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对世界旅游市场贡献率逾7% To the world tourism market has contributed more than 7%
the[The national tourism and leisure programs]After the formal introduction,[supply]Will be issued in this year.[supply]Come on stage,For China's tourism sustained stable development provide strong legal protection.Data display,In 2012, China has reached nearly 3 billion person-time of domestic tourism market scale,First in the world.Number of Chinese outbound tourism is more than 80 million people,Third in the world,Contribution to the world tourism market of more than 7%.
At present,Visitors to China team has more than 100 global tourist destination countries.According to[China's high-end tourism customer behavior study]According to,Europe is rich of choice for outbound travel,54% of the people planning a trip to Europe in the coming year,The second is in North America/South America and Asia,(22%)/19% and 18%.France ranks top shopping destination,Hong Kong, China/Italy/Switzerland/The United States/Britain is also rich people prefer to shopping destination.Rich people favorite island is the maldives,The second is in Hawaii.[The report]Also showed,53% a year, a rich overseas travel of more than 3 times.High-end users without being limited by the time of travel,49% of people will not travel regularly,Many choose to travel during the vacation and New Year holiday is the most time,21% of the people will travel during the Spring Festival,Followed by the annual vacation and summer vacation/National Day holiday.
During the Spring Festival period this year,By tourism exhibition bureau of California/Disneyland/The auspices of the united airlines and other institutions"California one thousand holidays"Project held in full swing,A few trekking routes around 1000 Chinese tourists become the largest 2013 Chinese went to the United States tour.
At the same time,Chinese tourists to Thailand tourism and related industries brought huge income,Drive traffic and/energy/food/Hotel and business related industries,And develop a large job market.Thailand's tourism information display,2011 years to the Thai travel Chinese tourists reached 1.7 million person times,In 2012 to 2012.According to the Thai kaitai research center is expected to research institutions,In 2013, total number of Chinese tourists to Thailand tourism is expected to reach 3.4 million people,Up 21.3% from 2012,Accounts for 14% of the total inbound foreign tourists,The Chinese tourists to Thailand tourism revenue is expected to reach 123 billion baht.
According to the Australian tourism bureau (microblogging) forecast,By 2025,To Chinese tourists will reach 1 million person-time when travelling to Australia.In 2011,,Visitors from China's 540000 people,Up nearly 20% on the previous year,Prompted Australia tourism administration decision,In 2012 ~ 2013) will be on China's tourist market advertising investment increased by 41%.In 4 years,The Australian government will invest $48.5 million m(About 323 million RMB)For research/Promote and expand in Asia especially China's tourism market.
Just play back Chinese tourists from Australia Chen Jing in acceptance[China sankei shimbun]Reporter in an interview,She is the main purpose of the shopping in Australia,Small objects like this country,Like across a wide variety of shops around,Experience different customs.In addition,To visit local attractions/Play to relax/informative.
China's development cannot leave the world,The development of the world needs China.In spite of tourism services trade deficit widening trend,The Chinese government encourages citizens to go abroad will insist on the same outbound tourism policy.Over four years of the international financial crisis and all kinds of emergencies also affected the tourism industry in China,But, in China's economy continues to grow/Social prosperity and stability and pushed by government at all levels attach great importance to factors such as China,China's tourism industry maintained a steady and rapid development momentum,Is become the important supporting power of tourism industry in the world.In the face of China's tourism services trade deficit widening trend,The Chinese government has not change the policy to encourage citizens to go abroad to travel.The Chinese government clearly put forward,To build tourism into a strategic pillar industry of national economy and the modern service industry.

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Hotel is the most amazing bed
Japan in Chinese tourists
By not only mist haze
Mysterious snake culture around the world
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