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  本报讯 (记者陈黎 实习生朱清) 蛇年春节,西安旅游迎来开门红。超过390万游客纷至沓来,同比增幅达到58.2%。春节黄金周我市旅游业总收入超过18亿元,同比增幅达到51.4%。

Report from our correspondent (Reporter ChenLi interns zhu) Snake year Spring Festival,Xi 'an tourism have on the right foot.In more than 3.9 million visitors,The year-on-year growth rate reached 58.2%.The Spring Festival golden week zhuhai tourism income of more than 1.8 billion yuan,The year-on-year growth rate reached 51.4%.


Each big park scenic tourist attraction


This is the most abundant harvest tourism one of the Spring Festival,Zhuhai tourism showing unprecedented hot scene.


The main tourist attractions the number of visitors increase by a wide margin,Qin shi huang DiLing museum received 110000 tourists,Year-on-year growth of nearly 80%;Hua qing pool received 42000 tourists,Year-on-year growth of nearly 50%;In qujiang ocean polar park received 46000 tourists,Year-on-year growth of nearly 90%;Datang lotus garden received 120000 tourists,Year-on-year growth of 190%.Xian qinling wild zoo received 28000 tourists,Growth of 480%.Because a large number of tourists from the way to drive into the city's tourist,Each big scenic spot and the surrounding areas are different degree occurs the parking difficult situation.


Numerous blessing vow/The traditional temple fair activities,Tourists are attracted the important hot spot,Datang west city received 460000 tourists,Daxing good temple received 41400 tourists,Xian museum received 53000 tourists,Include the amphibious received 21000 tourists,Thatched cottage temple received 92000 tourists,Wide kernel temple received 45000 tourists.


Hot spring skiing short swim popular


During the golden week,Building view way culture exhibit received 229900 tourists,DaMingGong national park site received 473900 tourists,The wild goose pagoda leisure culture has received 283500 tourists,City datang received 226500 tourists,QuJiangTang wall ruins park received 149900 tourists,Seoul lake received 195600 tourists,Lintong seismostation tourist resort received 98300 tourists,The north gate of the historical and cultural blocks received 510000 tourists.


Ski resort/Hot springs are also very exciting and popular.the,The blue sky bay sunshine bathing hot spring scenic spots 7 home visitors of nearly 60000 people,White deer villiage/Cui huashan/Fo valley manor, the three big ski resort tourists received more than 50000 people.


Reporters from the city tourism bureau to know,During the Spring Festival this year the weather is better/Highway toll free factors stimulate the visits.At the same time in the golden week ago also elaborate design plan launched five main themes and a Spring Festival events greatly enriched the holiday tourism market supply,Hot Spring Festival/HuaXueJie/winter/Temple fair/will/Garden party/Folk performing arts/Food festival activities colorful."Xi 'an tourism we ten million yuan"/Tickets gift bag delivery activities, let visitors enjoy the huge public preferential benefits,Effectively the gathered popularity.




Xian was a newcomer to the Spring Festival


To the popularity of the top ten cities

  本报讯 (记者陈黎 实习生朱清) 春节黄金周期间,市旅游局通过两大电信运营商向150余万外来游客发送“迎宾短信”。加上各种特色服务和节前的集中宣传,让西安首次跻身2013年春节黄金周旅游人气排行榜,位列“到达人气城市”第9位。

Report from our correspondent (Reporter ChenLi interns zhu) During the Spring Festival golden week,Municipal tourism administration through the two major telecom operators to 150 more than tourists to send"Receiving messages".Add all kinds of characteristic service and preganglionic concentrated propaganda,Let xian was a newcomer to the 2013 Spring Festival golden week travel popularity list,ranked"Popularity to city"ninth.


In China's tourism research institute by yesterday and ctrip issued jointly by the 2013 Spring Festival golden week travel popularity on the list,"Popularity to city"The top ten respectively is Shanghai/Beijing/guangzhou/shenzhen/chengdu/chongqing/sanya/hangzhou/xian/xiamen.


Holiday market brisk buying and selling


Commodity sales reached 9.27 billion yuan

  本报讯 (记者 李媛) 春节期间,我市商品供应充足,服装、珠宝饰品、数码产品成为节日消费的热点商品。据市商务局初步估算,全市实现商品销售额约92.7亿元,同比增长18.6%。

Report from our correspondent (Reporter LiYuan) During the Spring Festival,The goods in abundant supply,clothing/jewelry/Digital products become the focus of festival consumption goods.According to city business bureau preliminary estimate,The realized commodity sales of about 9.27 billion yuan,Year-on-year growth of 18.6%.


During the festival,kaiyuan/The livelihood of the people/Century gold flower/platinum/Parkson and other large stores and vanguard/Everyone is happy and other large supermarket,Average daily passenger flow volume in more than 60000 people.clothing/jewelry/Digital products is the holiday consumption hot commodities,jinde/Nutrition gift/Cosmetic sales growth.According to the statistics,Women's merchandise sales year-on-year growth of 42.6%,Men's clothing merchandise sales year-on-year growth rate of 36.1%,Leather products class year-on-year growth of 29.3%.


According to preliminary estimate,The Spring Festival golden week catering business income of about 760 million yuan,Year-on-year growth of 6.3%.During the festival,The high-grade food consumption fell about 40% year-on-year.Distinctive characteristics of New Year's eve dinner/TuanYuanYan/Good things come to an end together revelry series etc,Popular with customers love.At the same time,Rich in shaanxi province with characteristics of the convenient food variety/quality,Is this year the Spring Festival food consumption of the new luminescent spot,Take-away food consumption year-on-year growth of 30%.In addition,leading/DuanTuYou contributed to the organic food and local characteristics snacks sales.


Average daily 5000 police security and peace

  五个未发生 市民很安心

Five citizens did not happen very at ease

  本报讯 (通讯员张倩 段少伟 记者王涛) 昨日,记者从西安警方了解到,截至大年初六,我市春节期间未发生一起影响社会政治稳定的事件,未发生一起群体性事件,未发生一起有影响的重特大刑事治安案件,未发生一起有影响的重特大安全事故,未发生一起民警违法违纪问题;大唐芙蓉园新春灯会、大唐西市庙会等21场次30.7万群众参加的大型活动安全万无一失。春节期间西安日均5000警力保平安,全市广大市民和中外游客在欢乐祥和的气氛中平安度过了新春佳节。

Report from our correspondent (Correspondent their period of less wei reporter wang tao) yesterday,Reporters from xi 'an police to know,The annual people,Our city has not occurred during the Spring Festival together influence social and political stability of the event,Did not happen together group incidents,Did not happen with great influence on the public security criminal cases,Did not happen with great influence on the safety accident,Police did not happen with illegal discipline problems;Datang lotus garden New Year parade/Datang west city temple fair and so on the 21st session 307000 people attend events safety no risk at all.During the Spring Festival xian daily 5000 police security and peace,The whole city general citizens and tourists in joy and harmony in the atmosphere of peace through the Spring Festival.


During the Spring Festival uncovered a criminal case and up


Lunar New Year's day night,Is theft crime suspect a solution by the public security police arrested on the spot new branches,And deep cut implement theft case 5 up.It is during the Spring Festival DaFangKong xian city public security bureau to deepen a silhouette.


During the Spring Festival,The average daily patrol police out more than 2600/Power control more than 1900,Police in joint logistics/Armed patrols/Undercover investigation/Armed with set up checked posts inventory, etc,Overall increase drum tower square/East, west, four street/The north and the south wild goose pagoda square public gathering places and downtown areas of those have been supervised police,Police are out total last year increased by 71.6% year-on-year,See alarm rate obviously improved.


According to the statistics,Spring Festival holiday,The cracked criminal cases and up,the"Two rob a stolen"Case and the,All kinds of criminal suspects arrested 43,Investigate security case 347,Investigate and punish the illegal staff of 146 people.


The city has not been great fire accident


The city public security/Fire and so on various launching into hotels/Shopping malls/supermarket/Trade market/Tourist attractions such personnel gathered area,In addition to hidden trouble/Fall accident/secure,To carry out comprehensive security hidden danger investigation work,A total of 3279 sites to the security check,Eliminate safety hidden trouble in 487,Rectification within a time limit of 80;The fire officers and soldiers to carry out"Zero YeZha"Special action,For 24 hours on duty,The school/hospital/market/market/Places of public entertainment/Internet cafe/Hotel operators, intensive place as the focal point,Organization forty inspection team,For the 586 units for the comprehensive fire control safety inspection.During the Spring Festival has not occurred in the city to people were killed or injured fire accident.


Police in the city also set fireworks checkpoints forty,Check the retail roadway 1372,Trashed illegal storage shelter for six.At the same time,Check the tourist attractions in 120,Fire safety hidden trouble in more than 30,investigate"Black guide"/"YeDao"More than twenty,Ensure the tourist attractions in the city public security order is good.


Four steps to ensure traffic safety


During the festival,Traffic department according to the flow during the festival/Logistics has increased dramatically,Traffic pressure greater practical,The key to take four measures:One is in the main road and plugging sections inspection counseling,Attracted driving without license/Drunken driving/Overload operation etc. Serious traffic illegal behavior,Try to create safe and orderly travel environment.The second is further traffic channel.In key sections/Site arrangement position in 121,Set up travel inspection station eighteen,Every organization nearly more than 2500 police on duty on the streets,Key to strengthen urban main road/Aloha route/Construction section and tourism scenic area surrounding traffic counseling and order management.The third is the daily organization mobile command vehicle and GPS car inspection,Attracted drunk driving/Illegal activities such as the one overload.The fourth is in and out of mountain pass/The tourist attractions main entrance and exit to set up a 24-hour inspection station,The vehicle for close monitoring.
