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香港官方称限购奶粉属不得已行为 日后考虑调整--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

  人民网香港3月7日电 香港特区政府3月1日起实施婴幼儿奶粉限购政策,每名16岁以上人士每日不得携带超过两罐奶粉出境。一度猖獗的往返两地奶粉水客活动近日平静下来,但舆论的争议却愈演愈烈,不少社会名人包括网络红人如潘石屹、李开复等都出来指责香港限购奶粉不合理及处罚过于苛刻。

People's Daily March 7 (xinhua) Hong Kong SAR government in Hong Kong on March 1, implementation of infant milk powder restrictions,Each more than 16 years of age shall not be carried by people daily for more than two cans of milk powder.Once rampant commute powder water guest activity has calmed down,The dispute has intensified,Many social celebrities including online sensations, such as pan shiyi/Kai-fu lee, etc to come out so blamed Hong Kong purchase milk powder is not reasonable and the punishment is too harsh.


Hong Kong's secretary for food and health bureau chief Gao Yongwen to accept an interview with People's Daily online,The resolution policy,And mainland people concern to solve every problem.


对象:限购不得已 非针对内地人 object:Restricted to the mainlanders


One hour of interview,"forced"Is Gao Yongwen stressed words at most.


High forever ',Starting from January this year,Hong Kong started to nervous supply of infant formula.Originally from shenzhen north of the border region,After the water from the north/pink-collar/Spread to the sha tin, yuen long,And then to Kowloon/Hong Kong island,Have local parents find it difficult to buy milk powder.


The government adopted a series of measures to cope with the early local"Milk powder waste",As for milk powder to increase supplies/The government set up a hotline for locals to buy milk powder/Along with law enforcement to suppress powder gray market activity.It's a pity that these measures have failed to fully improve the situation,Milk powder gray activity is still worse,High forever ',With this in mind,The SAR government to purchase of necessity,Measures are not for mainland residents and freedom.


Gao Yongwen admitted,Restricted objectively affect the affection between the mainland and Hong Kong people,This is what he is not willing to see,He said he has always been a very pay attention to the mainland and Hong Kong people veins is same person,Hope to understanding people on the mainland.


目的:稳本地供应 无歧视水货客 purpose:Local supply of gray guest without discrimination


High forever ',The purpose is to ensure that local baby milk powder for purchasing have ample supply.Although as a whole,Hong Kong milk powder in plentiful supply,But serious gray activities have affected people's normal needs.


Asked whether public opinion pressure policy introduction of the key factors,Gao Yongwen think,Not is entirely a matter of public opinion,But life/Is the livelihood of the people,The livelihood of the people question no small matter.


Critics believe that Hong Kong as a free port,For milk powder for purchasing the groceries is against the principle of free trade,Gao Yongwen response,Milk powder is one of the necessities of infant growth,The interests of families is about,Different from general merchandise trade.


Gao Yongwen said,The SAR government to free line no negative point of view,And always grateful;For the gray market activity,The SAR government think this is part of the free trade,If it is not affect the supply of baby necessities,The government won't take such measures.


重罚:最严重罪行 非小规模违规 Heavy fines:The most serious crimes of small-scale irregularities


The new measures,Carrying milk powder exit to excess will be two years in prison and a fine of hk $500000.In view of the punishment is too strict,Gao Yongwen explain,Hong Kong is the highest penalties prescribed by the law,For serious illegal and criminal behavior,Such as large-scale smuggling,Hk $500000 and two years in prison for the highest punishment does not generally applicable to small-scale irregularities in water body.


In the past nearly a week,Hong Kong court in excess of milk powder to carry violations has made five sentence,All is fine,Penalty amount is hk $500 to hk $5000.


High forever ',Believe that Hong Kong courts will according to the plot of each case and gravity to the referee,He also hope that the mainland people can understand the supreme punishment for range is larger.


时限:暂无时间表 根在完善供应 Time limit:No root in perfecting the supply schedule


Milk powder is restricted after implementation,Gao Yongwen said,According to the monitoring of the market,Policy achieves the expected effect.


For social care restrictions when cancelled,High forever ',Now also can not give a timetable,The SAR government will continue to follow up closely/Monitor the development of the situation,Then decide if necessary to push.


Gao Yongwen identity,Is not a permanent measures for purchasing,With a single and limitations.He said,Most fundamental is to improve milk powder supplier and the retailer's supply chain,Only in this way can thoroughly solve the problem,And to the market as a preparation for purchasing and response time.


Milk powder in Hong Kong limited band that all men are mortal

    南方都市报 作者:康殷 何薇报道 "只是多买一罐奶粉都被罚,下次来香港不会再买奶粉了",46岁的内地居民林尤祝,在香港奶粉"限带令"实施首日,携带三罐奶粉离境,前日被香港法院判罚1000港元(下同),在沙田裁判法院外,缴付完罚款的林尤祝虽然认为香港法庭的裁决合理,但却略带不满地抱怨这样的条例太麻烦。

    Southern metropolis daily, author: Kang Yan He Wei reports "Just buy a can of milk powder were more punishment,Next time won't buy milk powder to Hong Kong",46, mainland residents YouZhu Lin,Milk powder in Hong Kong"With limit"Carried out on the first day,Carrying three cans of milk powder from leaving the country,Yesterday was a Hong Kong court award of hk $1000(The same below),In sha tin the referee out of court,Pay the fine Lin YouZhu although think the decision of the court of Hong Kong is reasonable,But slightly unhappy too troublesome to complain about such regulations.


    Hong Kong milk powder with limit has been a week since March 1 to implement,The Hong Kong customs detained by involved in smuggling out excess milk powder has reached 87 people,Convicted in 5 cases,Sentence of between 500 and 5000 yuan respectively,In people, was arrested,Eight Hong Kong customs has intercepted a deep Hong Kong cross-border driver licence.


    For the government,With limit,Indeed has the desired effect.In the supply of retail level,The Hong Kong government have never received complaints of out of stock or situation.


    But for the Hong Kong government milk powder with limit,Already from the port of Hong Kong combustion to the online world,Again in the national annual parliamentary stage detonated."The SAR government has never said this policy(Milk powder with limit)Is short or long term,We also don't want at this stage will be the deadline next decision."Hong Kong's secretary for food and health bureau chief Gao Yongwen careful wording,"Our position has always been the government will continue to follow up and supervision,And then make a decision if there is any need to continue.But at this stage just launched,We are not give promises and schedule."Or the future,There are many more YouZhu Lin,Is awarded for milk powder,Milk powder of war did not cease.

    中英街的热闹     The excitement of the ZhongYingJie


    The Hong Kong government bandlimited milk powder after the departure,A surge in ZhongYingJie every weekend,From more than 4000 people,Doubled to more than 8000 people over the weekend.ZhongYingJie become a blind spot for law enforcement,There is water therefore continue to deliver formula.The Hong Kong government said the customs will monitor the sales situation.


    "Beauty, a hk $298,Do you want some more?"Shenzhen shatoujiao ZhongYingJie.Yesterday at 12 noon,Traffic congestion no weekend.Hundreds of meters ZhongYingJie,The pharmacy with,Milk is an essential part of each pharmacy JinQiaoHuo.


    "This is grace,Adults drink,Don't purchase."Staff enthusiasm for.Shelves and the beauty of the whole row and mead Johnson milk powder,Tourists from the mainland are the most popular brand of milk powder."Now ZhongYingJie with two cans of infant milk powder is also,Out with the poster."Female clerk at the store,The milk powder new rules posters printed in Hong Kong customs.


    "You buy milk powder ah so much?""I come to more people,Separate each with two cans."The pharmacy is a middle-aged woman,Shopping basket with eight cans of milk powder,Both the element and the overseas version of the baby milk powder,Are lining up to check.Sha tau kok ZhongYingJie because of historical reasons,Into the need to deal with the street[With special administrative zone along the border pass].At present,There are two kinds of the certificates,One is a one-off,Because the color for the blue is called"The blue card";Another kind is valid in three months,Is called because of the color to yellow"Yellow card".


    Last September,No matter deep or not deep households,Only need to bring id card to pay the cost of 10 yuan,10 minutes can deal with a one-time entry badge.Compared to the lo wu/Mr Fukuda/Shenzhen bay port eastlands shopping costs,ZhongYingJie obviously more cost-effective,Especially after the government limit with milk powder from leaving the country.In recent years,ZhongYingJie obviously in every weekend,From more than 4000 people,Doubled to more than 8000 people over the weekend.


    "Deep households can only deal with a blue card every seven days,The deep households are dealt with once a month.This is to prevent water increase."Relevant personage introduces guangdong border of six crews.But for the thousands of ZhongYingJie workers and more than 2000 residents,Without the above regulations."Each time with two cans of,More back and forth a few times a day,Can also take several cans of milk powder."Is there a local staff said.


    ZhongYingJie for Hong Kong customs"Law enforcement and blind spots",There is water therefore continue to deliver formula.The government admitted that,Due to historical reason ZhongYingJie did not set a checkpoint,For the Hong Kong government asked ZhongYingJie range number of record shops selling milk powder in Hong Kong,Hong Kong customs will monitor the sales situation.

    上水的落寞     The loneliness from water


    "Most previous sold more than 100 cans per day,Now only about 40 cans,Milk powder business fell ninety percent.Against gray guest we have no opinion,Now even the free line passengers were injured."Hong Kong pangs' pharmacy operators said worried about future business.


    Hong Kong milk powder with limit has been a week since March 1 to implement,The Hong Kong customs detained by involved in smuggling out excess milk powder has reached 87 people,Convicted in 5 cases,Sentence of between 500 and 5000 yuan respectively,In people, was arrested,Eight Hong Kong customs has intercepted a deep Hong Kong cross-border driver licence.


    No ZhongYingJie advantageous historical factors,Previous gray water concentration of Hong Kong,The pharmacy business is declining."Before mainlanders to buy milk powder,A seven or eight cans,Just ask if there is any cargo,How much the price don't care.Now with only two cans of each.Before the days sold more than 100 cans,We can only sell 40 days around the tank."Hoses on the processing way HengYun pharmacy head pangs' a bit helpless,The Hong Kong government new policy let the milk powder business fell ninety percent,"Against gray guest we have no opinion,Now even the free line passengers were injured."The couple said,Pharmacy hoarding a large number of milk powder now,Worry about the future business.


    Because of the milk powder sales atrophy caused knock-on effect,To come to the pharmacy mainland customer first aim is to milk powder,Then comes with purchasing the other baby products or commodities.Since the restrictions on launch,The pharmacy daily passenger volume 50 to 60 people.In addition to the milk powder,Calcium and other children's products such as sugar/Cod liver oil and other sales are also affected


    Hong Kong since last Christmas,Milk powder waste began to spread,Until it reaches its peak in January,Council of Hong Kong in January received 101 complaints involving the baby milk powder,Almost all of last year(105 cases of)The total number of.For the government,With limit,Indeed has the desired effect.In the supply of retail level,The Hong Kong government have never received complaints of out of stock or situation.And the Hong Kong government for Hong Kong mom dad powder booking hotline,Since the Spring Festival of 120 cases of placing an order,Fell to a new policy since more than ten cases of 4 days.


    毒奶粉的逼迫   Tainted milk powder of persecution


    "To Hong Kong to buy milk powder"Boom from 2008"sanlu"Problem milk after start,Hong Kong began to appear a large number of frontier ports"Milk powder group".It was revealed,Hong Kong's imports in 2012 40 million kg milk powder,There are about 23 million kg is to buy after being out of Hong Kong.


    In recent years,Mainland residents to Hong Kong to buy milk powder is on the rise.On closer inspection,"To Hong Kong to buy milk powder"The boom from 2008"sanlu"Problems began when the milk incident.National two sessions this year,Many NPC delegates,Since the"sanlu"The problem of milk incident,Consumer trust of mainland dairy to a minimum.Although the nation to further perfect the laws and regulations,Strengthen the supervision of the,Clear the function of the involved departments,But some consumers or to act as purchasing agency milk powder from Hong Kong and other overseas markets.


    In 2008,,outbreak"sanlu"Question powdered milk event,Events spread to Hong Kong.That year in September,The Hong Kong government emergency legislation,Banned in food containing excessive amounts of melamine.Hong Kong standards is strict than international standards.


    With is that,Hong Kong began to appear a large number of frontier ports"Milk powder group",Them or take a car in Hong Kong,There is only one goal - - milk powder.At the time of return,Each of them will be back to 8-12 cans or more of the milk powder,"Drag the powder group"The term arises at the historic moment.Also start from now,Hong Kong retailers are starting to implement the milk powder"For purchasing"policy,Each person can only buy 1 or 2 cans of milk powder.To stabilize the market,The then director of Hong Kong's secretary for food and health york chow said sure:"In case of need,The importer can instantly by the European milk powder to Hong Kong by air."


    How much milk powder was taken from Hong Kong?The government provides a statistics found,Since 2007,Hong Kong import amount of baby formula have been growing fast,Six years from 2007, 1000 more than doubled to 2012 in 40 million kg,But compared with them,Over the same period in Hong Kong baby grew just 1 point several times.According to Hong Kong's secretary for food and health,In the import of this 40 million kg milk powder in Hong Kong,Use locally in Hong Kong there are about 15 million kg,In addition, there are about 2 million kilograms of transit to macau,That is to say,The rest is about 23 million kg of milk powder after the purchase has been away from Hong Kong.


    奶粉荒的爆发    The outbreak of the milk powder waste


    "In order to buy a can of milk powder,The wife come home from work at noon every day,Rice also had no time to eat,Is not to a nearby pharmacy asked is available,But of the same reply every day,No goods."Hong Kong parents LiuWeiXiong had 2011 posts require the government to levy a tax on milk powder from leaving the country.


    "The emergence of powdered milk shortage,Is due to the safety of the local milk powder credit for mainland residents,Combined with milk powder in Hong Kong is cheaper than the mainland,Naturally be snapping up items,Which arises at the historic moment of gray guest more large hoard of milk powder,Let the market supply more nervous."Members of the legislative council of Hong Kong Ye Weiming pointed out.


    Milk powder the cause of the shortage,Whether the government or mainland residents,Or you know.But the milk powder,How serious in Hong Kong?As early as 1 in 2011/In February,At that time was also to coincide with the Spring Festival period,On the market of Hong Kong's infant milk powder is a tank.Hong Kong parents to buy infant milk powder is dissatisfaction.In 2012, before the Spring Festival,A rush of infant milk powder again.


    The consumer council of Hong Kong said,In first two months in 2011 have received 51 complaints involving milk powder,Forty percent belong to the powder shortage complaint.In addition,Close to thirty percent complaint refers to milk powder price is too high.Hong Kong federation of trade unions in late February to early march in sheung shui, tai Po, and conducted a survey,Found among the parents questioned,68.3% said buying milk powder is difficult.They point out that usually to travel between one to five stores to buy milk powder.


    "In order to buy a can of milk powder,The wife come home from work at noon every day,Rice also had no time to eat,Is not to a nearby pharmacy asked is available,But of the same reply every day,No goods."LiuWeiXiong every time talked about the experience of the couple to buy milk powder,Tone is full of indignation.Hong Kong Kowloon bay,LiuWeiXiong family of five lives in a typical small unit of public housing in Hong Kong,He and his wife had three children,The youngest son of one and a half this year,Has not been weaned."I have three children,But have never seen like now so difficult to buy milk powder."


    On January 22, 2011,LiuWeiXiong never succumb to the heart of anger,That night he in Hong Kong's largest BBS mother and baby"kingdom"Posting,Asked the government to milk powder departure tax is imposed.Post once released,Less than a week to endorse the reply has amounted to more than 600,"Didn't reply so much,Far beyond my expectation."


    Up heavy waves,"Milk powder tax"Debate was sparked in Hong Kong society.Are members of the legislative council launched signature,Milk powder tax requirements guarantee supply of baby milk powder in Hong Kong,The Hong Kong council thinks tax issues need to be careful,Top priority is to coordinate vendor guaranteed supply.The Hong Kong government attitude ambiguous,According to tax free port status is bound to affect Hong Kong goods,Even hit the world trade agreement,Be careful study.

    打击水客的行动     Blow water action


    Deep households"More than a sign line"After the implementation of the,Mass of water and drag powder mainland residents,Make milk shortage increasingly serious.In September 2012,Hong Kong guest start against water"Sand action",By January this year, immigration has arrested more than 500 water,More than 90 people have been convicted.


    Water and mainland residents to Hong Kong to sweep powder by Hong Kong people think the infant milk powder is out of stock"culprit",And solve the problem either by increasing supply,Either by limiting demand.Although the government has repeatedly asked milk powder supplier to increase supplies,To ensure market stability,But failed to effectively solve the problem of shortage of milk,In Hong Kong people view,To meet the demand of the mainland is so big market of milk powder,Is beyond the scope of Hong Kong can withstand.


    To bridge from MTR sheung shui station to sheung shui JinKe center as an example of one of the gray distribution center,Guest is in the interests of the chain in water,First mainland customers place the order,The shipper to transport the goods in Hong Kong warehouse save to JinKe center, etc,Every day large quantities of water from guest enter JinKe center guest head pick up the goods there,Cargo loading after the passenger carrying out water,Take the MTR to pass back to the mainland,If the process goes well,Can be delivered and paid in shenzhen,The gray will then flow to each port of goods shop,Even will be on sale online store.


    In April 2009,Deep households"More than a sign line"After the implementation of the,Water guest to drag the goods back and forth many times in one day have become the norm,The mass of water and drag powder mainland residents,Make Hong Kong parents buy milk powder has become increasingly severe,Disturbance to the life even for ordinary Hong Kong people.


    "The government have to do with!"Becoming a strong calls for the parents in Hong Kong.In September 2012,Chief executive Mr Leung in sheung shui to inspect the water activity,Then blow water off the launch"Sand action",Arrest of inland water guest stay in violation of the conditions,By January this year, immigration has arrested more than 500 water,More than 90 people have been convicted.The Hong Kong government will be suspected of water back and forth repeatedly inspection list,Immigration has so far rejected the entry of more than 3000 people.MTR since October of last year limit wire the passenger may not carry more than 32 kg luggage into the east gate,In February and tighten up to 23 kg and strengthening inspection.

    28天的速成立法     Quick legislation for 28 days


    From announced completion planning revision to implement only takes 28 days,Including the lunar New Year holiday time,The Hong Kong government astonishing make milk powder with ban things fall to the ground.Hong Kong food health bureau Gao Yongwen said the measures,Is forced to completely.


    "Shortage of milk powder in Hong Kong,Really has not been appeared this year,And the government to take measures,To completely."Hong Kong's secretary for food and health grow yong wen says plaintively.


    Gao Yongwen explain,A few years ago faced with shortage of milk powder,The government has taken corresponding practice.For example, will convene a meeting of the retailers and suppliers to discuss,Hope to be able to increase supplies,Ensure the supply and the improvement of the retail chain,A few years ago eased the problem,And this year,The Hong Kong government has also taken is the same as the usual practice,But the situation has not improved integrity of the.Shortage of milk powder instead,From the originally is just near the border of north district of Hong Kong citizens to buy milk powder,Spread gradually extended to the urban areas of Hong Kong,East island even milk powder has appeared in a drought.In order to ensure the needs of Hong Kong citizens,The government had to introduce more draconian measures.


    Gao Yongwen think,Water is led to the milk powder of the main causes of drought has intensified."Water is increasingly active degree to increase in recent years,If the guest has water from the retail chains to snap up milk powder on a large scale,So even if supplier is difficult to improve and ensure supply".High forever ',The implementation of measures,It is hope to be able to control water activity,Ensure that the local supply,Is not aimed at mainland visitors free line.


    But on behalf of the legislators, fang of the retail industry has a different view.The government should not blindly follow public opinion,But should be appropriate to guide public opinion."You caught the water to look at the guest how many mainlanders?More than six o chengdu is the people of Hong Kong.Those guests are mostly water with home,‘speculators’And there is not much."Parties are strong water transfer guest behavior does not violate any laws in Hong Kong,"They were engaged in some small switch trade make a difference,See many Hong Kong people do water money,Began to do,This is a very normal business practices,Hong Kong as a free trade port more citizens should not intervene the normal trade practices."


    Milk powder"With limit"From announced completion planning revision to implement only takes 28 days,Including the lunar New Year holiday time,Mr Leung, under the leadership of the government at an alarming speed make milk powder with ban fall to the ground.Legislators, fang seems,The government's move is to want to temporarily ease her Hong Kong citizens,At the same time can also be for the now the Hong Kong government has won high popularity."The milk powder event I think Mr Leung government should and milk powder supplier to discuss solution.The government should not be involved in the market economic activities through legislation,But through consultation to improve milk supply,Ensure the normal order of the milk powder in the supply chain."

    香港真的缺奶粉?     Hong Kong really lack of milk powder?


    "Hong Kong really shortage of milk powder is actually two of them,Mead Johnson and good son.Milk powder manufacturer who is out of stock and I don't know,Only those suppliers feel too great."Hong Kong and Kowloon pharmacy LiuAiGuo, chairman of the chamber of commerce think milk powder supplier stock up bounty.


    Milk powder with ban nearly a week,Triggered both users and related public opinion,Some question whether repair the cases of the Hong Kong government and the original intention,Ban a multi-party benefit Hong Kong.


    "I think the government is‘Three lose’,Suppliers to lose,The pharmacy/Supermarket to lose,The government lose."Senators fang think milk powder with limit does not benefit Hong Kong,Not only lowered the milk powder retailer's revenue,Has also led to discontent on the mainland."Regulations since there constantly reflect the druggist milk powder sales fell sharply,Actually Hong Kong local mom doesn't have a so big demand."


    "Hong Kong really shortage of milk powder brand is actually two of them,Mead Johnson and good son,Other milk supply is ample."Hong Kong and Kowloon pharmacy LiuAiGuo opinion, chairman of the chamber of commerce,Milk powder in Hong Kong as serious waste far less external propaganda,"In fact as long as the government to increase output to consult with the supplier so that all can be solved."


    "they(Milk powder business)Just no milk powder is emphasized,Refused to open the warehouse door for us,Who also don't know whether out of stock.Only those suppliers feel too great,Hoarding can drive up prices of the goods,Milk powder business can profit from it,Plus they do big advertising,You have to buy their milk powder,Such milk powder under the hype of good sell."LiuAiGuo said.


    Many mainlanders to Hong Kong shopping is,Especially the guangdong residents willing to for one thing.Milk powder with limit of the government,Many mainland tourists are also worried that their enthusiastic to purchase the item,Similar to the chocolate,diaper,Yakult products such as step forced to limit belt's fate.Hong Kong retail management association President MaiRuiQiong LiJin in the Hong Kong government announced with milk that day,He expressed her worries about image of Hong Kong's free trade port,"Some worry that this is milk powder,Next time be chocolate or toothpaste?"


    In the face of the from all walks of life both debate and discussion,Gao Yongwen admitted"This is a heavy pressure for me",But standing in the position of the government of Hong Kong,Ensure that Hong Kong citizens the basic needs of life is the responsibility of the government,"Baby infant formula for part of the family is the staple food,Is life necessities",Gao Yongwen think,Facing such a situation,The government can take some"forced"The measures,As for"Hong Kong's free trade port"Reputation effects of concern,He believes that the international community should be able to see and understand it.At the same time,The Hong Kong government also emphasized again and again,Hope that mainland people can understand,The band limited to come on stage is not aimed at the mainland free lines of tourists.




   香港拘捕51名内地游客 涉嫌非法携带食品奶粉 Hong Kong arrested 51 mainland visitors suspected illegal carrying food and milk powder


    According to the Hong Kong SAR government isd 10,The Hong Kong immigration department and police arrested in an operation that day 51 suspected illegal engaged in gray and mainland passengers stay in violation of the conditions,Seized a large number of small food/Paper diapers, milk powder, etc.
