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春节抢机票小心上当 专家揭示五大骗术提醒旅客--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

  武汉晨报讯(记者贾蓓 通讯员杨勇)距离春节只有不到两周时间了,这几天,不少没抢到春运火车票的人,只得“转战”民航,希望能买张价格合适的机票回家或出游。记者查询发现,目前,除夕当天武汉飞往各地的机票仍有剩余,其中往哈尔滨、福州方向仅有少量余票,且基本为全价,往北京、上海、广州等方向则有大量特价票,有的甚至低至1折,往昆明、成都等方向则能买到6折左右的机票。

Wuhan morning news(Reporter JiaBei YangYong correspondent)The Spring Festival distance less than two weeks time,These days,Many didn't get the travel of train tickets,Had to"fought"Civil aviation,I wish I could buy tickets for the right price ticket home or travel.Reporter inquires the found,At present,On New Year's eve to wuhan all ticket still have the rest,Which went to Harbin/Fuzhou direction more than only a ticket,And basic for full price,To Beijing/Shanghai/Guangzhou direction have a large number of special ticket,Some even as low as 1 fold,To kunming/Chengdu and other direction is to buy 6 fold the left and right sides ticket.


but,Whether you want to buy which airline ticket,In the trip of the season,Be very careful ticket fraud.According to the China air transport association survey,Has the ability to commerce business license and professional qualification authentication of the normal ticket DaiShouDian,Only accounts for 1/10 of all DaiShouDian,and,With the popularity of online booking,Through the site for the ticket fraud case also common occurance.therefore,Electronic ticket experts for you reveal several common fraud trap,And teach you how to completely prevent/Safety tickets.


 骗术一:通过ATM机骗取订票费用 Legerdemain one:Through the ATM machine diddle booking fee


Ms. Chen through the search engine,Find a ticket sales site,Fill in the booking information,A purported guangzhou Asian airline employees of women,Ms. Chen through the phone,Inform the ticket has been successfully order,And ask ms. Chen for remittance.finally,Each other to say,To return the first pen ticket money,Let ms. Chen took the bank card to receive ATM machine.so,Ms. Chen according to the instructions of the other party,In the ATM machine operation step by step,When the other party told her input"Refund code"when,Ms. Chen obediently press 03456789,then,Her on the bank card 30000 yuan deposit instantly turned to the other account.Ms. Chen ZhaXunKa in balance,Just know be deceived.


[Prevention method]


Generally speaking,Tight on the website will be published at a low price,Induced consumers to buy the ticket,Then through the consumer retained information,In a variety of ways to draw customers to the ATM machine transfer.Ctrip ticket experts remind consumers,The airline's pay for online payment and payment by phone,As long as it is for the customer USES a bank to remit money to bank account directly,Mostly black agency.When people buy the ticket to try to choose well-known ticket booking channels.


骗术二:改签机票也被骗 Legerdemain 2:Endorse the ticket was also cheat

  刘先生订购机票后,由于行程变更,上网搜索航空公司客服电话,并拨打搜索到的"400"开头的电话号码办理改签。接电话的男子自称客服,他详细询问了刘先生的身份及机票信息后,表示改签机票需再补差价,并嘱咐刘先生到ATM机转账。在输入了对方提供的所谓"航空公司"账号后,男子要求刘先生输入以"29"开头的六位数字 "代码"。然而,完成一切操作后,刘先生发现,不但机票退改签没有成功,之前的客服电话也无法打通了。刘先生到银行查询才发现,自己银行卡里近20万元存款已不翼而飞。

Mr. Liu order the tickets,Because of changes,The Internet search airlines customer service telephone,And call to search"400"Beginning with the telephone number of the upgrade.Pick up the telephone man claiming to customer service,He ask for details of the Mr. Liu's identity and ticket information,Said ticket need to endorse the difference,Liu and charged to the ATM machine transfer.The input of the other to provide a so-called "airlines" after the account,Man liu requirements input"and"The beginning of six figures "code".however,Complete all operations,Mr. Liu found,Not only the ticket back upgrade without success,Before the customer service telephone also can't get through the.Mr. Liu to bank inquires the found,His bank card nearly 200000 yuan deposit gone.


[Prevention method]


On the Internet,Through the search engine inquires the phone while convenient,But all is not true.The expert reminds,Recently the ticket fraud trap is no longer so obvious,But set in consumer easy to ignore the place.If you want to refund or endorsed to the consumer,Must call the airline's official customer service telephone,If in the normal ticket sales channels,The attachment can be consulting agency,Don't believe that silly customer service telephone.


骗术三:通过山寨网站骗取订票费用 Legerdemain 3:Through the stronghold website diddle booking fee


Ms. Zhang for travel needs,Through the search engine search to a"Join into the net",Found that hangzhou to urumqi flight ticket is on sale,Only 1410 yuan,Nearly 2000 yuan more than the market price is much lower.Website requirements through the net of the transfer payment to the issuer.Ms. Zhang payment but have not received any further information,It found that swindled.


[Prevention method]


The stronghold website usually do at least home page and airlines similar's official website,Let the consumer is difficult to distinguish,Just point to open after the link,Might use remind or other ways,Will consumers into ATM fraud.Experts remind consumers,Mainly through fortress website search engine appeared,Due to the stronghold sites may through the purchasing tourist keyword advertising and search engine optimization increase exposure rate,So may also in the search rankings in the front,Because this consumer is when buying tickets must pay attention to identify the official web site.


骗术四:通过假行程单骗取费用 Legerdemain 4:Through the false itinerary diddle cost


Xiao li in a website to buy a direct flight to Beijing full price tickets,Payment itinerary shown on the ticket price for full price.Then xiao li because of change,Call the airline ticket upgrade requirements,But was told that he actually buy is low ticket,Ticket sold only three fold,And such ticket"Shall not change/Not endorsement".The worst is that,When xiao li to the unit when financial reimbursement,Financial did not agree,Because financial in the validation of the itinerary XinTianYou website can't find to meet the requirements of document information.


[Prevention method]


Why the ticket can be used,Itinerary is false?This is because part of the agent in order to obtain more benefits,Used false itinerary way to modify the ticket price,Such as agent for the cost of the passengers full price,But in the formal channels such as electronic ticket purchase at a low price.Due to the low price ticket back upgrade strictly,This can cause although consumer can smooth boarding,But if temporary want to upgrade,It is possible to unable to upgrade and must be the new tickets.And itinerary is false,Nature also cannot submit an expense account smoothly.


The expert reminds,The ticket agent must have[The ticket agent sales business licenses]Issued by the ministry of commerce and business license,Can I get a ticket and print itinerary,Consumers should pay attention to identify.


骗术五:贩卖特殊客票骗取差价费用 Legerdemain five:Selling special ticket diddle spread cost


Ms xu due to the Spring Festival transportation ticket nervous,Through the drive around a agent to buy the ticket,Payment made itinerary also seemingly normal.but,When she arrived at the airport to the boarding pass after check in,Staff told her,She buy is army residual ticket,Need to show your army residual card to normal flight.Many female morale to complain on the spot,But after the verification that many women,Her hands ticket actually really is army residual ticket,And the agent shall the general ticket sold her the way.finally,Many women in the ticket office to buy full fare to boarding.


[Prevention method]


According to the regulation,Army residual/P residual and other special passenger can enjoy the special discount ticket,But must have the official proof of identity to boarding,And only for a few specified agency can buy.Part of the black agency by incentive,May be that no discount,The general residual ticket to full fare price sold to consumers,In the period of ticket tension is most likely to happen.Experts remind consumers,When the Spring Festival to buy ticket,Once I buy ticket out of the question,Loss small things,Delay stroke things big.so,Expert advice,Must through formal official tickets sales channels,Just in case.
