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"A day trip"On the basis of their economic benefits/Convenient and quick/Flexible features,Favored by many tourists,Development gradually become the main way of individual tourism.
The end of last month,The national tourism administration/The state administration for industry and commerce jointly issued[Domestic tourism"A day trip"The contract(Demonstrative text)],And to actively promote the use according to the reality.
but,Shenyang evening news reporter survey found yesterday,Make money directly through travel agencies participate in a day"A day trip"The contract,but,Through the group-buying websites to buy"A day trip"Little or even no contract.
团购网负责销售,不负责签合同 Groupon is responsible for the sales,Is not responsible for signing a contract
With the deepening of the degree of group purchase discount,Also attracted a lot of"A day trip"Products to enter.The net station in shenyang were found"A day trip"Related products in 219.Article's group found in shenyang, a total of 1374"A day trip"Related to the group purchase information.Baidu offers a total of 390"A day trip"The product.Glutinous rice ball with"A day trip"Related group 35.
Take a closer look at these products,In fact is the travel agency"A day trip"The product,Just change the original store sales to groupon's sales.To the store to pay money to sign face to face"A day trip"The contract,Coupon use need not?Shenyang evening news reporter try to group buying a hot spring in shenyang"A day trip"The product.On the purchase requirements,Just what the coupon is valid for/Use your time/Appointment time/Time limited, etc. A lot of information related to group buying,But only a few words about the travel products.
"A day trip"Products, head of the group said,This contract has not been heard of,They are just responsible for travel agency to sell on the site.
预约只是“预订”,并不签订合同 Appointment is only"The booking",Do not sign a contract
On the group buying"A day trip"When the product,Travel agency and group commissioned sales when it comes to"A day trip"Tourism contract,If it is after the purchase/Travel before signing?
Shenyang evening news reporter consulted different groupon as tourists again/Different travel agency"Han provided a day at the village of hot spring"and"The kanto a day at the studio"Two tourist products,Workers have said they don't have to sign"A day trip"The contract can travel.When tourists pay after groupon website,Phone will get a bunch of code.In the"A day trip"The day before the call the travel agency"Make an appointment"You can.
And this"Make an appointment"Also does not involve the national tourism administration and the state administration for industry and commerce"A day trip"Contract template content:Visitors name/Id card/Attend group no./Lines and spots/Whether or not containing shopping, etc,Only certified the coupon code,Informed on the day of travel set time and place,So as not to do in the day people no more available.Of course,,The main thing is that early confirmation code,Even tourists not to go the next day,Travel agency will not receive money.
团购无合同,游客、旅行社都有错 Group buying without a contract,tourists/Travel agencies are wrong
Peace peace street (south), a travel agency staff told reporters,They are in shenyang, a travel agency and group cooperation at the earliest.This was in 2010,As a regular travel agency they know[Liaoning province tourism regulations]Article 35. The provisions,Travel agency organizing tourist activities,Shall sign a written contract with tourists,Expressly agreed upon schedule/Services and prices/Service standards/Liability for breach of contract and other matters.And bank is although tourists, make money through groupon,But is essentially changed a purchase/Method of payment,And eventually follow travel agency to tourism.To do this,They ruled that all purchase on groupon"A day trip"Products of the visitors,Groupon on preferential prices,But need to be signed in to store the day before you travel"A day trip"The contract.Who knows,A few days later,Tourists think too much trouble to the shop sign.
“游客们自我保护意识太差了。”这位负责人说久而久之,一些旅行社也开始忽略团购“一日游”合同的存在,尤其是小的、不太正规的旅行社。最终,导致现在团购网上的“一日游”产品几乎没有合同可签。沈阳晚报记者 邓丽婧
"Tourists have ego to protect consciousness is too poor."The head said the passage of time,Some travel agencies began to ignore the group buying"A day trip"The existence of the contract,Especially in small/Less formal travel agency.In the end,Cause in the groupon now"A day trip"Products almost no contract can be signed.Shenyang evening news reporter Deng Lijing
■提醒 S remind
警惕“免费”和“低价”旅游品种 alert"Free of charge"and"At a low price"Varieties of tourism
The national tourism administration and the state administration for industry and commerce jointly issued"A day trip"The contract template,specification"A day trip"The market,That tourism market still has a lot of things need to be pay attention to visitors.To do this,"On March 15"Human rights day ahead,Shenyang tourism to tourism consumption hints.
Low to select qualified travel agencies before travel,To verify that both issued by the administrative department for industry and commerce[Industrial and commercial business license]And issued by the tourism administrative department[The travel agency business license],And depends on the business scope of the travel agency.
Don't blind pursuit of low price low,choose"Online shopping"Tourism products.Tourists in the tourism activities,Be alert to"Free of charge"/"At a low price"As the selling points of publicity to attract behavior,Price of tourism products should have reasonable psychological estimates,In case of TanXiaoShiDa.In case of fraud,Should pay attention to collect evidence.
Low before a trip,To conclude a contract for the relevant departments to promote use of tourism.Pay special attention to online shopping tourism products also need to sign a contract,To protect their own legitimate rights and interests.The travel route/Room and board/Traffic as well as the liability for breach of contract,And the signature by the tourists,Seal of ZuTuanShe,Both sides each hold one copy.Such as service quality problems encountered in the trip,Retained the evidence should be paid attention to,From time to time, send to tourist complaints that has jurisdiction over the case body or complaints to the relevant administrative department.
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