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马尔代夫度假村停供中国人热水 防止其只吃泡面--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

  参考消息网3月11日报道 港媒称,根据多家中国旅行社消息,喜欢吃泡面的人在预订马尔代夫度假村时要三思。一些高级度假村已停止向中国游客供应热水,以免他们只吃泡面,不去餐厅消费。

Reference news net on March 11, Hong Kong media reported,According to several Chinese travel agency,Like to eat instant noodle people should think twice when booking the maldives resort.Some senior resort has stopped supplying water to Chinese tourists,Lest they just eat instant noodles,Don't go to restaurant consumption.

  香港《南华早报》网站3月8日报道称,据马尔代夫北部一家五星级度假村——伊鲁韦利岛(又译伊露薇丽岛)海滩度假村的前宾客服务经理赵建科称,有人甚至说中国的简称“CN”的意思是“cup noodle”(泡面)。赵建科于2012年10月至2013年2月在该度假村工作。

In Hong Kong[The south China morning post]Web site reported on March 8,According to the maldives, a five-star resort in northern Iraq lu waley island(And the eu beautiful island)Beach resort before the guest service manager Zhao Jianke said,Some even said China's abbreviation"cn"The mean is"Cup such as"(Instant noodles).Zhao Jianke in October 2012 to February 2013 works in the resort.


Zhao Jianke discrimination described by lu waley island beach resort posts recently sparked outrage in China's social media,Netizens called for a boycott of the resort.Many potential visitors say,They will not go to the Indian Ocean island tourism,Until the resort a formal apology.


Zhao Jianke said,In December 2012, the new general manager took office,Employees were required to Chinese tourists.


Zhao Jianke said in its statement,The new general manager ask them to remove all Chinese tourists in the room hot kettle,While European tourists hot kettle in the room shall be maintained.The statement has been forwarded on weibo tens of thousands of times.


Zhao Jianke said,Although Chinese tourists keeps complaining,Especially the elderly and bring children to vacation together couple,But the general manager refused to provide hot water again.

  赵建科声称,这位总经理在公开场合说“CN”的意思是“cup noodle”,并拒绝在码头迎接中国游客的到来,而他一直坚持迎接欧洲游客。

Zhao Jianke claims,The general manager said in public"cn"The mean is"Cup such as",On the pier and refused to welcome the arrival of the Chinese tourists,And he insisted to meet European tourists.


Zhao Jianke said,Then a Chinese chef was fired,And other employees, including himself, was forced to leave.


According to reports,In an official statement by lu waley island beach resort,Is the charge"The nasty",They are not for Chinese tourists.The statement said:"The Chinese market is very important for us,We always warmly welcome visitors in China."


Spokeswoman Linda petrie said March 8:"Damage caused by the tourists to cook something to eat hot pot,Resort did withdraw of some of the damage the hot kettle in the room,This is just a regular maintenance."


Reports said,Sina weibo in China,Some people expressed shock and disappointment.


Beijing a specializes in the maldives tourism agency said Jenny,Some visitors canceled the trip to the maldives tourism plan.Jenny admitted,This kind of discrimination in the maldives resort"Is very rare".


In Zhao Jianke after the fact,Many travel agencies to stop recommending the yi lu waley island beach resort.Jenny said:"After the incident,Now my customer when booking resorts have raised a new requirement:Refused to discrimination."


1. Some resorts in the maldives for a ban on Chinese tourists to eat instant noodles to stop the hot water supply,What do you think?

  • 气愤至极,对待顾客应该一视同仁
  • Very angry,Should treat customers alike
  • 在房间吃泡面,不去餐厅消费,也不能只怪度假村
  • In the room to eat noodles,Don't go to restaurant consumption,Also can't blame only resort
  • 淡定些,大不了不去这个度假村
  • Calm some,Big deal don't go to the resort
  • 我只是飘过
  • I'm just across


2. To"Discrimination against Chinese tourists"The provisions of the,What do you think?

  • 有钱就是上帝,歧视我们就是跟钱过不去
  • Money is god,Discrimination is with money we can not pass
  • 中国游客的素质确实有待提高
  • The quality of Chinese tourists really needs to be improved
  • 炒作而已,不必当真
  • Just hype,Don't take it seriously
View the results>>


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