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春节火爆“全球购”喜煞国外商家 争抢中国顾客--亲稳舆论引导监测室


In recent years,Chinese consumers in the overseas to create a strong purchasing power,During the Spring Festival Chinese tourists overseas consumption is thriving.Xinhua news agency reporter global survey found,Chinese tourists"Global purchase"In many countries play a stimulate economic/The positive role of the increase of employment,Countries to attract more Chinese consumers to spare no effort.


 海外消费劲爆 Overseas consumption awesome


The national tourism administration of the data display,In Europe, the U.S. and Japan and other countries for outbound tourism in cases,In 2012, the Chinese outbound travel more than 80 million people,Up to 15% of the growth rate has become a global cross-border tourism leader.


The United States[The Washington post]KanWen pointed out that,In 2012, the Chinese overseas spending as much as $85 billion,Equivalent to the global revenue highest enterprise - oil giant exxon mobil company annual sales amount two times.


Singapore tourism board director and chief representative for the greater China region ZhouZhenXing told the xinhua news agency reporters,2011 Chinese tourists per capita in the new spending about $1337(Us $1081),And in 2002 the figure was only $467(Us $377),10 years growth nearly three times.

  泰国智库开泰研究中心的研究报告表明,如今中国游客消费水平提高,在泰国旅游的日均消费已达到4600泰铢 (约合154美元)。泰国国家旅游局预计,今年约10万名中国内地和香港游客到泰国过大年,为当地带来1.4亿美元旅游收入。韩国旅游部门也预计,春季期间有6.3万名中国游客到访。

Thailand think-tank kaitai research center's research report shows that,Now Chinese tourists increase the level of consumption,The average daily consumption in Thailand tourism has reached 4600 baht (Us $154).Thailand is expected to the national tourism administration,This year, about 100000 Chinese mainland and Hong Kong visitors to Thailand a great year,Bring us $140 million for the local tourist income.South Korea tourism department also expected,During the spring of 63000 Chinese visitors.


As Canada become Chinese tourists outbound tourism destination,Holidays to add more and more Chinese tourists,To local businesses to bring the opportunity.Vancouver airport duty free shop management personnel of the xinhua news agency said,In the past two years,Including the Spring Festival/The May Day holiday, HeGuoQing Chinese tourists spending holidays about of the duty free shop sales throughout the year of nearly twenty percent.


 争抢中国顾客 For Chinese customers


Overseas consumption of Chinese tourists bring huge business opportunities,For that various countries.

  在美国弗吉尼亚州一家奥特莱斯购物广场,为迎接中国游客到来,这里的服务中心特意提前告知所有店家从2月10日至24日(农历初一到十五)为中国游客做好促销提示,有些店家还在门口用汉语写着 “金蛇贺喜”、“蛇年春节快乐”的告示牌。该购物广场蔻驰女包旗舰店的中文导购黄女士告诉记者,近两年来,中国顾客已成为这家店的主要买家,占到每天销售额的三四成以上。虽然已配有两名中文导购,但有时候仍然忙不过来。为满足中国消费者的需求,今年还新开了一家蔻驰男包旗舰店,并聘请了两位大学毕业、会讲中文的导购。

In the United States Virginia a outlets shopping plaza,For the Chinese tourists arrival,The service center have informed all the stores from February 10 to 24(The eve of the lunar New Year to 15)For Chinese tourists do promotion tip,Some stores also in the doorway in Chinese writing "JinShe congratulations"/"The year of snake happy Spring Festival"sign.The shopping square Kou chi female bag flagship store Chinese promotions specialist ms wong told reporters,In the past two years,Chinese customers has become the main buyers the shop,Sales accounted for more than three or four into every day.Although it is equipped with two Chinese promotions specialist,But sometimes still busy.In order to meet the needs of Chinese consumers,This year also opened a new Kou chi men's bags flagship store,And hired two graduated from the university/Can speak Chinese promotions specialist.


In order to better receive Chinese tourists,Vancouver airport duty free shop usually do some special preparation,Such as holiday peak before the arrival of the goods ready to enough sell like hot cakes;According to the different festivals,In the store set up different theme features food taste the free activities.


In Russia,A few businessmen allows the use of unionpay card big-ticket purchases,A few businessmen employ understand Chinese locals or Chinese when shopping guide.By the famous red square in Moscow, state department stores began appearing in Chinese mark.In addition,Many local restaurants already use Chinese menu,Can speak Chinese local tour guide is becoming more and more popular,Pay more and more high.
