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游客被“宰”成常态 专家吁提高违规行为成本--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

跟随浙江杭州一旅行社到广西北海旅游的10名游客,春节期间经导游推荐在当地一家海鲜大排档消费时,被店家“狠宰”近万元。近年来,架在游客脖子上的这把“大刀”给这座著名的滨海旅游城市蒙羞。复旦大学旅游系副教授翁瑾12日接受采访时表示,要改变当前旅游市场的乱象,须提高进入门槛和违规行为的成本。 To follow a travel agency in hangzhou, zhejiang province, 10 tourists travel to beihai in guangxi,During the Spring Festival at a local tour guide recommended seafood booth consumption,By the store"Hard to kill"Nearly ten thousand yuan.In recent years,The neck of this frame in tourists"sword"To the shame of this famous coastal tourism city.Department of tourism, fudan university associate professor WengJin 12, said in an interview,To change the current tourism market chaos,Must raise the cost of barriers to entry and irregularities.


According to the statistics,In 2012,,China's domestic travel more than 3 billion people,The highest in the world;Travel abroad more than 80 million people,In the third;To the world tourism market has contributed more than 7%.China has become a tourist country,Travel service has also become the livelihood of the people problem.


WengJin said,For a long time,China's tourism market form"Zero inclusive-fee/High commission"For characteristics of the business model,Travel agencies or intermediaries at low prices to attract tourists,By shopping/Scenic spot tickets high kickbacks to earn profits.


In guangxi beihai,Many tricycle and taxi and some tourist shopping form of interlocking interests chain:The taxi pull tourists to the designated hotel/Food and beverage/Shopping malls and other places,Can get a rebate accordingly.


A local tourism industry source said,Tricycles and taxi as long as tourists to the tourism market,Tourist consumption or not,The driver has 10 to 20 yuan"Return fee"or"Parking fees".


The industry insiders said,If tourists in the tourism shopping mall shopping,The driver to get the different amount for the goods of different rebates.Among them,Leather rebates of up to 30%/Jade 40%,"gem"/"The crystal"/Gold-plated silver plated necklace gilding is 50%,The pearl was 60% higher.In addition,cigarettes/The tea/Watch, rebate amount of goods also quite high.


In the famous international tourism island of hainan,The above phenomenon is not new.In recent years,Sanya, hainan has exposed repeatedly seafood stalls"Rip off"/"Kickbacks from the door"Events such as,Also let the best tourist destination city binhai resort to shame.


Earlier this year,By the China tourism academy in 2012, the national tourist satisfaction survey report issued by,Sanya, hainan/Beihai of guangxi and guangdong shantou,In 72.62, respectively/72.18/70.98 score,In 2012 60 samples of urban tourist satisfaction survey at the end of the three.


Professor of tsinghua university academy of public administration/Ngos, director of the institute is wang said,China's judiciary is not independent,Some practitioners lack of rule of law/The firm faith of justice,Lead to deceit/Rip off the occurrence of the event.Combined with the tourism market regulators themselves lack of regulation power,Lead to supervision/methods/Technology lags behind.


Passengers, director of the tourism quality supervision management Liu Fang admits,Tourism involves eating/live/line/To swim/purchase/Entertainment, etc,Tourists in tourism may also involve the problem of the jurisdiction of the relevant departments,Such as seafood restaurants QiKe rip off/"Black car"The illegal operation, etc,There are a lot of complaints afterwards,Brings to the relevant departments to obtain evidence.


Tourism market deceit/Rip off chaos also stems from a part of the travel agency and lack of management related to the tour guide.


Has worked as a tour guide in Shanghai sechin said in an interview,Many travel agencies in Shanghai tour guide base salary an average of one thousand s,"This salary in Shanghai cannot feed itself,But our industry knows that can eat of tour"rebates",So the base salary is not very important."Sechin and said,When the peak season,The guide for a month"rebates"Nearly ten thousand yuan.


"In the travel industry,ChiHuiKou have not new,Travel agency also tacitly guide from the shopping and chargeable to earn living expenses,So generally offer basic salary is not high or even no base salary."Currently in wuhan from a travel agency to do part-time tour guide said,The guide in wuhan wages an average of about 800 yuan,Travel agency never sign a contract and guides,At ordinary times have let their part-time jobs.


WengJin think,thoroughly"Effect a radical cure"The above phenomenon,Change the regulatory model need to government departments,The core is to by raising barriers to entry and the cost of irregularities.The second,To establish a scientific and reasonable guide travel agency group standards/Tour guide salary system,change"Zero inclusive-fee/Zero salary"phenomenon.

  翁瑾指出,现行法规在分类监管、保证金和注册资金等方面还有很多工作要做。比如旅行社的分类过于简单,对从事散客拼团和单位团队业务的旅行社应采取不同的监管要求。“在政府监管上,仅仅不断地强调"不许零团费,不许回扣,不许挂靠"没有任何作用,很多规定因为执法成本过高而无法执行。” (来源:中国新闻网)

WengJin pointed out,Current regulations in classification regulation/Margin and the registered capital and so on have a lot of work to do.Such as travel service classification is too simple,Spell group to engage in individual and unit team business travel agencies should adopt different regulatory requirements."On the government regulation,Only constantly stressed"No zero inclusive-fee,No rebate,No attached"Don't have any effect,Many regulations cannot be performed because of the high cost of law enforcement." (source:The Chinese news)
