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市旅游局发布春节出行警示 自驾游要注意雾霾--亲稳网络舆情监控室

  蛇年春节马上就来了,很多市民已经按捺不住,除了回家探亲 ,不少市民开始盘算着旅游的路线,要么跟个团,或者自驾游,让紧张一年的心情好好放松放松。春节出游应注意什么?28日,市旅游局发布2013年春节黄金周出行警示,供市民参考。同时,市旅游监察大队24小时受理旅游投诉,电话12301。

The year of snake Spring Festival will be here soon,A lot of citizens have jump the gun,In addition to go home to visit ,Many people began to wonder tourism route,Or with a group,Or leading,Let the tension one year mood to relax.The Spring Festival travel should pay attention to?And,,City tourism bureau issued 2013 Spring Festival golden week travel warning,For public reference.At the same time,City tourism inspection team 24 hours accepts the tourism complaints,Call 12301.


Outbound tourism first look at the travel agency qualification


Travel agency business for the implementation of administrative licensing system,Tourists visit the organization overseas tour must have outbound tourism business qualification.During the Spring Festival, many people choose Europe and the United States/Southeast Asia, and other countries to travel,In when signing up to pay attention to ask/Check travel agency business qualification,Avoid disputes.


see"Low group of"Don't fuzzy eyes

  春节期间 ,许多旅游企业都对相关路线进行诱人的广告宣传。个别旅行社为抢占市场,拿出“低价团款”当噱头,但是在行程中,加入了另行付费的旅游项目或购物场所,对此游客要理性看待。

During the Spring Festival ,Many tourist enterprise all the relevant route attractive advertising.Individual travel agency for seizes the market,out"Low group of"When stunt,But in the trip,Join the further pay tourism projects or shopping places,Visitors to this rational view.


After consultation with the tourism products,Careful inquiry"Group composition of/Further pay project/Shopping arrangement", etc,Objective evaluation expected consumption amount.


With a tourist group contract details to talk about good


Tourists in the former group,To sign the contract with the travel agency tourism and read the contents of the contract,Comprehensive clear DeJieShe related information/Stroke sequence/Board site standard/The unified arrangement of the sightseeing tour time,And due to the force majeure cause loss bear, etc.


In addition,Visitors to travel abroad when family group,For individual workers have been denied after"Whether the contract is change/Loss how to bear"problems,With the travel agency contract clearly.


Don't play the first let the thief stretch hand a thief


Large passenger flow during the Spring Festival,Visitors enjoy the vacation,Must keep cash/Mobile phone/Camera, valuables,Don't let the thief have the opportunity to commit crime,Travel agency and the group tour guide to take care the inconvenience take visitors,And placed in the baggage car travel.Visitors on from the hotel/The tourism front should pay attention to look for any items left out in the hotel or the car.


See gold diamond don't couldn't pull legs


From the earlier complaints happen to dispute,Some tourists traveling when shopping,Often impulsive consumption,In the overseas purchase a large amount of gold/diamond/Jade jewelry items, etc,After returning home to know the price expensive,Ask to return money.In addition,Tourists in the shopping to pay attention to keep the invoice and evidence,If visitors have evidence that purchase items are"Fake and inferior commodities",Rights according to law.


Skiing keep distance be careful"crash"


In the winter,Many tourists choose hot springs/Skiing and other recreational projects,But for their potential risk don't understand.On the one hand,The travel agency for detailed told don't fit to participate in the crowd and the matters needing attention;On the other hand,Tourists in before signing up,According to the travel agency asked,Real informed of his physical condition.Especially in snowboarding project,Listen to the guidance of the management personnel,According to the level of their choice of way,And keep the distance between with others,Avoid accident.


Leading to pay more attention to the weather be careful fog haze

  日前,交通部已明确2013年春节期间,全国收费公路免收小型客车通行费,一些游客将选择“自驾游”出行,车辆一多,空气质量会更差,旅游局提醒,游客出行前,务必关注天气预报,尽量避免到雾霾、雨雪等恶劣天气的路途和目的地。记者 王元孔

a,The ministry of communications has clearly in 2013 during the Spring Festival,The toll road toll free mini-bus,Some visitors will choose"leading"travel,Vehicle more than a,Air quality would be even worse,Tourism administration remind,Before the tourists,Be sure to pay attention to the weather forecast,Avoid to fog haze/Rain weather way and destination.Reporter WangYuanKong
