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春运第5日:退票量猛增 关注信息可“捡漏”--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  中新网1月30日电 (财经频道 黄楠)今天是春运第5天,通过互联网购票和电话订票可购买2月18日的车票;车站窗口、代售处、自动售票机可购买2月16日的车票。春运开始以来,退票量猛增,截至29日,仍有约40%通过电话订票的旅客未按时取票。铁路部门建议,没有买到车票的旅客不要盲目候在售票窗口长时间排队等退票,可多关注网上和电话订票寻找机会。

Beijing, jan. 30 (Financial channel HuangNan)Today is the fifth day of Spring Festival,Through the Internet and telephone booking tickets can buy 2 month and day of the ticket;Station window/Booking place/Ticket machine can buy February 16 tickets.Since the start of the Spring Festival,Refund quantity surge,At 29,,Still has some 40% through the telephone booking passenger fails to collect the tickets.Railway department suggests,Did not buy ticket passenger don't blindly wait at the ticket window long time waiting in line for cancellation,Can pay more attention to Internet and telephone booking look for opportunities.


 预售期延长是“退票潮”主因 Open to booking period is extended"Refund tide"cause


According to the ministry of railways news website,On January 29,,Traffic is expected to send 5.25 million people,At present through the telephone booking passengers have 40% fail to collect the tickets on time.According to[People's Daily]29 reported,The ministry of railways transport provide data display,Spring Festival this year before 3 days,The national railway daily accept refund 460000 copies,This not only higher than 2012 railway 229000 zhang's daily amount refunded,Also more than 2012 passengers during railway 250000 zhang's daily amount refunded.


Analysts believe that,This year for the first time open to booking period extended to twenty tiancheng refund spurt main.Open to booking period extend make passenger travel time change chance to increase greatly.Many passengers for work/Life all causes travel time change,Were forced to choose refund.


In addition,People hold"insurance"State of mind repeat booking also led to the increase of the refund.Company staff in order to Mr. Four back to wuhan home ticket,He said to a financial channel,"Bought a 7,A 9 to,I have no idea which day go,Fear can't buy back to buy front."Relevant personage says,Train ticket cancellation charge is only 5% of the nominal money,Here is part of the Spring Festival for train ticket refund tidal stage played an important role.


And for the cattle"Seconds kill refund"(That is the cattle in advance ticket purchase good return,At the same time purchaser seconds kill this ticket.)problem,


Analysts said,"Seconds kill refund"In practice is not so easy,Telephone booking,In addition to the network/window/DaiShouDian etc can rob ticket,Return ticket system,Cattle to through the network to get back a ticket,Little chance.


 关注退票信息可“捡漏” Pay attention to information can be refunded"JianLou"


The ministry of railways website 29 announcement to say,At present through the telephone booking passengers have 40% fail to collect the tickets on time,Exceed the prescribed time collect the tickets,These tickets will be sold to return ticket system,Passengers in daily 14 o 'clock and zero check later.


According to[WCC]29 reported,Railway the personage inside course of study says,Some popular a sleeper train is very tight,But a lot of passengers were in the previous two genius decided to drive a refund,So this time will mostly appeared some refund,Random railway department will refund will be put on the Internet to sell.


At the same time,Passengers should always pay attention to open the station passenger train information,Because the railway department will arrange according to passenger flow capacity,And the direction of tension LinKe will train at any time in the online ticket.


Railway department said,When passengers refund,Which train has returned,The information asymmetry,The railway departments can't master in advance,Therefore, there is no fixed rules.Suggest not to buy ticket passenger don't blindly wait at the ticket window long time waiting in line for cancellation,Might as well to pay more attention to Internet and telephone booking"Chance it",this"percentage"Instead of high.


A financial channel in China railway customer service center(www.12306.cn)found,Web sites have set up special refund zone,Daily 7-23 point for upgrade and refund, etc,To deal with time not later than 2 hours before driving.


网友建议对退票行为设限 Net friend suggest to refund behavior limits


@ kei kei 1982:Cancellation charge lower,As long as 5%,Convenient many people to buy a ticket,Then choose an appropriate time to walk,More convenient cattle tuen ticket refund.


@ # 1 beauty essence:Fares are the 10%,Minimum twenty yuan up charge,But will give this part the money booth to more people to enjoy,Like sro tickets must be reduced to sit ticket 6 fold even 5 fold.

  @蔚蓝天空下简单生活:订票后要在12小时内退票5%手续费,如果超过12小时退票 50%手续费。退的票不能马上进入购票系统,要延迟1小时,防止黄牛倒票。

@ blue sky simple life:After booking in 12 hours refund 5% commission,If more than 12 hours refund 50% commission.Return ticket not immediately enter the negotiating system,To be delayed for 1 hour,Prevent scalpers speculative reselling of tickets.


@ handsome fat dolphin _ xiao Ming:Strongly suggest increase booking credit line.Don't pay for the tickets,The frequent refund to pull to blacklist,Cancel booking qualification.
