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海外华人博物馆办春节活动 世界感受华人文化--亲稳网络舆情监控室
In recent days,The museum of Chinese in America, in New York held a series of snake year Spring Festival activities,The collection of cultural relics exhibition attracted many people come for visit.Many viewers wonder early experience of the overseas Chinese,Their immortal footprint in American history.The world know Chinese history and the status quo,Owes much to the overseas Chinese museum guide and propaganda.
华人博物馆有20座 The museum of Chinese have 20 seats
Museum of overseas Chinese is often located in overseas Chinese communities,To preserve the legacy methods such as historical cultural relics,The collection and recovery of overseas Chinese in the early unusual experiences and memories.According to incomplete statistics,There are eight countries have built museum of Chinese,A total of 20.
In Singapore,Built in 1995 the Chinese pavilion/Ode was built in 2006 China pavilion built in 2008 and Singapore native Chinese museum is important Chinese research center in southeast Asia.Malaysia's penang museum devoted to local history and culture of native Chinese.In addition,Asia and Japan kobe overseas Chinese history museum/The Philippines overseas Chinese Anti-Japanese War memorial hall, etc.
The existing four Chinese museum.In John Deere city, built in 1974, Oregon museum of Chinese lead,Manhattan's Chinatown in New York in 1980 set up by the American museum of Chinese largest.Australia's Melbourne sino history museum to become the local tourist attractions.Canadian Chinese military museum/Chinese history museum also has a large popularity in France.
In addition to this,Many overseas Chinese museum also in the positive preparation.Carson city, Nevada, museum of Chinese labor/Canadian railway workers memorial aims to promote the building of the Pacific railway south China university of technology's contribution.
In August last year,Hakka museum ceremony held in Jakarta, Indonesia,As a new museum of Chinese,It will be used to show who lived in ages past hakka literature of cultural relics.
华人助力梦想成真 Chinese help dreams come true
Talk about why founded the museum of Chinese in America,Director li Mr Swan said,In the 70 s,Chinatown of new immigrants,The Chinatown outward development constantly,At the same time also has a lot of old store was torn down,And that is exactly what the older generation of Chinese in the United States directly witness of life.Li heavy popular with his classmates Chen Guowei feel a great responsibility,Therefore decided to set up the museum,And for collecting data and running around.
In addition,Construct platform for overseas Chinese studies was founded one of the motivations of overseas Chinese museum.Since the beginning of the Singapore Chinese clearly"The internationalization"and"younger"To locate,Objective is to become a leading Chinese overseas research center,The values of Chinese culture and carry forward the Chinese community groups.
The setting and maintenance of the museum of Chinese overseas without Chinese community/Community and local government support and so on various aspects.In 1984,,Australia's Victoria communities' push government allocated 240000 yuan,And formally completed the following year, sino history museum.Museum of raising fund part of the state is responsible for the routine back,The rest by local nation fundraising.
In 1989 San Francisco earthquake,Meihua history museum foundation a serious rift in San Francisco,Must be reinforced to use.In the Chinese city council urged and support,The city government agreed to $800000.Chinese historical society used the money for the internal repair,Leaving it to reopen.
世界感受华人文化 The world feel the Chinese culture
The overseas Chinese museum records the migrating Chinese people to experience for hundreds of years,Reflects the Chinese people living/The home business difficult course,Carrying the history of the Chinese heavy sentiment,For visiting Chinese,Has a profound education significance.
Since the opening,Meihua history museum has a multitude of San Francisco,There are the older generation of Chinese,Also has a new generation of Chinese teenagers.In addition,The number of new immigrants.Late us study Chinese expert professor MaiLiQian thought,Besides can let a person remember first overseas Chinese overseas Chinese museum,Can education of contemporary Chinese in America,And enlightenment for their offspring.
Of course,,Museum of Chinese overseas audience also includes a lot of local people and foreign tourists,For the overseas and ethnic Chinese and local people dispel misgivings,Improve the ethnic relationship,Increased Chinese influence has a positive role.Chinese American history museum special exhibition on one side wall wrote,After President Nixon's visit in 1972,China and the United States began to normalization,Chinese social status in the United States also has undergone earth-shaking changes.
now,Increasing the number of overseas Chinese museum,Thanks to the advocacy of racial harmony by many countries/Development of multicultural concept,More important is that they are on the Chinese economy and Chinese spirit power of the recognition and respect.As the rising power of China,Overseas Chinese museum will abroad culture stage blossom a more dazzling brilliance.

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