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yesterday,The national tourism administration to release new version[Domestic tourism"A day trip"The contract(Demonstrative text)],Is expected to be about"A day trip"Market chaos stem.Demonstrative text clear,To cancel"A day trip"Trip, shopping/Shall be paid projects and free activities.At the same time clearly,Compel or in a disguised manner compel tourists shopping travel agents,Every arrangement or forced,Travel agency should pay to the tourists travel cost 20% of the total penalty due to breach of contract.The contract text around use recommended by the national tourism administration.


亮点1 Window 1

  取消购物、自费项目以及自由活动 Cancel the shopping/Chargeable and free activities


after,At the press of investigations,Shopping is"A day trip"An important part of,Just one day,Tourists have been arrange shopping as many as three or four times,And every time shopping for more than half an hour.At the same time,Restaurants and shopping places the arranged by travel agency,Visitors must pass through shopping to enter the restaurant.so,"A day trip"The schedule of shopping become the focus of tourist complaints.

  对此,国家旅游局表示,低价招徕、行程中加点、强迫购物、收取回扣等是 “一日游”活动中存在的较为普遍且严重影响旅游者利益的问题。为有效维护旅游者的合法权益,结合“一日游”时间短、行程安排紧凑的特点,示范文本没有关于自由活动的规定,也不允许旅行社安排另行付费项目或指定购物场所购物,如果景点本身含购物,旅行社需向旅游者明示。

For this,The national tourism administration said,At a low price to attract/Trip to add some/Forced shopping/Is the kickbacks, etc "A day trip"Activities that exist in the common and serious affect the interests of tourists.To effectively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of tourists,In combination with"A day trip"Time is short/Scheduling the characteristics of the compact,Demonstrative text not on free activities,They are not allowed to be project or the designated place shopping shopping,If the containing shopping attractions itself,Travel agents need to articulate to the tourists.


policy:Travel agents and tour guides/Pilot arrangements for tourists in its designated place to shopping shopping shopping or to visit the disguised form of arrangement(Except express attractions including shopping places, in the contract)the/Compel or in a disguised manner compel tourists shopping,Every arrangement or forced,Travel agency should pay to the tourists travel cost 20% of the total penalty due to breach of contract.Tourists ask to return money,Travel agencies should be from the date of tourists to the delivery of the goods in three days to assume the responsibility that return money.

  亮点2 Highlight 2

  遏制“黑社”“黑导”“黑车”“黑驾” To curb"Black club""Black guide""Black car""The black car"


"Black club"/"Black car"/"Black guide"and"The black car"is"A day trip"The most obvious problem in the market,Passengers complain most is for the big four"black".To these ills,Demonstrative text requires precise travel agency name and license number/The Courier name and the guide number/Transport vehicle license plate number/The name of the driver,And is used without a valid qualification in tourism vehicles/The driver and tour guide,Make the strict liability for breach of contract provisions.


policy:Arrange travel agency not according to contract agreement with valid certificate of tourist traffic/The driver or the Courier,To the tourist refund the paid fees.Travel agencies in violation of the charter tour contract arrangement and car travel,That should be paid to the tourists travel cost 20% of the total penalty due to breach of contract.Tourist asks to cancel the contract before departure,Travel agency shall also be provided with tourist refund the paid fees.


亮点3 Highlight 3

  不可抗力下双方都可解除合同 Under the force majeure both parties can terminate the contract


The national tourism administration said,"A day trip"Trip is relatively simple,Such as force majeure reason not attributable to either party,Easy to cause the contract purpose cannot be achieved.In order to avoid travel to adjust the itinerary/Change the form of a contract damage the legitimate rights and interests of tourists,[Domestic tourism"A day trip"The contract(Demonstrative text)]This result in unable to perform or continue to perform the contract,Contract, both parties may terminate the contract,And based on principles of fair allocation corresponding fees.


In addition,With the[Domestic tourism contract team(Demonstrative text)]Compared to the,"A day trip"Contract demonstration text no matter from the aspects of form or from the aspects of content, simplified,Basic information will be reflected in the form of a table,Is easier to make the tourists be clear at a glance.

  政策:因不可抗力导致合同无法履行或继续履行的,旅行社和旅游者均有权解除合同。未实际发生费用的,旅行社应向旅游者全额退还已付旅游费用;已实际发生费用的,由旅行社与旅游者协商合理分担,剩余费用退还旅游者。晨报记者 吴婷婷

policy:As a result of force majeure unable to perform or continue to perform the contract,Travel agencies and tourists shall be entitled to terminate the contract.Not actual expenses incurred,Travel agency to tourists travel to refund the paid fees;Have actual expenses incurred,Negotiate reasonable share by travel agents and travelers,Remaining fee refund tourists.Morning paper reporter chi-hui feng
