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蛇年春节临近,But this year the New Year's eve dinner hot degree is not as good as usual.Reporters from Shanghai's high star hotel that,Because the recent years consumer rational gradually regression,"Show class"The hotel has not attractive New Year's eve dinner is more cost-effective semi-finished product package.And in recent years gradually popular"Tourism New Year's eve dinner"The market has become more and more mature,High-end line application volume continued to rise.




春节黄金周日益临近,Originally growing New Year's eve dinner reservation market but not expected hot.Reporters from Shanghai several star hotel that,In 2013, New Year's eve night reservation has a certain margin,As the market year after year come to reason,At every turn thousands of yuan's New Year's eve dinner already don't like to be in the past by"Crazy rob",Instead more cost-effective semi-finished product package more popular.


"Although the price of raw materials in a year,This year the price of the New Year's eve dinner basic but didn't move,The tens of thousands of yuan"Day price"package,Unless it is specified the ingredients to do,Otherwise, the market is certainly not to see."Reporters from several Shanghai star hotel have learned relevant manufacturers,This year the New Year's eve dinner set high star hotel,若to10人一桌计算的打包价基本在三四千元左右,Basic price with the same last year.

  业内人士表示,随着市场的逐渐理性,前几年流行的上高档酒店吃年夜饭的“时髦”已悄然淡出。 “往年这个时候早已经订完了,但今年除了包房满了之外,大厅还有不少的余量。其实不只是年夜饭市场,圣诞节、情人节这些以往火热的节日,如今会在酒店里一掷千金的人越来越少了。 ”业内人士坦言。

业内人士表示,Along with the market gradually rational,Before a few years popular hotels on the lunar New Year's eve"modern"Has quietly out of. "In previous years this time is already fully booked,But this year in addition to the room full of outside,The hall and a lot of allowance.Actually not only New Year's eve dinner market,Christmas/情人节这些to往火热的节日,Now in the hotel deal or no deal people less and less. "The personage inside course of study said.

  由于年夜饭市场的逐渐冷清,不少酒店近年来也将目光瞄向了更加大众化的半成品市场,在价位方面也向大众餐厅靠拢,颇受消费者喜爱。 “包含6个冷菜、6个热菜还有汤和点心的10人份半成品套餐,最便宜的价格是788元,比起最高1800元左右的套餐,788元的套餐预订情况最好。 ”新锦江酒店相关人士告诉记者。

由于年夜饭市场的逐渐冷清,Many hotel in recent years will be an eye on more popular semi-finished products market,In the price also to the restaurant close,A popular consumer favorite. "Contains 6 cold dish/Six hot dishes and soup and dessert 10 Ken semi-finished product package,The cheapest price is 788 yuan,Compared with the highest 1800 yuan package,788 yuan package for the best. "XinJinJiang hotel relevant personage told reporters.


高端"Tourism New Year's eve dinner"hot


除了留在上海过年,In recent years some travel agency launched"Tourism New Year's eve dinner"Line this year it appear larger polarization contrast,Ordinary low line gradually withdraw from the market,And room and board are high star hotel high-end course instead more popular.

  “除夕夜当天出发,一方面能避开年初二的出游高峰,出游成本降低之余性价比也比较高,"旅游年夜饭"产品打包价普遍为四五百元,封顶也就1000元左右/人,吃住都是当地五星酒店。 ”大通之旅相关负责人说,他们准备的3000多个“旅游年夜饭”线路的名额已销售一空,旅行社不得不联系酒店再增加了700多个名额。上海旅行社相关负责人也透露,今年年夜饭线路的预订启动较往年更早,目前报名情况火爆,赴杭州、无锡五星食宿标准的线路最受欢迎。

"Based on New Year's eve,On the one hand can avoid the peak travel issue,Travel cost more than the price is high,"Tourism New Year's eve dinner"The product packing price for - yuan generally,Capped is 1000 yuan/person,Eat to live are local five star hotel. "Trip to chase the relevant person in charge said,They are going to more than 3000"Tourism New Year's eve dinner"The number of lines has been sold out,Travel agencies have to contact the hotel to add more than 700 places.Shanghai travel related person in charge also revealed,This year New Year's eve dinner line reservation start earlier than usual,At present the hot conditions,To hangzhou/Wuxi five-star accommodation standard line is the most popular.

  由于消费者普遍更看重出游品质,一些较低端的产品则逐渐退出市场。“今年我们暂不考虑再推年夜饭线路,因为这类产品除了早年刚推出时红火过一阵子,近年来市场反响越来越淡,前两年的报名效果也不如从前。”市旅游集散中心相关负责人告诉记者,平价的短途大巴游产品每年春节的市场规模每年都在递减,这与消费者的口味变化有关。“如今市民已不再满足于普通的观光游,过年要么出国要么找个环境好的地方度假,所以市场规模萎缩已是必然趋势。 ”

由于消费者普遍更看重出游品质,Some lower-end products are gradually withdraw from the market."This year we will not enter to push the New Year's eve dinner line,Because this kind of product in addition to early just introduced the for a while,In recent years the market response more and more light,The first two years of application effect also as before."City tourism distribution center in the relevant person in charge told reporters,Parity short bus tour products every year market scale diminishes each year,The consumer tastes change relevant."Now people are no longer satisfied with ordinary sightseeing tour,New Year's day or go abroad or to find a good place to vacation environment,所to市场规模萎缩已是必然趋势. "
