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For some of the interstellar fan and science fiction fans,Private space travel is a distant dream.but,This dream will soon become a reality American millionaire Dennis Tito is planning in the form of personal investment,Will be around two astronauts to Mars.
计划 投资20亿美元,在太空遨游501天 Plans to invest $2 billion,501 days in space
Tito named the plan"Inspiration of Mars",At present,He has gained a lot of people support,Including the baylor college of medicine Johnson crocker, an associate professor who has six as the team doctor aboard the space shuttle(All the way to transport people and goods between the station and means of transportation).Crocker did not disclose too much information,But he told[The independent]reporter,The plan is very serious,But is not"Make a fun"."I can't reveal the specific content of the plan in advance,But I promise this is a plan after a deep research."
According to the plan,Two astronauts will travel 501 days in space.After arriving at the destination,They will be flying around Mars,But not into the orbit of Mars.Due to the Mars landing plan has already been sent back before the large amounts of data,The journey to Mars,From a scientific perspective,There is not a big value.
It is understood,The plan will amount to $1.5 billion to $2 billion(About RMB 9.3 billion to 12.5 billion).but,If the space travel,Will also bring some income for Tito.speculation,He would sell the rights to the broadcast of the television or online media to earn profits,At the same time also to sell to the public dialogue with the astronauts on the space of services separately.
British director at the national institute of aerospace, anu, Mr Ha says,He want to rich lovers together in space,To build a special support fund space travel."The plan for Tito,I feel very excited,This is my childhood dream,We need funds to support these dream."He said,"This is the greatest space travel since the Apollo program project".
Apollo 8 was the first human history"Out of the earth"The manned spacecraft,Apollo 8's destination is the moon,When astronaut after arriving at the destination,Come back to earth's orbit around the moon for 10 turns."The project is unprecedented,It will bear witness to the next‘Apollo moment’,6 days in the Apollo 8 journey is not the same,‘Inspiration of Mars’The astronauts will spend nearly one and a half years in space,Can only go all the way,No retreat."Mr Ha says.
挑战 呆在狭小空间,面临太阳辐射 Challenge to stay in a small space,Facing the sun radiation
"Inspiration of Mars"Plans may be used by space exploration technology company produces the falcon heavy rockets,Produced with the same company"The dragon"spacecraft."The dragon"Shuttle about 14 feet long(About 4.3 meters),About 12 feet wide(About 3.7 meters),At the same time by the"bigelow"Pneumatic components to provide additional living space.In 17 months,Two astronauts will have to stay in a not much bigger than the toilet cabin.From a technical level,They fly back and forth a the orbit around Mars,This means that in addition to go to Mars,It is must to ensure return of fuel,Otherwise the ship will living space.
Than the survival condition of Russia in the near future"Mars - 500"Manned space flight experiment project."Mars - 500"Is an implementation of the simulation experiment in Moscow,Six astronauts simulated rocket launch/Space travel/Arrived at Mars program, etc,In the simulation module lasted 520 days"Return to the earth".
Air at the upcoming conference,Tito and Ryan crocker, a technical paper will be published,Said to be the"The dragon"Capsule for testing.Thesis addressed the issue of cabin facilities,According to"Astronaut's requirements will be to a minimum,Only need to guarantee survival,Such as we won't install bath equipment,On the ship,Sponge baths."
British astronomer royal professor Martin rees said,What will challenge the project from a technical perspective."Travel to Mars travel is much more difficult than the moon,But relative to the Mars landing,Or simple.but,Different from previous projects,‘Inspiration of Mars’Is one of the manned space program,In addition to considering the hardware facilities,How to ensure the astronauts' mental and physical collapse is the biggest challenge."He said.
At the same time,There are other damage also nots allow to ignore.The first is the sun's corona eruption,With high energy particles and rays,This may hurt astronauts.Although in 2018,The sun is in a flat period of sunspot activity,But the corona eruption could still appear,This external damage may even bring death threats.In addition to this,The astronauts may also suffer from claustrophobia.
but,Perhaps they are most worried about is not the problem,But will stay on hold all the day but nothing to do,Only look back at the earth,Looking forward to returning.
[人物介绍] (intro)
他曾是航天局科学家也是首位“自费太空游客” He used to be space agency scientists first"At his own expense space tourist"
August 8, 1940,Born in queens, New York, Dennis,The 73 - year - old.Tito was NASA(The national aeronautics and space administration)One of the scientists,Is now a successful businessman.
In addition to the literary identity space scientists and billionaire,The identity of the better known Tito is the world's first"At his own expense space tourist",In 2001,,He by the Russian federal space agency,Involved in a project space shuttle visiting the international space station,Stayed in space for 7 days 22 hours, 4 minutes,Be the first ordinary people to the international space station through commercial channels.
As a space enthusiasts,People have long believed that Tito has contact with some of the billionaire,The rich man is very interested in space travel,Including the founder Alan musk, space exploration technology company.

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