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“呼吁了这么多年,位于济南南新街58号的老舍故居终于被政府收购了,听说花了400万呢!现在老住户已经搬走了!”3月10日上午,一名热心读者给记者打来电话反映。 "Calling for so many years,The former residence of Lao she in jinan southern new street 58, finally bought by the government,Heard that spent 4 million!Now former has moved out!"On March 10 in the morning,Reflect a avid reader to reporter telephoned.


2003年记者拍摄的老舍故居。 The former residence of Lao she pictured in 2003.   1981年,老舍研究专家张桂兴陪同老舍夫人胡絜青一行寻访南新街老舍故居。(左起:张桂兴、曾广灿、舒济、胡絜青、王行之、孟广来) In 1981,,Lao she expert Zhang Guixing accompanied Mrs. Lao she Hu Jieqing line search for southern new street residence of Lao she.(From left: Zhang Guixing/Ceng Guangcan/ShuJi/Hu Jieqing/Wang Hangzhi/Meng Guanglai)


实地探访:老舍故居,目前已人去屋空 On-site visit:Lao she's former residence,Now people go to the house empty


Reporter then to baotu spring - is located in southern new street, across the south gate,Until you come to near the south end,Saw the road on the east side of the southern new street 58 yuan.See this is a independent small yard,Door is closed,Walls have been painted with a layer of yellow paint,Two of the door"f"The word couplet faded,Don't look like a new post on the Chinese New Year this year.The reporter knocked on the door several times,Want to go in to see,But there was no response.


"Now that the yard has no one to live!Residents moved out before the Chinese New Year,The yard area is quite large."A walk in the street nearby residents said Mr Wang,Nearby residents know that the yard is the former residence of Lao she,He also heard that the yard has been bought by the government,Plan to rebuild,Here will be as a tourist attraction opening to the outside after repairing,But it is not official yet.He thinks that,The government residence of Lao she is a good thing.Every year,There are many attracts thousands to watch the former residence of Lao she,But because this is home,People so upset by it,Tend to refuse them into hospital visit request.


文物部门:将尽可能呈现当年的模样 Department of cultural relics:Will present the appearance as much as possible


"yes,Lao she's former residence is we bought at the end of last year,It took more than 400 in total.At present,We are the change of land use and housing property related formalities."On March 10, in the afternoon,Jinan chopped, director of administration of cultural heritage in said in an interview,The next step,Protection of cultural relics departments to Lao she's home for repair and use,In order to give full play to its culture and tourism value.She said,now,Maintenance workers have messy temporary buildings demolished within residence of Lao she,Only the north house/The east room/Westinghouse subject construction, etc.


"In order to best possible would revert to the former residence of Lao she existing Mr Lao she was living at the time of the appearance,We have a lot of work to do before the official start of the maintenance."In the chopped told reporters,A child is going to Beijing for Mr Lao she ShuJi and ShuYi know the situation,2 it is to find information,Understand at the time of construction.After fully grasp the situation,Make a design and maintenance scheme.And due to the former residence of Lao she is a provincial key cultural relics protection units,Maintenance plan and submitted to the provincial administration of cultural heritage approved for construction.In addition,They will be in the maintenance of Lao she's at the same time,Public collecting information on Lao she's cultural relics.


"Within the urban dwellings and other old buildings have some like this,We will try our best to protect.But we want to put the individual managements of protection maintenance in and around the whole block and the whole environment of the city transformation,Put them into the big city of culture and tourism industry development planning.such,To give full play to its culture and tourism value."Chopped in said,If it's just the old buildings maintenance,Can't effectively and the surrounding neighborhood transformation,Lonely single old buildings,It is difficult to play out its cultural value.


研究专家:保护好故居,再为济南添名片 researchers:Protect the home,Add card to jinan again


"This is a good thing!This is not only conducive to the protection and utilization of residence of Lao she,Also to improve the culture grade of jinan."10, in the afternoon,Expert in Lao she/Vice President of Chinese society for the study of Lao she/Shandong normal university professor Zhang Guixing told of the news of the takeover by the government residence of Lao she is very happy.He told reporters:"Jinan is Lao she said it"Second home".As the world cultural celebrities,Former residence of Lao she's really should be protected well."


"As you all know"Jinan personage more".Jinan celebrities including both native to celebrities,Also includes work in jinan study all the year round/Achievement of celebrities,Lao she is one of the big wave."Professor Zhang Guixing said,Protect the former residence of Lao she,In addition to the research on Lao she itself has an irreplaceable value,The cultural inheritance and development of tourism resources has a positive effect.


"From the summer of 1931 to three years in the autumn of 1934,Lao she has been living in the small courtyard.His eldest daughter ShuJi was born here."Professor Zhang Guixing told reporters,meanwhile,Lao she created a great number of literary works,The article spread across great river north and south of the famous prose[Jinan in winter]Is done here.


"Southern new street 58, the former residence of Lao she,Lao she is 1981 lady Hu Jieqing to search to find myself,I was involved in the accompanying search."Professor Zhang Guixing recalls,Although the time in the past several decades,But Lao she lady Hu Jieqing into the yard quickly remember is lived before,When modified just north of the roof,Other basic no too big changes.


"after,If cultural relics departments to collect information on Lao she's cultural relics,I will consider to donate some of my collection of studies Lao she and collected works of Lao she."Professor Zhang Guixing told reporters.


"Residence of Lao she can repair and opening to the outside is very good!This will be of great help for people to understand Lao she."Jinan literature and history research experts said Mr Li Yaoxi,Lao she's fully restored now want is unlikely,The key is to protect the good old some old things,And some of the old buildings around the residence of Lao she.For instance,Southern new street no. 51,Now is the dormitory organ was made,There is the small building of period of the republic of China,These things also need to be combined with protection together.Only in this way,To better reflect Lao she was living here,To better show the history and culture of jinan deep and wide.
