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3月7日,“中国海疆旅游万里行”广西采风活动启动仪式在享有“海湾城市 边境特区”、“东盟门户 长寿之乡”美誉的防城港市举行。
On March 7,,"China coastline travel journey"Guangxi tour "launching ceremony in enjoy"Bay city district along the border"/"The association of southeast Asian nations (asean) portal longevity of the township"The reputation of shen.
此次活动经国家旅游局批准,由中国旅游报社、广西壮族自治区旅游局主办,防城港市旅游局、钦州市旅游局,北海市旅游局承办。自治区旅游局局长陈建军,防城港市委常委 及相关单位领导出席了启动仪式。
The activity approved by the national tourism administration,By the China tourism press/The guangxi zhuang autonomous region tourism bureau,Shen zhen tourism bureau/QinZhouShi tourism,The passengers travel to undertake.Chen Jianjun autonomous region tourism bureau,Fangchenggang municipal committee and leaders of relevant units attended the launching ceremony.
Chen Jianjun said,This year is"China's ocean tourism year",Launched a series of Marine tourism products in guangxi,And will hold a series of promotional activities on Marine tourism.This time,"China coastline travel journey"Tour "in guangxi is guangxi Marine tourism promotion is an important content.Through this activity at the same time,Further to the Marine tourism especially the beibu gulf coastal and Marine leisure tourism product promotion efforts,Introduce more meet the tourist demand of Marine tourist products of the new forms,To promote guangxi tourism industry transformation,To promote sound and rapid development of tourism industry in guangxi.
Guangxi has a coastline of 1595 kilometers,Marine tourist resources are rich,island/seaside/Coast and tourist activities in various forms,Formed mainly on coastal tourism,Health spa/Leisure is complementary of Marine tourism products.In addition,Water-related tourism new formats,Like a river/lakes/The waterfall/drifting/Hot springs/valley/Wetlands throughout the district,Developing Marine tourism has advantaged resource advantage.
"China coastline travel journey"Large tour "series of activities including:Hold large activities,Coastal provinces stood forces,Invite related media participation,Through the media professional perspective,Deep reflect the status of Marine tourism in China/With performance gap.host"High-level talks",On the basis of clearing up reports,Brought together travel/Marine and other well-known experts dialogue with local government officials and industry elite,To sum up the experiences of Marine tourism development,Discussion face common problems,Promote Marine tourism development.The Marine tourism destination chosen or Marine tourism charm index appraisal activities;Marine tourism facilities/Activities such as product or photo,Relevant results will be released at the annual meeting of the third session of China's tourism industry development.
A week-long tour of guangxi,Xinhua news agency/The People's Daily/20 central news media such as guangming daily reporters,Will use the media propaganda advantage,To fangcheng port/qinzhou/North three cities such as Marine tourism resources and Marine tourist products/The new forms/New experience and achievement of beibu bay economic zone opening development and construction"Guangxi's beautiful"New breakthrough in the process of carry out special interview all-round publicity.Will further enhance tourism image and tourism in guangxi in guangxi well-known reputation at home and abroad.
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