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台湾“疯”樱花 给台湾旅游业添增新的亮点--亲稳网络舆情监控室
Years later,,Just enter the sakura season in Taiwan,Yangming mountain/alishan/Wuling scenic areas such as the famous cherry blossoms attractions packed,Traffic congestion.The beautiful cherry blossoms warm season report not only the coming of spring,Also a reminder of a special period in Chinese history in Taiwan,The tourism for Taiwan today is smooth new bright spot.
Cherry blossoms are traditional
During the Japanese colonial rule in Taiwan has widely cultivated cherry blossoms,And hold the sakura activities such as cherry blossom season,This activity in 50 years has become Taiwan's traditional preserved.now,Taiwan's biggest every spring cherry blossom season is alishan and yangming mountain.Alishan blossom coated in 3-4 months a year,Yoshino cherry/The yama sakura/Thousand island sakura/Oshima sakura, 18 varieties of cherry blossoms time in full bloom,Cherry blossoms and alishan sunrise/The sea of clouds/sunset/shenmu/Funicular railway and called alishan five big beauty.Only if the mainland tourists to alishan during the cherry blossom season,Recommend the best flowers to alishan for old station police station/Alishan around the hotel/Sisters YingHuaYuan near the pool/Three generations of wood YingHuaYuan nearby.
Best spots in northern Taiwan's yangming mountain,Here is first introduced Japanese cherry blossoms.Every 1 to 2 months,Mountain cherry blossom,3-4 months,Yoshino cherry/Showa sakura light sigh of buds, etc,Coupled with the azaleas/Wild peony/Calla lily/Sage also open,Only the yangming mountain is the perfect time to enjoy flower.
In order to avoid traffic congestion,Many Taipei people also choose to a new city of the north in recent years to enjoy flower,Wulai is the home of hot springs,Is home to a Thai Maya in history,The many varieties of cherry blossoms, too,The yama sakura/Fuji cherry/BaChongYing/Taiwan mountain cherry, etc.,Between April and march in the spring wind of poetic dream come deck.
Cherry blossom belongs to the rosaceae prunus,Japanese cherry tree planted in Taiwan are mostly horticultural varieties,There is eighty percent yoshino cherry,To five petals pink.Taiwan's native species have white festival sakura blossoms/WuShe yama sakura/Alpine white sakura/Bukit asam sakura/Alishan mountain cherry, etc.
Cherry blossoms into a selling point
The Taiwanese have the Midas touch business mind and spirit,Can make a bowl of beef noodles"The international section beef noodles",A piece of pineapple cakes can be made into a big industry,In recent years,The sakura was transformed from a pure spring activity makes the selling point of the new landscape.The cherry blossom is the throng,There is people there is business opportunity,Certain of this,Taiwan from north to south planted on cherry blossoms,Many cherry blossoms site counterpart popularity rises.
For example has become a famous cherry blossoms wuling farm,Set up farm is the place for veterans,In the high mountain orchard/Garden will succeed,Production of agricultural products has become famous brand in Taiwan.But in 1997,To develop sightseeing agriculture farm,Give up income more than nt $1000 a year a vegetable garden,Cherry trees are planted/The plum blossom,Let into the four seasons of flowers have fruit farm leisure attractions,By a simple transformation of agricultural production for the production and tourism together.
Flowering cherry blossoms will also be able to result,There are some fruit can be eaten,The flowers/Can also be processed into pickles.New north city Shi Ding township developed cherry blossoms line,Cherry blossom pink disseminated fine soft in front of the line,Look very cute,Become a new famous places.Because of the cherry trees are planted in recent years,Shi Ding township every holiday will take shuttle bus,Tourists enjoy flower/Buy local produce of package tea and cherry blossoms line,Hing to do but return.Township Shi Ding jumped into the flowers.
"crazy"Sakura buried concern
Every spring,All units"crazy"sakura.At this time,Someone is writing to reflect on Taiwan"herd"The bad habits,People rushed to the cherry blossom trees to the are pointed out,Road congestion,Bursting at the seams,But few people really know Oriental cherry the species,Understand the culture of the cherry blossoms this is fine/mindfulness/Cultivate temperament,The sakura is beautiful/Think about life,Rather than noise/Eat and drink/Going on it,Some even shake YingShu manufacturing scene"Cherry blossom rain"Taking pictures."Everyone's behavior has become a part of the sakura,Many Taiwanese don't realize this",The article says.
Taipei city park service said,In recent years, Taiwan whenever there are planting trees around the demand,Have a special liking to cherry trees,Now a total of 5850 Taipei city park or sidewalk plant cherry trees,About 1000 strains is nearly three years,A quarter of whom are trees.But cherry trees flowering only two weeks,The rest of the time the tree thin,Appearance is not angry,Shading effect is poor,Plus here too,In air pollution is more serious is not suitable for growing in the sidewalk.Yangmingshan park service said,Currently has about 2500 strains on yangming mountain cherry trees,Space has been saturated,Cannot be significantly increased.
Cherry blossoms formed under specific historical conditions of tradition,And city beautification/Combined with the tourism economy,Reflects the wisdom of the people;But everything is too much of a good thing,If the cherry blossoms"crazy"Cause and imitate blindly,Lay concern for ecology and urban construction,That in the near future,People for cherry blossoms"Foot the bill"the.

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