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CCTV2[CCTV financial review]On January 22, 2013 broadcast[Ten yuan is XingJu act as purchasing agency tickets,Cause cause not?],The following is a program memoir:


Packed luggage,Rippling heart family told/The warmth of home,Looking forward to set out on a journey home,At present the Spring Festival the haven't open,But all the tickets has intensified,Many people meet greeting have changed:"You buy the ticket?"Each to this time,Work out the farmer brother do it all for that piece of small ticket and worry.In order to facilitate the tickets,The ministry of railways launched online tickets and so on measures,But for some migrant workers for friends,A lot of people do not have the conditions and the Internet technology,These days,Guangdong foshan a pair of small husband and wife for help migrant workers from online ticket after each receive ten dollars,Custody and the concern about the news.Ten dollars to help migrant workers act as purchasing agency tickets online by XingJu,The young couple cause or not? What cause?This matter is behind what we think?The financial channel CCTV host ChenWeiHong and famous financial commentators MaGuangYuan/ZhangHong common comments.


To help migrant workers act as purchasing agency tickets online,A charge $10,Foshan a pair of small husband and wife be XingJu,Cause not the cause?After generation brush phenomenon is not the case,There is a consumer market,Ten dollars to refraction behind what intriguing thinking?


recently,Foshan a just got married three months of small husband and wife for help won't surf the Internet booking of migrant workers buy train ticket,Each charge $10 charges,Husband and wife both XingJu,Police say,The Spring Festival two people will spend in jail.


JinJunAn(Guangdong foshan railway station deputy director of the local police station):It has no through the railway authorities for the record,No tax of commerce business license,So it is an illegal DaiShouDian.


According to criminal law,As long as have high/The behavior of the ticket scalping tariffs in disguised form,And in accordance with par value 5000 yuan or illegal profit 2000 yuan of above,Will face criminal penalties.At present,Railway police have seized by the train ticket and identity card all returned to has those migrant workers.Can get the ticket home for migrant workers in small husband and wife that cause/Help victim of an injustice.


Mr. Fang(Migrant workers):A few dollars would be speculative reselling of tickets,This is really can't say this,Originally should deal with somebody else,A big deal about his education,Just put him back over with the.


Migrant workers:If to other place,Queue!,A delay delay is half a day,To clasp perfect attendance award,Bonus far more than 5 yuan,Ten yuan.


Migrant workers reflects the situation,Data in the railway station get confirm.Foshan railway station said,From the travel ticket open sales so far,Through the window and DaiShouDian direct selling a ticket is about 250000 copies,And network booking only more than 64000 zhang,The group tickets there were 348,A total of more than 67000 a.Visible these convenient tickets online way less than half the proportion.


This year,GuangTie group opened eight kinds of open to booking a train ticket,But for a lot of migrant workers is,The difficulty of the ticket did not decrease.


Is in guangdong dongguan,From hunan old to because he will not use the web,There is no way,He went to the town's only a train ticket DaiShouDian lined up to buy tickets.Old to night nearly 12 point to queue,Thought his row to the front of the line,There should be a real grasp can buy tickets now?but,Contrary to the situation was still to come.


XiangXianSheng(Dongguan hemp chung town migrant workers):Don't buy(ticket),There are 12 a display,But don't play in,For a moment I'll called him to play,Still can't be out,And call him to play is not,Ticket played the.


Sichuanese passenger:You haven't input id card number,Ticket took,Bill hit 200 yuan,Ticket haven't order to.


In addition to the railway station DaiShouDian train ticket is the most direct a negotiating channel.Train tickets DaiShouDian are usually railway departments authorized,Set up DaiShouDian need to handle license,And from the railway department for examination and approval and acceptance.According to the regulation,Each ticket collection poundage 5 yuan,More than is illegal behavior.Train tickets DaiShouDian profit is considerable.In the network ticket before the start of mass,Hot city core area of DaiShouDian,Generally a day to sales more than a train ticket,With a ticket for five yuan fee calculation,That is one thousand yuan.If the city has 150 to their hometowns,A day of income is 150000 yuan.The expert points out,Guangdong foshan recently came the young couple charge $10 people act as purchasing agency train ticket to be XingJu event,It is because touched the DaiShouDian interests.


张鸿:双赢的开始 双输的结局 ZhangHong:Win-win began to lose lose end


Originally this is a win-win thing,Then becomes a dual lose.The story is about this,This place is a migrant workers gathered place,There are a lot of hardware store,Clothing store,Thousands of migrant workers.Travel started,They found that can buy in advance,But booking point is not enough,There is only one nearby,And it is not convenient to.The important thing is when the network can be the time of ordering,Network in two days in advance booking point,They don't surf the Internet,The Internet is also can't go to work time to surf the Internet,So there is a shop young couple getting married in October last year,The husband is to do the net and Courier,Internet technology is very good.Started with a job that you help me buy a ticket on the Internet,Then help the,I later found out that because I have to queue,His sister said he queue to get ticket to 11 o 'clock in the evening to take back to vote,This will have to pay a lot of cost,Then take you ten dollars,Bad is bad in later he pulled a continuous strip,Said I this place buy train ticket.


Today in the ministry of railways said what,Say you think we now since I started after the net,We are now negotiating environment is much better,You don't get through the night,Why not line up all night?Is because there are many such,I'll help you buy,Others help others to buy,This is to help the ministry of railways.So I think the ministry of railways should not hit him,Should be grateful for his.


马光远:事实上这对小夫妻帮了铁道部的忙 MaGuangYuan:In fact the small husband and wife helped mor's busy


I think that money is a small issue,In fact the couple help mor busy,In the husband and wife was developed,How many people to question website,Booking order in,Suddenly there is a technology better person help can order more than 200 tickets,Many good things.As long as you master booking website use skills,You still can book tickets,The whole process of booking is need to pay labor,So I think the ten dollars is very normal.We will tell from emotional,The thing itself should say no great harm to the society,Especially when I see such a case later,I hear of online generation after purchase,And then be copied,Caught up,Be XingJu later,First I want to him what a violation of the law?We now have a law which said,This a pair of small husband and wife can't buy a ticket for others on the Internet,No law,And no social harmfulness.I tell you my id number I would like to,I get a???????Is my home a convenient.


李法宝:不能认为小夫妻的行为不是违法犯罪的行为 Lee a magic weapon:Can't think small couples behavior is not illegal and criminal behavior


This kind of behavior in law or controversial,Should be in 2006 years,The ministry of railways,The national development and reform commission,The ministry of public security,State administration for industry and commerce have jointly issued a about the railway ticket agents shall investigate and deal with illegal mark-ups and stripping railway ticket illegal and criminal activities of the notice,In this notice on the clear rules,For does not have the qualification for railway ticket units and individuals for others for railway passenger ticket,Belong to illegal profit increase.


Small husband and wife of this behavior is an illegal and criminal behavior.According to the provisions of the 2006,Because the small husband and wife no railway agent qualification,Each ticket plus ten yuan is a kind of illegal tariffs,Profit behavior.But this regulation is in 2006 the provisions,With China's ticket/The provisions of the train ticket market system,So the rules for now is still can continue to effective,This is at issue.From my own understanding,I think that in the law currently no specific provisions of,Or don't some law is not applicable to the present new situation of the case,For this case suggest or careful treatment.But we can't think that such behavior is not illegal crime.


马光远:小夫妻代买火车票不是违法行为 MaGuangYuan:The young couple on behalf buy train ticket is not illegal behavior


If the ticket scalping word constitutes a crime,Then we will tell from the criminal law itself,It refers to the disturbed the order tickets.So you are in my computer to buy a ticket,Or in the ZhangHong computer to buy a ticket,Or I for you to buy a ticket,This ticket to buy anyway,This ticket itself after the system is bought,How do you go to stripping?How to let disturb?You're in the computer to help 100 people buy,You are about to finish the order,I am in 100 computers on your own to buy to also want to complete an order.


From the legal terms,This is a very simple civil agent behavior,Is that I'm very busy today,I can't buy the ticket.Do you play computer also stronger than me,You can get the ticket,So you got me,After got,That I give you ten dollars to buy a Popsicle,This won't have any problems,What's the problem?If from a complete in terms of the crime,At the very least, there are two,The first,Subjectively have malicious,Is you know,You deliberately to do,And this is for the young couple itself a beginning is help.The second,Is to infringe upon a certain order,So in terms of the order,Not only do not encroach on,But to the ministry of railways helped,So I think it not only is not illegal behavior,Let alone what crime,So to the last you dispute,Why dispute?I think is not a kind of mood,I think if we strictly from the legal perspective,A little dispute all have no,Because you have no violation of??????.have,Stripping must have the stripping of the object,It must be a genus,Civil law is from speaking will be divided into two kinds of items,The first thing that species,Such as the,ZhangHong give me 100 dollars,I later to he also 100 dollars,The two 100 dollars is not the same.But there is a thing called special thing,Special thing is,Qi baishi, for example the picture,I sold ZhangHong later,He must be specific,So now we have a ticket from the former kind things into a particular thing,Become a special thing later couldn't stripping.


 张鸿:火车票现在是实名制 没法囤积和倒卖 ZhangHong:Train tickets is now the system can't hoarding and speculation


Train tickets is now the real-name system,He can't hoarding,Who needs to give who buy,Must I and you achieve agency relationship,I can buy you,Would you like to let me buy,I want 100 dollars,You don't agree with the,Then I can't buy.I think we after this call,Not DaiMai,If DaiMai words,McDonald's,KFC is also joined,Forbid you to sell,China is the salt monopoly,Allows you to literally sell,That's no problem,I don't sell.But you to buy me two jins of salt,I'll give you $2 can?You buy me a McDonald's,KFC,Buy a snack to,I'll give you $2 can?It is possible.


 张鸿:代购其实动的是代售点的奶酪 ZhangHong:Act as purchasing agency actually moving is DaiShouDian cheese


We look about what is bought,In fact DaiShouDian moving is the cheese,Because DaiShouDian is mor franchise,Is relatively monopoly,Not to say that you just want to get a DaiShouDian,You can get a DaiShouDian's.Life experience tells us,If you buy a plane ticket words,You can settle for a website to make a phone call,And it is free of charge,It does not collect any fee,But the train ticket DaiShouDian will charge you $5.If the order of words,The DaiShouDian, no money can be earned,The five dollars he earn not to.As for the hotel for the guest book train ticket to fifty yuan,There should be two fee,A fee is the provisions of the ministry of railways DaiShouDian collection of $5.Another fee because you live in the hotel is good,Five-star hotel,You drink a cup of water may collect fifty dollars.


马光远:没有必要对这些替大家买火车票的行为进行管理 MaGuangYuan:There is no need to buy train ticket for all the behavior of management


Real is the true cost of 45 dollars illegally,You can go to rights.But when it comes to a management problem,There is no need to say to these for you buy train ticket behavior,The ministry of railways and not the DaiShouDian must carry on the management?I think there is no need.With the ministry of railways to its web site make better,We operate up very literally,My mother can operations,Don't have to please others to buy me a ticket,Because I will now operating words,I have to study half a day,How on,How to register,How to delivery, etc..


In the daily,Is the social affairs itself,Some are required by law to management,Some are not required by law to management,Because such behavior,For instance I ZhangHong entrusted to do,We can reach a deal,But also can make the transaction security.If I ZhangHong to distrust,I won't put my id card to give him.He receives 100 yuan,I don't think something,This is a voluntary behavior.Is the agent itself is not the ten dollars,Even 200 dollars are without any problems.Because the first does not exist in,The second,I have such a skill,I help you to do,I didn't harm anyone's rights,When a certain behavior itself is beneficial to the society and the harmless,Why do you want to management?Why do you want to specialize in?Why must be authorized to do later?I think this management itself is more than a lot.


 张鸿:没有门槛 谁干的好谁来 ZhangHong:There was no threshold who stem of good who will


This is actually a professional person to do professional live,More market to solve the problem,Have net friend say its travel to learn,Open the door to do its put forward its,General director also said that open the door to do day television gala,There was no threshold,Who did well who will.The ministry of railways this time travel,Whether the more than 300 million system for air conditioning two all stop off,Still later brush ticket software/Rob ticket software, etc,Or the whole event after now,Actually all show a question,Is that we face this thing is to refuse,Forbid you to do that,But, in turn, is better.Since you did better than I,Then we will give the life to you to do,Or we draw more your experience.Because of this event is now a flat,We must dig a pit yourself,This too hard.


马光远:火车代售不应该有门槛 MaGuangYuan:The train booking should not have threshold


In fact,On the whole social terms,It is a beneficial thinking conversion,And it is a great transformation.If we speak in turn,Our social management purpose is???????We have formulated the end of law is what?In order to make society better,Is to let people more convenient,In order to you can have,If a certain regulations,A kind of administrative license itself seriously affected everyone convenient,Why should we refuse to convenient?So ZhangHong and speak very good,The train booking should not have threshold,Is a very simple behavior,Why do you want to put some of the shop specializing in what?
