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Mist shenzhou.Since at the end of last year after the fog haze caused people's attention to PM2.5,The fresh air became scarce resources,So that some of the low values of PM2.5 city publicity of fresh air,Properly with pure and fresh air.[leisure•list]Magazine dedicated to leisure tourism business development trend,Will together with the People's Daily online travel channel launched in April[Ecological city in China/Scenic area big investigation],To learn the basic information of fresh air to swim,A network voting now,I hope you can vote for the precious,In order to thank everyone who voted,Among the people will vote for sweepstakes.我们将抽取三名幸运参与者,我们将为获奖者赠送价值500元定制红酒一瓶 We will take three lucky participants,We will customize for winners present value 500 yuan a bottle of red wine,感谢大家的参与。

,Thanks for your participation.


1. One of the most popular city in the fresh air

  • 河北秦皇岛
  • Qinhuangdao in hebei province
  • 海南三亚
  • Sanya, hainan
  • 湖南张家界
  • Zhangjiajie in hunan province
  • 海南海口
  • Hainan haikou
  • 福建厦门
  • Fujian xiamen
  • 安徽黄山
  • Huangshan mountain in anhui
  • 广东珠海
  • Guangdong zhuhai
  • 广东梅州
  • Guangdong meizhou
  • 广西北海
  • Guangxi beihai
  • 山东烟台
  • Shandong yantai
  • 贵州遵义
  • Guizhou zunyi
  • 贵州铜仁
  • Guizhou tongren
  • 云南丽江
  • Lijiang in yunnan province
  • 云南个旧
  • Yunnan gejiu
  • 云南昆明
  • Yunnan kunming
  • 福建莆田
  • Fujian putian
  • 江西鹰潭
  • The jiangxi yingtan
  • 江西赣州
  • Jiangxi ganzhou
  • 浙江丽水
  • Zhejiang lishui
  • 浙江舟山
  • Zhejiang zhoushan


2. The most tourists like to ecological tourism scenic spot(4 a/5 a)

  • 陕西华清池
  • Shaanxi huaqing pool
  • 丽江泸沽湖旅游风景区
  • Lijiang lugu lake tourism scenic spot
  • 桂林龙胜温泉景区
  • Guilin longsheng hot spring resort
  • 五莲山旅游风景区
  • Wulian mountain tourist scenic spot
  • 神农架生态林区
  • Shennongjia ecological forest
  • 大兴安岭生态旅游区
  • Severe ecological tourist area
  • 宁德世界地质公园
  • Ningde world geological park
  • 承德塞罕坝国家森林公园
  • Chengde sihanba national forest park
  • 承德御道口风景区
  • Chengde YuDaoKou scenic spot
  • 宁夏黄沙古渡原生态旅游区
  • Ningxia yellow ancient ecological tourist area
  • 蜀南竹海
  • Bamboo sea
  • 五大连池风景区
  • Wudalianchi scenic area
  • 千岛湖旅游风景区
  • Thousand island lake scenic spots
  • 燕窝岛湿地
  • Bird's nest island wetlands
  • 喀纳斯生态景区
  • Kanas ecological scenic spot
  • 三清山风景区
  • Mountain scenic area
  • 南岭国家森林公园
  • Nanling national forest park
  • 山口红树林生态自然保护区
  • Pass mangrove ecological nature reserve
  • 福建武夷山风景区
  • Fujian wuyi mountain scenic spot
  • 盘龙峡风景区
  • Panlong gorge scenic area
  • 山东黄河口生态旅游区
  • Shandong river estuary ecological tourist area
  • 咸丰坪坝营生态旅游区
  • Xianfeng camp level ground ecological tourist area
  • 沙湖国家生态旅游区
  • Sand lakes national ecological tourist area
  • 十堰武当山
  • Shiyan wudang mountain
  • 丽江玉龙雪山景区
  • Lijiang jade dragon snow mountain scenic spot
  • 闽江源生态旅游区
  • Minjiang source ecological tourist area


3. The most prospects for development of ecological tourism city

  • 江西省婺源县
  • Jiangxi WuYuanXian
  • 江苏省盱眙县
  • Jiangsu XuYiXian
  • 江苏如东县
  • Jiangsu RuDongXian
  • 云南省弥勒县
  • Mile county in yunnan province
  • 云南腾冲县
  • Yunnan TengChongXian
  • 广东梅州市
  • Guangdong meizhou city
  • 重庆市巫山县
  • Home in chongqing
  • 河北省围场县
  • Hebei WeiChangXian
  • 河南省孟津县
  • Henan Meng Jinxian
  • 陕西省淳化县
  • Chunhua county in shaanxi province, China
  • 贵州省贵定县
  • Guiding county in guizhou province
  • 贵州省黔东南苗族侗族自治州
  • Guizhou miao and dong autonomous prefecture
  • 广东肇庆
  • Guangdong zhaoqing
  • 宁夏银川
  • Ningxia yinchuan
  • 广西河池
  • Guangxi hechi
  • 安徽池州
  • Anhui chizhou
  • 宁夏中卫
  • Ningxia defender
  • 山东威海
  • In weihai in shandong province
  • 江苏无锡
  • Wuxi, jiangsu province
  • 浙江丽水
  • Zhejiang lishui
  • 山东威海
  • In weihai in shandong province
  • 广西贺州
  • Guangxi He Zhou
  • 贵州贵阳
  • Guizhou guiyang
  • 云南玉溪
  • Yunnan yuxi
  • 辽宁营口
  • Liaoning yingkou
  • 其他
  • other


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4. Your gender

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5. Your age

  • 25岁以下
  • Under the age of 25
  • 25-34岁
  • 25 to 34 years old
  • 35-44岁
  • 35 and 44 years old
  • 45-54岁
  • 45 to 54 years old
  • 55岁及以上
  • 55 years old and above


6. Your record of formal schooling

  • 小学及以下
  • Elementary school and the following
  • 初中
  • Junior high school
  • 中专/职高/技校/高中
  • Technical secondary school/high school/technical school/high school
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  • 硕士及以上
  • Master degree or above


7. You are engaged in the profession

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8. Per capita monthly income for your family

  • 1000及以下
  • In 1000 and the following
  • 1001-2000元
  • 1001-2000 yuan
  • 2001-3000元
  • 2001-3000 yuan
  • 3001-4000元
  • 3001-4000 yuan
  • 4001-5000元
  • 4001-5000 yuan
  • 5001及以上
  • 5001 or more


9. Your daily live is

  • 农村
  • In rural areas
  • 乡镇
  • The villages and towns
  • 县级城市
  • Cities at the county level
  • 地级城市
  • L7 cities
  • 省会城市
  • Capital cities
  • 直辖市
  • Municipalities directly under the central government
View the results>>
