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京沪高铁1等座今年或打折 2等座上座率高不优惠--亲稳舆论引导监测室
新京报讯 (记者刘春瑞 王嘉宁)昨天上午,京沪高铁在运行20个月后,迎来第一亿名乘客。
Beijing - (The reporter LiuChunRui Wang Jianing)Yesterday morning,The beijing-shanghai high-speed railway in 20 months after the operation,With one hundred million passengers.
yesterday,The beijing-shanghai high-speed railway co., LTD general manager xu haifeng got the disclosed,Last year the beijing-shanghai high-speed railway business bridge and special discount after,This year the beijing-shanghai high-speed railway is first class,May also join a discount.
通过实名制找到第1亿名旅客 Find 1 million passengers through the system
Since June 30, 2011, the beijing-shanghai high-speed railway opening,After two months of time,The beijing-shanghai line number send break through one hundred million person-time.
Says Cai Qinghua, chairman of the beijing-shanghai high-speed railway co., LTD,In January this year,The beijing-shanghai high-speed railway transportation capacity than the same period last year increased by 30%,Compared with the same period last year increased by 60% during the Spring Festival.
yesterday,Passenger 1 $amt as lucky to become one of the beijing-shanghai high-speed railway passengers.She got a book[Roaming the beijing-shanghai high-speed railway]Books and the beijing-shanghai high-speed railway passenger breakthrough one hundred million commemorative plate.
Cai Qinghua said,Every day of the beijing-shanghai high-speed railway transportation capacity and amount of the ticket are statistical,Checked the,Buy $1 card on the beijing-shanghai high-speed railway ticket is the passengers,Because of the system,At the station broadcasting in finding it.
旅客发送量为设计一半 Half of the transportation capacity of design
Cai Qinghua said,Since opening the beijing-shanghai high-speed railway,Passenger flow at an average annual rate of 15% to 20%,The beijing-shanghai high-speed railway load factors is 60% to 70% at present,"The transportation capacity is only half the design capacity,There are a lot of room to grow."
yesterday,The beijing-shanghai high-speed railway co., LTD general manager xu haifeng got the disclosed,Company will real-time tracking the rule of passenger travel,Different seasons/time,The beijing-shanghai high-speed railway ticket fare will next take preferential policies.Compared to last year only business bridge and special offers,This year,First class may also be included in the scope of preferential.
Xu haifeng got the said,Because of the beijing-shanghai high-speed railway coach has reached 90%,Not included in the discount range.
At the same time,The beijing-shanghai high-speed railway will open iron silver function and frequent flyer card payment service plan,Travellers to like traveling by plane,Through each time to buy train tickets accumulated points for train tickets and other value-added services.
平民呼声:高铁速度高价位太高 期待淡季能打折
Civilian voices:High-speed rail high speed high prices look forward to off-season discounts
京沪高铁开通一个月后,曾出现了“每趟都有大量余票”,二等座、一等座出现超过70%的剩票,商务座则基本是空凳子。业内人士分析,中国现阶段很多人仍嫌高铁贵。“如果高铁能像民航一样,实行淡季打折,会有更多人愿意乘坐。” 老家在驻马店的张小姐说,“高铁单程一趟就要七八百元,够我买两三张普通列车卧铺票了。”[点击查看详细]
The beijing-shanghai high-speed railway opened a month later,Had appeared"Every trip to have a lot of votes",Second class/First class in more than 70% of tickets left,Business is basic empty stool.The personage inside course of study analysis,At present a lot of people are still too Gao Tiegui in China."If high-speed rail as civil aviation,Practice the off-season discounts,There will be more people willing to take." Miss zhang said their hometown in zhumadian,"High-speed one-way'll 7800 RMB,Enough for me to buy two or three general train berth ticket."[click view detailed]
京沪高铁2012年客票收入超预期 多项成本未明
The beijing-shanghai high-speed railway ticket income more than expected in 2012 a number of costs is unknown
东方早报讯 中国效益最好的一条高铁线路——京沪高铁2012年客票收入超出预期,但何时能打平成本还不明朗。2012年6月底,铁道部在京沪高铁开通一周年时对外宣布,年运送旅客达到5260万人次,但并未披露具体财务数据。财新网援引多名业内人士的话报道称,目前京沪高铁的收入情况"超出预期",在其开通的第一年,收入即可覆盖运营与贷款利息支出,现金流已为正。[点击查看详细]
Oriental morning post - China benefits the best a high-speed lines - the beijing-shanghai high-speed railway ticket income more than expected in 2012,But when can draw with cost is unclear.At the end of June, 2012,Ministry of railways in the beijing-shanghai high-speed railway opened the first anniversary to be announced,Years carrying 52.6 million passengers,But did not disclose the specific financial data.More than caixin quoted insiders as saying,At present the income of the beijing-shanghai high-speed railway"More than expected",In the first year of its opening,Revenue can cover operation and loan payments,Cash flow is positive.[click view detailed]

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