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山东斗羊闹庙会撞伤游客 承办方被判赔3000余元--亲稳网络舆情监控室
Shandong jining a company to undertake a cultural temple fair.meanwhile,Citizens wang mou tickets into the temple fair play.Wang mou in play in the process,Cold a sheep rushed up from behind,Will be defenseless wang mou head fell to the ground.Sudden attack by,Together with older,Wang mou fell after the shock,Was sent to the hospital first aid.
Later learned that,The temple fair on the bucket sheep performance,The organizers will raise no shelter,But simply tied to a post.Due to not strong,Add bucket sheep's tempestuous,The sheep from the rope to the crowd,Cause wang mou injury.
The hospital diagnosis,Wang mou condition for facial skin bruises,Skull mild concussion injury,Right neck sprain.after,Wang mou repeatedly find relatives held temple fair company consultation,Request the company did not pay for the medical treatment cost/Transportation expenses,But the company refused to bear,Wang mou had to the other party to the court.
Jining city people's court will think,The lawful rights and interests of citizens are protected by law.Wang mou as consumers to the organization's temple fair play,The defendant should fulfill the obligation of protecting wang mou life and health.Due to the temple fair on the bucket sheep not toggle,The wang mou was hurt by a car,The defendant should compensate the loss of wang mou.According to,The court of first instance ordered by the temple fair compensation for medical treatment of wang mou hold/Transportation and total more than 3000 yuan.
市中区法院民二庭庭长李灿民庭后表示,从事住宿、餐饮、娱乐等经营活动或者其他社会活动的自然人、法人、其他组织,在搞好活动的同时,尤其要注意做好安全保障工作;未尽合理限度范围内的安全保障义务,致使顾客或他人遭受人身损害,受害者有权请求给予赔偿。(吴允波 李静)
Leshan city court judges said after MinErTing coastal civil court,Engaged in accommodation/catering/Entertainment business activities or other social activities of the natural person/Legal person/Other organizations,At the same time do a good job in the activities,Especially pay attention to safety work;Not completely reasonable limit within the scope of the security obligation,The customer suffers from a personal injury or others,The victim shall have the right to request compensation.(WuYunBo li)
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