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On January 22, 2013,Beijing tourism industry association branch of travel agency at will,Decided to set up"Legal rights group",Cyts Tours and the/Chinese women's travel agency/Environmental CITS three vice-chairman unit lead.On February 4 in the afternoon,Travel club"Legal rights group"Convened the first plenary meeting,Declare the capital tourism industry first"Legal rights groups"Formally established!
Travel agency shall set up a branch"Legal rights group"News is revealed from the whole industry generally welcome and praise.In addition to the three lead enterprise,CITS principal office/Travel services/The letter tourism/We travel/North QingLv/Peace CITS/Citic tourism company/New day not/Wing on travel agencies such as the general manager of the CST or designation of the competent quality complaints and legal things executives attended the meeting.This 12 travel agencies are the industry well-known enterprises,Has the important influence,And has a wide range of representative,Both to main wholesale business of travel agencies,And have to travel retail business primarily;Both the large state-owned enterprise groups,Also have private enterprise/The foreign capital enterprise and JiaoOuXian travel service enterprise,As the first into the"Legal rights group"Travel agency,Will offer the capital travel service industry.
Founding conference by the Beijing tourism industry association secretary general wang LAN host travel club,Travel club vice President/"Legal rights group"convener/The environment not ZhongHui President said:"Legal rights group"Will strive to become the competent industrial department assistant and travel agency enterprise helper;Will be devoted to protect tourists' rights and interests and reasonable travel agency enterprise legal rights;Will actively guided the tourists rational rights,In order to promote travel agency enterprise to promote the service quality,Promote travel agency enterprise raise the level of management as our duty;Will be in the travel agency industry in building learning platform and the cooperation platform;Will be open/harmonious/Adhere to the/To compromise as a concept.therefore,We will gradually improve the mechanism,Such as:A travel agency boundary area county National People's Congress/LianLaoZu political consultative conference (CPPCC);Practical training in order to improve the legal consciousness;Timely organization meeting and ZiXunRi;Tourism industry chain downstream dispute typical cases as a breakthrough rights;Communication normalization in order to share information and specific measures.Caused the delegates wide resonance.Chinese women's travel agency ZhengYuFang general manager said:To actively contribute to"Tourism court"established,To make the judge understand tourism industry,Have the resources must be out.Beijing tourism industry association of legal team to king lawyer/Deputy head LiChuan lawyers from judicial point of view, the most constructive Suggestions.
"Legal rights group"The establishment of China's tourism association by the attention,China tourism association/The China travel service association secretary general JiangJi kang personally and addressed the meeting."Legal rights group"The establishment of the LvYouWei got Beijing and Beijing tourism industry association's full support,Beijing tourism industry association secretary general xu wei on behalf of the city LvYouWei leadership and city tourist association released to force congratulation,And the next step"Legal rights group"How to better carry out work puts forward specific requirements.The city LvYouWei related person in charge of the unit,Beijing tourism ZhiJianSuo ZhuYi director,Beijing tourism law enforcement team vice captain Yang quan also to congratulate and published the opinions.
On the day of the meeting was established,YangJianYing/LiGuang/Li Juan/ZhaoHuai such as/Road vibration often/ZhuXiaoYun/LiuJingKui/Liu for travel agencies such as representative and association leadership around[Dongcheng district people's court on the establishment of tourism court's proposal]For project launched a very heated discussion.We confide heart/brainstorm/Suggestions,In order to promote"Tourism court"Early project success offers many valuable project basis and a material.
- 中瑞签署交通运输合作谅解备忘录-2013年05月新闻-中华人民共和国--亲民维稳
- 快递服务多环节战略合作协议签订-2013年05月新闻-中华人民共和国--亲民维稳
- 潜水打捞协会5年培训5900余名专业人员-2013年05月新闻-中华人民--亲民维稳
- 冯正霖与交通建设企业代表座谈筹融资工作-2013年05月新闻-中华人--亲稳网络
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- 中国交通报社与部职业资格中心启动战略合作-2013年05月新闻-中华--亲稳舆论
- 河北“七公开”经验全国推广 -2013年05月新闻-中华人民共和国交--亲稳网络
- 宁杭、杭甬高铁试运行 长三角高铁网初步形成-2013年05月新闻-中--亲稳网络
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