasted seven days,Stroke more than 1000 kilometers,They almost without any preparation,Nor any outdoor experience,From the teacher and his family will hit the road,Had to sleep on the street/Slept a police car,Meet suspicious stranger……recently,Two students call chongqing evening news hotline,Tells the adventures.


In the novel share their when,Reporters can not help but want to ask:Such a challenge and try,How to evaluate?


毫无准备 There is no ready to

  瞒着家人就上路 From the family way


yesterday,In the southwest university classroom,Two students are preparing for the final review.They are the school freshman,Under 19 years old,Boy named LuoLian,Application study in law school,Live Tuo li,Girl xiaowen(alias),Studying in college of marxism,Yellow pounds in.


"I also don't know oneself will how to evaluate this experience,In retrospect, I fear and point."They said.


In December last year and,,LuoLian look on the net a name[A lift to Berlin]documentary,About two people with only smile and cigarettes,All the way by a stranger,From Beijing to Berlin experience.He felt very stimulating,Want to challenge the,The idea told friends xiaowen,Xiaowen also feel very strange,Decided to he went along with.


A thick coat,One 500 yuan in cash and a bank card,A self-defense with fruit knife……On December 31, morning,The two have no experience in the outdoors,And almost didn't do any strategy of young people is on the road.

  露宿街头 To sleep on the street

  坐上警车躲避寒冷 Sit on the police car from cold


"Afraid of parents and teachers are not allowed,We don't have to tell them."They from the school first took a bus to ErLang overpass,Hiking again into chongqing highway intersection,Imitate the documentary writing has lifted the shangri-la brand,Vertical the thumb thumb a ride.More than one hour after haven't stopped a car,He didn't realize,They write line is too long,This section a lift.The brand rewrite into after chengdu,They are successful build on a car the milkman minibus.Until the night before eight o 'clock to chengdu.


"The first day out,Very excited,Night the lane width/Jin as,At 1 am,Think check in waste of money,Just want to find a all-night Kentucky Fried chicken on a night."Ronaldinho says,They sought for a long time without along the street,Two people cold trembled with fear,Passing near the people's park,See a car parked police on duty.They lied that with the police,Lost my wallet,No place to live.The police then let two people get on narrow for a while,Morning just to get off.


 走了绕路 Go detours

  有人索要搭车费 Someone ask for take the fare


1 in the morning,Two people eat breakfast,Out of the city by bus,To hike to chengdu city highway a lift,This is a good driver to tell them,Chongqing to kunming,Recent line is the guiyang to kunming,Even walk into chongqing high speed,Also this in neijiang road,Don't to chengdu.They had to get a ride back to neijiang,Then through zigong/yibin/Zhaotong city to kunming.


"Walk around for more than a day,But a very well."Xiaowen said,Just when from kunming to Dali,They have a black car santana car,Not listed as,Middle-aged male driver active invite them to get on the car."A car for a period of,I feel right."Xiaowen said,They asked to get off,The other party is not very willing to,But at that time is daylight,Or stop to let them down.


There are a,They get on the car before the driver say hitch,But in the end was forty yuan for bus to get off.after,They learn smart,Just sitting in a family of private cars/truck.5,,They stay in lijiang encountered someone drive to shangri-la,Just free ride arrived at the shangri-la.


6, early in the morning,They ended the shangri-la play,And a lift back to kunming,Take the 11 and points of western airlines flight from kunming back to chongqing.

  历时7天 Lasted seven days

  人均消费1500元 Per capita consumption of 1500 yuan


"Along the way,Stroke more than 1000 kilometers,Lasted seven days,Let's sit big trucks/Tank truck/truck/tricycle,Also sit a BMW and other senior private cars.On the whole,Good man more,But it was a supercilious look/Forced charging."Xiaowen said.


Along the way,They spend 1500 yuan per capita,In addition to the ticket money,Each person took roughly $700,Mainly used in the hotel/eat/In and out of the city bus fee, etc.


 搭车旅游最近很火 A tourist is the latest fire

  不提倡无准备出游 Don't encourage travel without preparation

  家长:除了无奈还是无奈 parents:In addition to helpless or helpless


NaPing in four of the Mr. Zou said,His children and LuoLian as large,"If you are my children,I heard the news,In addition to helpless or helpless."Children are full of eighteen years old,Independent capacity for civil conduct,Parents in addition to education,No other better way.

  心理学家:不提倡不反对 psychologists:Don't advocate don't mind


Chongqing mental health education center director/Psychologists think that wang hao,"Through this behavior,They make their own mind/Emotions get exercise,Enhancement of risk assessment and awareness,Is also a kind of harvest."But this kind of behavior is not worth advocating,Also should not negate.

  同学:考虑好后果再尝试 students:Consider the consequences and try again


The west marxism political college students on the ride said,In order to pursue the wonderful life,understandable,But think about it you can take the consequences.The school of journalism and communication around the world will HeGuangMin grade of students is considered,The two students too recklessly,Suggest they have enough ability after the further similar attempt.

  驴友:安全是前提 LvYou:Security is the premise


Big fat/Li sai cream are chongqing famous LvYou,There have been a lift travel experience.They say,A lift travel abroad is introduced into a QiongYou way,The recent fire is,But security is the premise.They don't advocate ronaldinho not ready to go on a journey.
