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国民旅游休闲纲要:2020落实带薪休假 打击宰客--亲稳舆论引导监测室
国民旅游休闲纲要 重点落实带薪休假收起 The national tourism leisure outline key implement paid vacation pack up
本报讯 中国政府网昨天发布《国务院办公厅关于印发国民旅游休闲纲要(2013—2020年)的通知》,《纲要》把带薪休假作为一个核心的关键词提出来,对职工带薪休假制度的落实提出明确目标。
Report from our correspondent and the Chinese government released yesterday[The general office of the state council on printing and distributing the outline of the national tourism leisure(2013-2020)notice],[outline]The paid vacation as a core of key words out,To the worker paid vacation system put forward the implementation of specific goals.
[outline]Put forward,Actively carry out the tourism and leisure activities create convenient conditions,Continuously promote national tourism leisure scale and improve the quality,Improving the quality of life.By 2020,The worker system of annual vacation with pay basic implemented,Urban and rural resident travel leisure consumption level growth,health/civilization/Environmental tourism leisure idea become the consensus of the whole society,The national tourism leisure quality improved significantly,And a well-off social adaptation of the modern national tourism leisure system basically completed.
[outline]Puts forward security of the national tourism leisure time,implement[Regulations on paid annual leave for employees].Encourage institutions/group/Enterprises and institutions guide worker agile arrange annual vacation time,Perfect for people-run non-enterprise units/Have hired worker individual and industrial and commercial door, and other units of the worker leave security measures.To strengthen the implementation of annual vacation with pay the supervision and inspection,Strengthen staff rest rights of legal aid.
问题1 Question 1
带薪休假能带来哪些好处? Paid vacation can bring the benefits?
年增3亿游客为黄金周减压 Increase in 300 million visitors for the golden week reduced pressure
China's tourism research institute President dai bin said,[outline]The paid vacation as a core of key words out,Maximum solve the leisure tourism a time constraint problem.Travel and leisure in the most basic condition is to have spare cash/There's.If paid vacation be implemented,Will undoubtedly make national leisure time more abundant,Travel time control more freedom,Make the tourism economic environment more stable operation.From the tourists' consumption to see,A Spring Festival golden week this year the national 200 million passengers travel,To realize tourism income is 117 billion yuan.As per person per year in ten days paid vacation time,Throughout the year is equivalent to increased 1.5 golden week,Conservative is expected to carry out after the paid vacation,At least 300 million people a year increased travel,This brings about tourism consumption inestimable.
"Golden week"Leave a impression is crowded scenic spot,Waste the land.this,Tourism research center of Chinese academy of LiuSiMin special researcher said,People travel to demand increases year by year,But with the current holiday arrangement to see,You can only travel concentration,Like stage"The flood"The same tilt to all over the country.Paid vacation system if implement,Holiday structure will change radically,Tourism consumption can release more reasonable,To alleviate the golden week holiday and small pressure,Improve tourism service/Travel quality to have the help very much.
问题2 Question 2
实现目标为何还要7年? Achieve the goal why 7 years?
7年准备时间折射现实困难 Seven years preparation time refraction practical difficulties
Put forward the eighteenth big reports,In 2020, realize the comprehensive well-off society in the grand goal.[outline]Put forward,By 2020 the national tourism leisure quality improved significantly,And a well-off social adaptation of the modern national tourism leisure system basically completed.
Use the law to safeguard citizen rights rest has become a worldwide trend.Such as Finland the government requires employers to provide additional holiday allowance.Our country in 1994 published[Labor law]Also specified,A worker who has worked for more than one year,Enjoy the paid vacation.According to the effect[Regulations on paid annual leave for employees],Each year in the workplace paid vacation days in five days to 15 days.But in reality the system has not been fully implement.The unit leadership don't pay attention to,Work professional and strong and serious lack of people,[regulations]There are no responsibility aspects clause,To not leave compensation for not included in the budget and can't really implemented a series of problem solving is yet to be.
China tourism association leisure vacation club secretary general WeiXiaoAn said,The development goals set in 2020,From the side reflect implement paid vacation difficult situation.The first is to change people's idea,Now generally still are"First production,Life after",Enterprise leadership also worry that the staff went out to play,Productivity will drop.And paid vacation advocate is a kind of leisure life state.From the fact,During the implementation of a foreign company to do the best,Because enterprise culture is the western countries lay particular stress on the concept of leisure;Followed by state-owned enterprises,After all, from the capital/Standardization degree/In terms of scale state-owned enterprises in the implementation are up"backing";And mobility the largest is the private companies,Paid vacation means that the increased cost of production,This for many small businesses, it's very hard to carry out.
问题3 Question 3
实行计件工资如何带薪休假? How to implement incentive wage paid vacation?
出台处罚细则增加法定假日 Penalty rules on increasing statutory holiday
China labor to pay professional committee standing director lu well sea is introduced,Although the workers to leave the problem in labor arbitration and litigation is not much,But the fact is that workers in the violations are by many.He explained,The worker system of annual vacation with pay in piecework wages and performance salary in the small and medium-sized enterprises,At present to carry out the situation is not good.Because of this system makes the relevant enterprises and individual economic interests may also get a certain influence,So the enthusiasm is not high also.The government is also hard to hard for those piecework wage enterprise,Employees must be given during the vacation and work in exactly the same wages.so,To create a more strict and meticulous punishment measures,Implementation means more tough inspection measures,Further clear worker report way,Will is the relevant departments under the state council to strengthen the implementation of the new regulations of the main measures.
Lu well sea Suggestions,Our country should further revised labor law,and[Regulations on paid annual leave for employees]To improve the legal height,For its implementation will have more help.
Lu well sea is put forward,At present some not yet fully enjoy the paid annual leave worker complaints,In fact and at present our country legal holiday less total number,The worker is hard to get enough vacation time related.He suggested that the relevant departments should walk on two legs,On the one hand vigorously promotes on paid annual leave for employees to the implementation of the system,On the other hand, it can increase the total number of statutory holidays measures to better safeguard the worker rights.
本报记者田虎 孙乾赵 鹏张灵
Our reporter TianHu SunQian zhao peng zhang ling
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