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三亚旅游悲惨遭遇视频真相 东北客滋事打民警--亲稳网络舆情监控室

三亚通报游客警察冲突真相 称系游客滋事打民警 Sanya bulletin tourists police conflict truth says system tourists affray dozen police? ?? ?


The south China sea network sanya on February 13 news(The south China sea network reporter MaWeiYuan)recently,A after editing the video[Sanya tourism misery]Circulating on the Internet,To attract a large number of Internet users to watch/transfer,At the same time want to know the truth.On February 13,,Sanya municipal party committee propaganda department/Sanya on the public security bureau to respond,And to the south China sea network reporter provides the scene video and the latest report the results of the survey.Bulletin content as follows:

  2012年12月19日晚22时30分左右,三亚市夏日百货商场门前停车场发生一起寻衅滋事案件。当事人翁志刚和妻子岳丹、李建林和妻子沙志静(系黑龙江省穆棱市人,现住三亚某小区)等4人,因所驾保时捷轿车底盘被水泥块刮蹭,怀疑是停车场保安所为,便恼羞成怒,随手将水泥块一扔,砸坏停在附近的一辆银白色北京现代 小轿车,并将正在附近的三亚市公安局河东分局大东海派出所协勤人员蔡某误当成停车场保安,对其进行拉扯、追打。

December 19, 2012 in late and about 30 points,Sanya summer department store parking lot in front of the case stir-up-trouble case.The parties WengZhiGang and his wife YueDan/LiJianLin and his wife ShaZhiJing(Heilongjiang province is MuLeng city people,Now lives sanya a residential area)4 people,Because a porsche car chassis is concrete ceng scraping,Doubt is the parking lot for security,Will become angry from embarrassment,It will be a concrete cast,Break bad stopped at a nearby a silvery white Beijing modern cars,And will be near the sanya public security bureau police substation dadonghai of frequently personnel tsai a false as parking lot security,The pull/beat.


Tsai a contact dadonghai police station near the patrol team to disposal.When XiaoMou patrol team/Better one on arrival at the site,WengZhiGang, began to lay siege to two patrol team.In conflict,YueDan grabbed the CAI in the hands of a white plastic stick,And violent struck tsai a back and right hand.


And 42 points when,Dadonghai police station and cop(riot)The duty personnel team dadonghai tour reinforcements arrived.In the disposal process,SongLianTao(Jilin province Ming people)/ZhangMingZhi(Tieling city people in liaoning province)Hinder the police/Diligence of the personnel carrying out duties according to the law;SongLianTao attempt to rob duty police wang mou wear pistol,Is wang mou after the notice on the control.And 49 points when,WengMou 4 people were security personnel control back to the public security organs according to law after review.


On December 21,,WengZhiGang etc four people for suspected breach of official crimes by the public security bureau in accordance with the sanya branch of criminal detention.YueDan allegedly deliberately mayhem,Because its are lactation,In accordance with the police to the guarantor pending trial.Sanya by public security judicial authentication center of a CAI/XiaoMou condition appraisal according to law,Tsai a condition to form flesh wound,XiaoMou injuries constitute a minor injury.


On January 24, 2013,Sanya suburban people's procuratorate for suspected to cause trouble/Nuisance official sin,Decided to approval of arrest the criminal suspect WengZhiGang/LiJianLin/SongLianTao/ZhangMingZhi,Now in the custody of sanya house of detention.

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