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低价旅游券暗藏陷阱 福州市民用港澳游赠券被骗--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
南网-海峡都市报 讯(记者 朱丽萍) “中了价值一千多元的港澳旅游券,林小姐原以为天上掉‘馅饼’,没想到是被导游带到香港关起门购物,到澳门逛赌场……”昨日省旅游局转发国家旅游局第5号旅游警示:低价旅游赠券暗藏陷阱。记者调查,福州也有不少市民用港澳旅游券赠券时被骗。
Southern metropolis daily news network - channel(The reporter expo-themed) "In the more than one thousand yuan worth of Hong Kong and macau travel ticket,Miss Lin thought heaven‘pie’,Thought is the guide to Hong Kong shopping closed door,Going to casino to macau……"Yesterday forward national tourism administration, provincial tourism bureau 5 travel warning:Cheap travel coupon hidden traps.Journalists to investigate,Fuzhou when there are many people in Hong Kong and macau travel ticket coupon has been tricked.
【案例】用旅游奖券出游购物满2小时才可自由 [case]With tourist travel shopping with 2 hours free tickets
Miss Lin in a raffle,Price 1750 yuan/person"Double 4, Hong Kong and macau tour"Travel voucher.Tuxedo signing up,After arrived in shenzhen,Guide tip clearance fee 270 yuan per person.Miss Lin found with group of more than 20 tourists all like her,Are obtained by lottery tourism coupons.In Hong Kong,Guide to shopping places are hidden,In the bustling are all mainland tourists.There are security guards at the door,Visitors must buy jewelry,Freedom and around 2 hours should be enough,Meantime snarky endure a tour guide.Visitors fear for safety violations,Were forced to buy the expensive jewelry/watch/Cameras, etc.,Actually more for counterfeit goods.
In macau,The guide again requiring people to pay the $400 tour guide fee,But only to take visitors attended the two casinos don't tickets.Miss Lin to complain to the tourism sector.The basis of,List of travel ticket"Tourism company"There is no,In fact miss Lin the above tour is a tour guide twice charge tips for a total of 670 yuan.
【马上调查】福州不少市民被骗 [Investigation immediately]Many people were tricked into fuzhou
yesterday,The reporter understands from provincial council,In recent years, people use the Hong Kong and macau travel vouchers were tricked into complaints,Also have lot of fuzhou public call our hotline 968111 reflect the use of Hong Kong and Macao vouchers were tricked into experience.the,Fuqing ms xue Hong Kong and macau travel ticket,Took part in 4 days 3 nights Hong Kong and Macao swim,Buy the fake diamond 20000 multivariate/watch.Because the only contact on a travel ticket,Want to rights which she didn't know what to look for the travel agency.
yesterday,Reporters in the input and a number of shopping in taobao site"Hong Kong and macau travel ticket"",Jump out of the hundreds of sales information immediately,Many online stores to sell the original price three thousand yuan of 4 days and 3 nights luxury of Hong Kong and Macao,As long as five yuan to 25 yuan(Between shenzhen and Hong Kong and Macao pass need to care for themselves).A lot of Hong Kong and macau travel ticket,A coupon can go to two people,Package attractions tickets/Food and beverage/Accommodation, car reception service, etc.The seller said that,No forced shopping.
but,Reporter found that,Many travel vouchers for visitors age/Account has asked,Such as do not apply to guangdong/guangxi/hainan/Residents in fujian and other places and foreign staff,Applicable age 26 to 58,Does not comply with the conditions of tuxedo tourists is an extra charge of 500 ~ 1000 yuan per person.
yesterday,The reporter understands from fuzhou, many travel agencies,Currently in fuzhou, capital of Hong Kong and Macao swim pure play 5 quotation in RMB 3500 / person.A few dollars/Dozens of yuan in Hong Kong and Macao swim is zero obvious negative membership fee.Fuzhou a travel agency manager zhang said,Don't ZuTuanShe give DeJieShe expense,DeJieShe can make money,Let visitors guide can afford to buy how much and how many chargeable,After tourists shopping,Guide the kickbacks.Such travel vouchers have age and geographical restrictions,Also depends on their ability to shopping.

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