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In two more days began to travel,In the forty days,China will have more than 3.4 billion people of people"People in the journey".According to a person to go home a trip to transfer back and forth four car calculation,The equivalent of a population of more than 850 million southeast to northwest big flow.Travel has not started,Train ticket"One ticket is hard to find"Has set up a file in,Such a large population group can get home, New Year's day?The public how many road can go home?

  火车:紧张缓解仍难满足 The train:Stress relief is still difficult to satisfy


This year is the train ticket"One ticket is hard to find",Whether the train home some now?The ministry of railways in transport,Spring Festival this year railway arranged through LinKe train of 450,Take the basic scheme/counterplan/Emergency plan three sets of echelon capacity plan,Plus fixed through bus 2200,Capacity arrangement in the calendar year.Especially because ha big/The opening of jingguang high iron,Increase the transport capacity,hubei/hunan/Henan etc along the ticket nervous area,This strain degree ease.But due to the capacity and demand contradiction between the outstanding,Buy a ticket difficult problem still appear.The railway departments to passengers in the choice of travel time and select the traffic tool in advance to make practical selection and arrangement.

  汽车:一天提供7800万张票 car:One day provide 78 million tickets


Can't buy train ticket,Walk road car sit?According to the traffic department of transportation forecasting,During the Spring Festival period will have 3.14 billion people choose the road trip,Rose 9% year-on-year,Accounted for more than 91% of the total passenger travel.The traffic department of transportation spokesman HeJianZhong analysis,The national highway bus day send 2.6 million divisions,According to the average a car 30 seats/One day run a trip to calculation,One day can be shipped 78 million people,Forty days capable of carrying more than 3.12 billion people of passenger volume,More than predicted passenger demand.In addition,The peak, still can put more 20000 car.


Walk the road vehicle class also improves.The traffic department of transportation travel officials tsai unity introduces to the reporter,In the Spring Festival transportation vehicles from five years ago 700000 cars this year increased to 840000 cars,There are more than 500000 vehicles in is/Senior coach;Highway road also than ever before the the easy.By the end of last year,Our country highway traffic more than 90000 kilometers,The national highway system"Five longitudinal and seven horizontal"National main line has become a national transportation artery.Especially in the past ten years of rural highway in China since the founding of the largest construction,Channel at the same time through bus,Rural road or go.but,Some run rural transport car,Still exist old/old/Broken and overload problem, etc.

  客船:票好买重兵保安全 Passenger ship:Buy ticket heavily secure


Choose sitting passenger ship home go through it?HeJianZhong said,This year the national water Spring Festival has invested more than 13000 ship passenger ship,A trip to run every day can provide more than 70 management.Due to the water transportation is short,A ship can be a day to many times,More than 100 seats, can provide more than,More than 43.08 million people passenger volume forecast,Capacity guaranteed.


Water wind wave high,The traffic department of transportation in the route on the safety line according to the heavily.Transportation salvage system of more than 8000 employees in the coastal waters of busy on duty,May at any time out for rescue.The traffic department of transportation maritime system of more than 30000 employees in the stick to the dock,For each ship security checks,Safety violations,Shall not release;Such as the bad weather,Ship no clearance.

  飞机:运力足防航班延误 The plane:Capacity sufficient prevent delays


Go home by plane?According to the forecast,Spring Festival this year will have 35.5 million people on the plane.Civil aviation administration officials told reporters,In the Spring Festival every day nearly flights,Transport of passengers a day more than 1 million people,Forty days capable of carrying more than 40 million people of passengers,The overall capacity is greater than the passenger demand.But some hot airline ticket in travel peak will be nervous.


Almost every passenger for flight delays and headache.China's civil aviation administration, deputy director of the XiaXingHua said,Civil aviation administration this key implementation of the airport/atc/Airlines flight coordinated decision release mechanism,Improve the bad weather flight release ability.Airlines and airports before the start of the Spring Festival transportation on the plane and various facilities inspected/maintenance,Airport public security and security department strict security measures,To ensure the safety of passenger travel.

  自驾:保路通是重点 drive:The leads is the key


"The Spring Festival holiday highway toll policy implementation from the car,Drive the car home will increase."The traffic department of transportation road transport company priests li gang said.Statistics show that,Up to the end of June 2012,The car up to 114 million vehicles.


"To drive home from the public,The traffic department's primary task is the leads."Li gang said,Highway management departments at all levels to strengthen highway/Bridges and other infrastructure of the patrol/maintenance,Not by the road damage or construction influence highway unblocked;Strengthen the snow removal/Deicing equipment/Materials with,Launched the emergency response plan in accordance with the provisions,Not by the bad weather blocked for a long time;To strengthen the management of highway toll station,Open enough charge crossing,Avoid for toll roads lead to vehicle platoon leader team or traffic congestion phenomenon;Timely issue of meteorological/Such as traffic forecast warning information guide the public to avoid bad day trip.
