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一日游不得购物 要求明确标注导游证号--亲稳舆论引导监测室
"A day trip"Shall not be arranged designated shopping shopping!Last week,,The national tourism administration and the state administration for industry and commerce jointly issued[Domestic tourism"A day trip"The contract(Demonstrative text)](The abbreviation"A day trip"The contract),specification"A day trip"The market order.Yesterday, reporters learned from by foshan tourism tourism quality supervision,Foshan city each big travel agency has been used is more widely applicable version of the contract of domestic travel in guangdong province,And don't have to"A day trip"Set up a separate contract.Of the responsible person,At present have not received formal notification of guangdong tourism related.
Foshan to each big travel agency"A day trip"The contract text,In the sure"A day trip"Contract for travel agency, liability is more clear. At the same time,Industry part of the contract terms and conditions of the operability are also put forward the objection.
问题一:低价一日游常安排多个购物点 Problem a:A day at the low prices often schedule multiple shopping
Price of economic material benefit of the team,Convenient and quick/Flexible free of the time and way,To make"A day trip"Become a tour in the province,Get the favour of the mass tourists,And become the main way of individual tourism.however,The expansion of the rapid"A day trip"Tourism market also has many problems,Affect the healthy development.Among them,The most prominent/The most common problem is to use low price to attract tourists to travel,Use low price attract tourists tuxedo,Then add in the schedule/Forced shopping/kickback."Now the dozen/Twenty yuan package team for lunch also,If no shopping kickbacks,Must compensate!"Industry insiders said miss li.
Reporter in an interview with group also found,Travel agencies in"A day trip"Shopping trip arrangement is very common,Is often the case,"A day trip"More than one shopping arrangement,Sometimes three or more.And the residence time of every spot in half an hour or more.If the guest don't want to get off shopping sometimes,Tour guide and driver will be.Because some shopping is according to the vehicle number give rebate,If they don't want to into the shopping,The guide will get rebates.
合同新规: Contract of the new rules:
不得安排指定购物点购物 Shall not be arranged designated shopping shopping
"A day trip"In the contract"Special note"Indicate clearly in the:Don't allow to pay separately or in the designated place shopping shopping,If the containing shopping attractions itself,Travel agents need to articulate to the tourists.The contract also calls for travel agencies and tour guides/The driver may not compel or in a disguised manner compel shopping.
In addition,Contract responsibility clear:Travel agents and tour guides/Pilot arrangements for tourists in its designated place to shopping shopping shopping or to visit the disguised form of arrangement(Except express attractions including shopping places, in the contract)the/Compel or in a disguised manner compel tourists shopping,Every arrangement or forced,Travel agency should pay to the tourists travel cost 20% of the total penalty due to breach of contract.Tourists ask to return money,Travel agencies should be from the date of tourists to the delivery of the goods in three days to assume the responsibility that return money.Travel agents and tour guides/The driver arrangement separately pay for projects,Refund the travel agency to tourists pay project price separately.
问题二: Question 2:
旅游旺季“黑导”遍布 The tourist season"Black guide"All over
Foshan guide is not enough to use,Is an indisputable fact.Especially in the summer travel season,Tour guide is not enough phenomenon is more apparent.In order not to influence the group plan,Many have not turned"Black guide""reimbursing",Rush to work.so,Service does not reach the designated position for the trip/Service is not professional,Or harm for tourists.
合同新规: Contract of the new rules:
首次要求明确标注导游证号 Requirements clearly guide number for the first time
In addition to the black lead,Existing in the tourism market"Black club"/"Black car"/"Black guide"and"The black car"Wait for a phenomenon.For this,"A day trip"Contract requires specific travel agency name and license number/The Courier name and the guide number/Transport vehicle license plate number/The name of the driver.
In the"A day trip"Stated in the contract"Arrange travel agency not according to contract agreement with valid certificate of tourist traffic/The driver or the Courier,To the tourist refund the paid fees.If so give tourists from other person/Property damage,Travel agency also should bear the corresponding liability to pay compensation."
问题三: Question 3:
“一日游”游客懒得签合同 "A day trip"Tourists don't sign the contract
Foshan city tourism bureau requires travel agencies in organization at present"A day trip"when,Need to sign a cantonese version with tourists[Domestic tourism contract team].The contract text is more complex,Money is more,Due to the"A day trip"Travel content is simpler,Often only to one or two spots,Some tourists don't sign a contract with travel agency.
合同新规: Contract of the new rules:
简化形式 各款项一目了然 Simplified form the payment clear
"A day trip"The contract and before use[Domestic travel contract team]Compared to the,Both in form and content is simplified,Basic information will be reflected in the form of a table,The rights and obligations with the responsibility to reflect,Simple and practical,Be clear at a glance."Using a table,Easy to tourists before ignored problems have been clarified,As the Courier name/legally/The phone,And scenic spot name/Food standards, etc.,Even the route/Path name, etc.,Visitors see contract will know fairly well."Zen trip Feng Zhiping said vice general manager.
业界声音: The industry voice:
部分条款执行有难度 Some provisions implementation is difficult
"The contract for a regular travel agency,Execution should have no problem,For a small club/Black club for,Impact will be huge."Feng Zhiping said,The contract is rectified current complicated indeed"A day trip"The market in.But some of the proceeds will be difficult to perform the contract.Such as the,The contract calls for route must mention the road name/Through the information such as,"Various road conditions,If you run into a traffic jam or something,Must want to change the route";There are,The contract requires that indicate the use of car license plate number,"Travel agency is based on tuxedo number to arrange vehicles,So during the charge the guest,When signing a contract with a client,Just booked well in advance of vehicle,Early decision vehicle size,Not reality."Feng Zhiping said.
Foshan tourism tourism quality supervision, the officials said,"Expressly prescribed by the contract, such as the attraction itself contains a shopping,Need to articulate to the tourists.What kind of scenic spots belong to include shopping?Selling bottles of water, or sell the ice cream also calculate?May loophole has a scenic area,The appearance of the wrap shopping as a tourist attraction,Let consumers eat YaBaKui."He said,If you want to perform the contract also should be refined.
文/记者 陈钰凤 (来源:广州日报)
Wen/Chen Yufeng journalist (source:Guangzhou daily)
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