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Tourism is one of the four pillar industries in Hong Kong.The incident about the reputation of the Hong Kong tourism industry,So the SAR government/Travel industry council/Public opinion is very concerned about.
The incident caused discussion about several aspects of tourism industry in Hong Kong.One of the focus is the failure of the passenger to check-in the hotel,Target of the hotel room is rent to,Highlight the problem of shortage of the Hong Kong tourism reception capacity.According to the statistics,In 2006,,The hotel room number is 47128 in Hong Kong,To 2011,For 63683,Increased by 35.1%.To port passenger trips,In 2006 to 25.25 million,The mainland tourists for 13.59 million;Rose to 41.92 million in 2011,Increased by 66%,Among mainland tourists for 28.1 million,Increased by 106.8%.For a long time,Hong Kong most of the hotel occupancy rate remained at eighty percent above.Every important festivals such as the lunar New Year,Passengers more.From these Numbers are visible,Hong Kong passenger people shock,But the hotel room number and failed to keep pace with growth,This explains why the Hong Kong hotel room price is high for a long time.Some people in order to seize the opportunities brought by travelers,Willing to take risks,The report pointed out that,Doubt someone in management fees cheaper unlicensed guesthouse and so on.
In this,Hong Kong council of social debate whether to need to limit the number of passengers to port,Especially the number of tourists from mainland China.Hong Kong has a opinion,Temporarily should no longer be free to expand and deepen,Until the ability of Hong Kong tourists increased.The chief executive has suggested to the mainland,Shenzhen household register put on hold indefinitely"More than a sign line"To the port of measures.Freedom is of the preferential policies granted by the state to the Hong Kong line policy,however,Hong Kong must timely review of reception capacity,In the hotel/Customs clearance, etc, to make long-term planning.
Another focus is a barrage of Hong Kong tourists in scandal,If there is a regulation problem.The worldcom holiday in group did not confirm whether the hotel has a room,End up group members without the status of the hotel,To blame.In fact,,Worldcom holiday in November 2011 when receive the mainland,Arrange passengers check in kwai chung clock the hotel,Incurring the wrath of the passengers,Because the check in location is not in conformity with the schedule listed three-star hotel.Thus it can be seen,Worldcom holiday should be larger the strength of the inspection.While this event because my teammates alarm to exposure,This begs the question of Hong Kong about regulation of tourism in terms of the ability.
By the travel industry council of Hong Kong tourism complaints handling.Travel industry council is made up of about 1500 members travel agency,The council member of the decision-making body that is mostly travel agency management.At the moment,Tourism in the scandal,The government depend on the travel industry council.This feels the government put the blame on the industry,While the industry is"Each one of their own",The result is not convincing.
In this,The SAR government has decided to set up the tourism authority(Trip to inspect bureau),In a more efficient management of the industry.The government should advice as soon as possible,And established the brigade's plan submitted to the legislative council.Brigade can inspect bureau to the composition of the image of neutrality,Whether to travel agency/Tour guides make more strict regulation,Can supervise the units that violate the rules to make improvement,Whether the punishment repeated violations of the unit,How to make a division of labor with tourism council, etc.,Will be the focus of discussion.

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