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洛阳景区观光车疑刹车失灵撞上山体 19人受伤--亲稳网络舆情监控室
记者 邵可强 实习生 赵攀明 文 记者 张鸿飞 实习生 吴国强(图)
Reporter shao Zhao Pan Ming wen can strong intern reporter Wu Guojiang Zhang Hongfei intern(figure)
本报洛阳讯 “3月8日,我家人等一行30多人组团去嵩县木札岭景区旅游,没想到下山时所乘坐景区的中巴车刹车突然失灵了,当时车就撞上路边的大石头,好几个人都骨折了。”昨日,读者张先生致电大河报说,事发后19名伤者被送到当地医院救治,目前3名伤势较重游客在洛阳正骨医院进行治疗。
This newspaper luoyang "On March 8,,My family such as a line of more than 30 group for song county wood Zagreb ridge scenic area tourism,Didn't know when go down the hill in the scenic spot of minibuses brake suddenly failure,At that time car is crashed into the side of the road big stone,Several people were broken."yesterday,Reader Mr Zhang call the river,After 19 wounded were sent to the local hospital,Now three injury heavier tourists in luoyang bonesetting hospital for treatment.
The river newspaper reporter then consulting the forestry sector,Learned that at present luoyang forest scenic area is in the forest fire prevention period,On April 30 visitors are allowed to open in the future.
起因:车“发疯” 人从最后一排摔到车门口 The cause:The car"Go crazy" From the last row broke into the car doorway
"38 section,Daughter-in-law, and a few sisters to visit luoyang song county wood Zagreb ridge,I didn't expect this kind of accident,Really bad luck!"Mr Zhang source of jin says,When the car a total of 22 people,Including the driver/The tour guide/The passengers,All have different degree of injury,"Now 19 families of the injured were rushed to luoyang,Hope relevant parties to deal with this matter as soon as possible".
Mr Zhang told the river newspaper reporters,Before the march eighth,His daughter-in-law, and a few relations to consult the travel good sisters,By the comparison,They choose a local man named ambassador holiday travel agency,And to determine the destination luoyang song county wood Zagreb ridge primitive ecological tourist area,"They are group reported a day trip,Fee RMB 88 / person,Not including meals at noon,Arrived at the scenic area change to the sightseeing car to visit again,To pay 40 yuan per person."
"One side is a deep ditch,On one side is mountain,‘boom’The protruding rocks after a hit on upgrade,A car fall forward."The injured wang recalls,According to introducing,Accident time is about half past ten that morning,When visitors are in scenic tourist minibuses to another scenic spot,Downhill seems out of control when the car hit the stone."Car is down,Took about five or six minutes suddenly accelerated,And turns on the road,As the lurching vehicle pulled badly.When we asked for,First car collision with peers limber,Vehicle ahead to avoid,Our car is rubbing on the mountain,Instant hit the rocks."Injury is not serious introduce Mr. Even at that time,"During this car is not slowing down,With years of driving experience I think at that time, the brake of the car.""When I get in the car sat in the last row,Car crashed into a stone that moment I was onto the car doorway,Faint at that time……"Two wrist fracture Shao Caifeng said.
We have learned,After the incident,The driver is injured,The front windshield and on the left side of the Windows were broken,Already can't open the door damage,The car near the tourist and scenic area on the right side of the car glass smashed rescue,Rescued the injured was later sent to song county the third people's hospital for treatment.
结果:人受伤 6名乘客骨折 As a result:Six people were injured passengers fractures
Due to a local hospital medical treatment co., LTD,Forwarded the injured in the evening around 6 luoyang bonesetting hospital treatment,"19 people injured degree of inequality,Six men appear fracture,The minimum age is only 6 years old."Mr Zhang said.Yesterday afternoon,The river news reporter came to treat the wounded in the hospital to visit,Three people in the hospital found that only injured heavier,Others injured after hospital treatment are waiting at the hotel.
In the hospital no. 1 floor to floor,Reporters saw legs fractures miao lady,She is lying in the corridor on hospital bed moaning,"Her left leg comminuted fracture,Is too painful,Also did not undergo surgery,People have a coma."Miao said her husband,And wrist and pelvis fracture of two visitors in other wards."Hospital beds co., LTD.,Three injured serious hospitalization,Rest in the hotel."The families of the injured said.
"Children is only eight years old,At the time she sat in the second row,Sudden collision in clavicle fractures,The body was spilled a lot of blood,Children are extremely frightened."The injured Zhang Xiaogong said.
"I was 6 years old children,When sitting in the third row,Accident was car doorway place how far jilt to 1 m,Calf in fracture."The injured Wu Jiabing said,Children always shout pain after injury,"To stay in the hotel after simple treatment."In addition,There is a bridge of the nose fracture, as well as other body hurt/Breakage of tourists in the hotel rest.
yesterday,Contacted to the travel agency responsible for group travel,A staff member to explain,Tourists with them/Scenic spot three parties are negotiating to deal with this matter.then,The reporter to contact again song county wood Zagreb ridge scenic area,A staff member said"I am on duty,Don't know about it,Don't accept interview",Repeated calls the injured area of bus card phone service,Went unanswered.
疑惑:真奇怪 封山期间景区咋能“接客”? confusion:During the strange mountain scenic spot just can't"service"?
Spring travel outside,People travel more gradually,But the scenic spot is ready"service"Ready to?yesterday,The river news reporter consulted luoyang forest protection FangHuoBan,Staff explains,Last November, 1 to April 30 of this year is the luoyang forest mountain time,Forest area of forest ecological tourism scenic area has been closed,No longer tourists,"Baiyun mountain/Tianchi hill/Wood Zagreb ridge scenic area, etc within mountain forest region".
Yesterday afternoon,Journalists as tourists consulting song county wood Zagreb ridge scenic area,A staff member said,Currently wood Zagreb ridge scenic area hasn't begun to tourists,The specific time hailida international has yet to be notified.
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