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北京朝阳2年将关停打工子弟学校 在校生1.1万人--亲稳网络舆情监测室


区教委表示,这18所学校存安全隐患、教学质量差,一旦正规校具备接收条件,将启动程序 Area education commission said,Those school save safety hidden trouble/Teaching quality is poor,Once the normal school have receiving conditions,Will start programs

  新京报讯 (记者饶沛)记者从昨天举行的朝阳区人代会教育新闻发布会上获悉,朝阳区将在今、明两年内将关停全部18所打工子弟学校,并在城乡接合部新建三所小学、五所幼儿园,并扩大已有学校的接收能力,以应对本地生和打工子弟学生入学高峰。

The Beijing news - (Reporter RaoPei)Reporters from yesterday's chaoyang district national people education press conference that,Chaoyang district will be in today/The next two years will shut down all and the school for children,And in the urban and rural copula new three primary school/Five kindergartens,And expand existing schools receiving ability,In response to the local life and for children of students peak.

关停24所打工子弟学校 京教委承诺 Shut the 24 school for children of Beijing education commission commitment? ?? ?


打工子弟学生1.1万人 11000 students for children


Chaoyang district, deputy director of the education commission LiuLiBin said,In the past six years,The school for children of chaoyang district from 135 to the present and the,School for children by five or six students ten thousand to the current 11000.Combined with the original in regular elementary school for children of the students,Chaoyang district at present about 12500 for children of nearly 90% in the regular primary school reading.


LiuLiBin said,This and the school for children,Plan in this year and next year's two years complete closed,Students in accordance with the procedures turn to near normal school.At present education area is near the school for children of normal school expansion,Once near normal elementary school have receiving conditions,Will start school for children of closing the program.


城乡接合部增小学幼儿园 Urban and rural copula increase primary school kindergarten


Chaoyang district education commission relevant controller introduces,This year,Chaoyang district new primary school degree is obviously higher than that of the kindergarten degree.According to the relevant person in charge of chaoyang district education commission is introduced,Is mainly due to the chaoyang district and even the whole city elementary school entrance peak gradually coming,Education department to prepare in advance degree.At present,In the chaoyang district SuiQian children school-age children has gradually beyond chaoyang census register population of children,And there are still some foreign nationals/Many real estate people,Bigger fluidity,The statistical work for school-age children caused by certain challenges.According to the birth,This year,Chaoyang district, there will be 28000 to 30000 school-age children is coming into the primary school.


In order to more accurate understanding of the admission requirements,Ahead to degree,On January 1st,The opening of the chaoyang district of school-age children collection network,To the sun all school-age children issue,Collected information on May 1 and birth control information,Prepare for the entrance resources.


对话 dialogue

  教委:外来人口聚集区新建扩建学校 Education commission:The floating population accumulation area new school

  朝阳区教委副主任刘丽彬 Chaoyang district, deputy director of the education commission LiuLiBin


The Beijing news:Why two years shut all school for children?


LiuLiBin:This and the school for children have different degree of potential safety problems,And the teaching quality is poorer.


The Beijing news:For children to normal school need to provide a variety of documents,Many migrant workers can't pay together,If you can relax conditions?


LiuLiBin:These documents are migrant workers in Beijing should have,Seen from the actual work,If the document is not complete,May be in violation of family planning,Or not follow my parents come to Beijing.For children in the regular school unwelcome is also a kind of resources occupation,Is it shall be for the migrant,Have a clear policy provisions,So can't relax.


The Beijing news:Many parents care for children to normal after primary school,Can and native joint class,Rather than individual class centralism teaching building?


LiuLiBin:Should realize fusion.Separate are the main reasons why students for children of previous teaching quality is poorer,Learn basic more bad,Some classes even haven't learned,In ordinary class will can't keep up.


The Beijing news:How to let children work smoothly into the normal elementary school?


LiuLiBin:In the urban and rural copula and floating population accumulation area new/Expansion school,Let qualified for children have to learn on.But no qualification for children in primary school/Recruit students,This is mainly the school have interests in it.Some primary school for children not to let the students go to regular school;At the same time also use the social sympathy.


打工子弟校:不可能阻拦学生转学 ZiDiJiao work:Can't stop students transfer

  同心实验学校创办人孙恒 Concentric experimental school SunHeng founder


The Beijing news:Chaoyang district education commission said including your school, the school for children of unsafe?


SunHeng:Our school from eight years ago to the chaoyang district education commission per semester to submit the material,Accept the supervision and chaoyang district education commission,Receive a regular fire/safety/Health inspection,Put forward the opinion of rectification we all serious rectification,Buildings are not dangerous.


The Beijing news:The quality??


SunHeng:School for children of teaching conditions and teachers really couldn't and regular school than.But I think the government and the responsibility of education should be to help us improve.


The Beijing news:The education commission mentioned,Some schools for interest reasons not to let the students attend regular school?


SunHeng:I do not rule out some people started school for children is to earn money,But our school is a public institution was established,For each semester students cost 550 to 600 yuan,Basic on the rent/The teachers' salary,Part as well as reduces poverty students' cost.All of these can be worked it out.


In fact some for children is not willing to go to regular school,Have a plenty of parents do not neat 5 card one,The child couldn't attend regular school;Have a plenty of nearby no regular school,Students to go very far,Security let parents choose home school for children.Parents if you want to transfer,We are impossible to stop it.


举措 measures

  小学今年新增5000学位 Primary school this year increased by 5000 degree

  城乡接合部新建3所小学 Urban and rural copula new 3 primary school


With the advent of the native entrance peak,And the sons JieDouSheng work, such as a large number of enrolling expected,Chaoyang district this year by establishing a new primary and nine construct school/New receiving school expanding class/The school internal potential and so on many measures,The addition of 5000 entrance degree,Alleviate the pressure.


This year will be in the house township and come wide battalion the construction of a construct nine years of school,Square township of this school is expected to have 27 class,Provide about 1180 degree.In addition, chaoyang district, this year also will come wide battalion/FaTou cui city/Beiyuan oca new 3 primary school.


At the same time,Chaoyang district will also be new/The reconstruction and kindergartens,This year it is forecast to rise 2000 into the garden degree,Further received the ability.the,Chaoyang district, this year the new 5 kindergartens are mainly distributed in the population is gathered driving/Little red door/DongBa/GuanZhuang and come wide battalion and urban and rural copula.


 朝阳外国语建来广营分校 Chaoyang foreign language building, come wide battalion

  80中学还计划在南部建分校 80 high school also plans to build branch in the south


Chaoyang district this year will continue to implement the strategy of cooperation and the high quality resources,Introduce new 2 quality school resources,Chaoyang district education commission officials say,"Through this several years of education development,I would now like to in the chaoyang education quality resources and more,The chaoyang foreign language school in the area, the construction plan come wide battalion,In addition a also are under investigation.


According to the southern education resources of relatively weak,This year 80 middle school also plans in the southern area, construction,At present is actively promoting."


In addition,Reporters also learned,80 middle school in the neighboring sunhe areas have set up a KangYing branch/In the cui GeZhuang area established temperature elm river campus,Manager nylon middle school also in constant camping ground leaves area, set up,These nine construct school since last year has officially recruit students/opening.


