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广州市旅游局3.15提示:理性消费 快乐旅游--亲稳舆论引导监测室
随着社会的发展,旅游已成为一种美好的生活需求,旅游可以让我们放松心情,拓宽视野,体验不同的文化,增长见识,结交朋友,旅游已成为老百姓生活中的一道亮丽风景线。如何能够在产品丰富的旅游市场找到自己的“心水”线路,享受旅游带来的快乐呢?这里面学问还真不少。在“3·15”到来之际,广州市旅游局特别策划了“理性消费 快乐旅游”主题报道,帮助游客在出游时能够理性消费,提防陷阱,依法维权,打造您的快乐旅程。
With the development of the society,Tourism has become a kind of good life demand,Travel can let us relax the mood,Broaden the horizon,Experience different cultures,See the world,To make friends,Tourism has become one of the people's life beautiful scenery line.How can you found in the product rich tourism market yourself"Water mark"line,Enjoy the pleasure of tourism?There's plenty there learning.In the"On March 15"The arrival of,The guangzhou tourism administration special planning"Rational consumption happy travel"Subject report,Help visitors to travel to rational consumption,Beware of traps,In accordance with the rights,Build your happy journey.
透过现象看本质,案例分析助您明白消费 See the essence through the phenomena,Case studies to help you understand consumption
案例1: In case 1:陈女士在某旅行社的网站选择网络报名参团,在出团时,由于身份是外籍人士,又未办理出境签证,故无法随团出游,陈女士非常气愤,向旅游质监部门投诉。陈女士称在报名时,旅行社网站上和与旅行社来往邮件中并未看到相关的提示,导致其无法出游完全是旅行社的责任,要求旅行社赔偿所有损失。
Ms Chen in a travel agency website select network registration tuxedo,When in a group,Because the identity is a foreigner,And did not deal with exit visa,So can't along with the group travel,Ms. Chen is very angry,Complain to the tourism department of quality control.Ms chan said at the time of registration,And with travel agency travel agency web site did not see the tips in the email,Its travel is entirely the responsibility of the travel agency,Request travel agency compensation for all losses.
Tourism quality supervision departments after receiving the complaint,An investigation immediately,According to the survey,"Foreigners need to bring your own visa to leave the country"This hints at the travel agency and tourists have special agreement in your email attachments,But the travel agency did not prompt visitors view the attachment in the mail,Ms. Chen also did not carefully check the E-mail attachments,Leading to ms Chen didn't know have relevant requirements.Under the tourism active mediation quality supervision department,The two sides finally come to an agreement,Travel agency will be the fee is not refunded,Lose some Shared by both parties.
提示: prompt:随着科技的发展,越来越多的旅行社开始使用网络进行旅游产品宣传和接受游客报名。但不少游客对网络报名方式的流程不熟悉,导致游客与旅行社之间的合同纠纷有所上升。在此,我们提示游客在使用网络报名时要注意的相关事项:
With the development of science and technology,More and more travel agencies began to use the Internet to tourism products promotion and accept visitors to sign up.But many visitors to the online enrolment process not familiar with,Rising of contract dispute between the tourists and travel agencies.In this,We suggest the visitors should pay attention to when using the web registration related matters:
(1)When the web application,Every choice you should see clear choice again,Especially important terms and liability for breach of contract.
(2)Travel agency to tourists and E-mail,Tourists should keep to the end of the tour after read before delete;Email attachment should pay attention to check.
(3)Tourists in successfully register for the online registration,Should be confirm with travel agency,And before you leave sign paper travel contracts with travel agencies,To safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of consumer oneself.
案例2: Case 2:王先生与朋友相约前往华东旅游,旅游途中与其他团友聊天时发现同一天在不同营业网点报名,收取的费用不一样。王先生认为这属于价格欺诈,同样的标准,同样的服务,价格居然相差近百元。王先生在回程后向旅游质监所投诉。根据旅游质监部门调查了解后,作出如下答复:
Mr. Wang and meet friends travel to the east of China,Traveling when chatting with other group members to find the same day in different outlets for registration,Fee is different.Mr Wang think it belongs to the price of fraud,The same standard,The same service,The price didn't nearly hundred yuan.Mr. Wang complain to the tourism ZhiJianSuo after return.According to the tourism department of quality control after investigate,To make the following reply:
According to the[Travel agency regulations, implementing rules],The same travel team,Travel agencies shall not be due to the following factors,Proposed contract is different with other tourists:
(a)Tourists refused to participate in shopping activities arranged by the travel agency or the need of tourists to the tourism project is paid separately;
((2))Tourists there are differences in age or occupation.But compared with other tourists travel agency provides more services,Or unless the tourists ask for.
And he said,Travel in addition to the above two rules,According to the market to price adjustment,Cannot be determined its irregularities,But the travel agency to group different the price is more reasonable.
提示: prompt:游客在选择旅游产品时如果可以早作计划早报名以及“货比三家”,一定可以找到“心水”出行线路。
Tourists in choosing tourist products if you can early to make plans and sign up early"Shop around",Must can be found"Water mark"Travel route.
案例3: Case 3:春节期间,刘先生等10名游客参加了某旅行社组织的成都旅游活动。春节期间铁路运力紧张,旅行社原预定的火车票在临出团时被告知已没有。旅行社经过努力,改了车次并改在另一地点上车。由于车次的变更,刘先生等10名游客的游览行程比合同约定的时间少了半天,游客提出要求推迟返程时间,完成游览行程,但是成都地接旅行社已按照原计划购买了回程火车票。旅行社与游客协商并提出赔偿方案,但双方没能达成一致意见,刘先生等10名游客拒绝登车返回,致使返程火车票全部作废,造成直接经济损失4千多元,次日刘先生等10名游客自行购票返回,并以旅行社违约为由,向旅游质监部门投诉,要求旅行社赔偿他们减少半天游览的损失和返回车费及相关费用。
During the Spring Festival,Mr Liu and other 10 tourists travel to a certain organization of tourist activities in chengdu.During the Spring Festival railway capacity nervous,Travel agency the original booking train ticket when coming out of the group was told to have no.Travel through efforts,In another location on the trains and change.Due to the change in the trains,Mr Liu and other 10 visitors tour after less than the time agreed upon in the contract,Request delay return visitors,To complete the tour,But in chengdu to pick up the travel agency has been in accordance with the original plan to buy the return train ticket.Travel agency consultation with tourists and compensation scheme is put forward,But the two sides failed to agree on,Mr Liu and other 10 tourists not to back to board,All the return train tickets invalid,Causing a direct economic loss of 4000 yuan,The next day Mr Liu and 10 tourists to return ticket,And, on grounds of travel agent default,Complain to the tourism department of quality control,They reduce the loss of half a day sightseeing travel agency compensation claims and returns and costs associated with the fare.
提示: prompt:1、旅行社违反合同约定,应当承担违约责任。旅行社应当赔偿由此造成的火车票价格差额及减少半天游览的损失及违约金。
1/Travel agencies in violation of the contract,It shall be liable for breach of contract.Travel agencies shall compensate for the resulting train ticket price difference and decrease the loss of half a day sightseeing and breach of contract damages.
2/Tourists to expand losses cannot get compensation.Tourists, on grounds of travel agent default,Regardless of the travel agency said willing to compensation,Forced retention increase return train tickets invalid and accommodation expenses.According to the[The general principles of the civil law of the People's Republic of China]Article one hundred and fourteen the provisions of:"If one party by the other party for breach of contract by the damages,Shall take timely measures,To prevent further loss.Don't take timely measures to cause further loss,To expand the losses for compensation."[Guangdong province domestic travel registration information and liability rules]Related regulations:"The trip reason cannot according to the agreed schedule,After consultation travel agency and visitors can make appropriate adjustments on schedule arrangements in temporary,Increase the costs borne by the travel agency.As class or activities to reduce caused by adjusting service travel agency tourists economic loss compensation in accordance with the regulations,The visitors should obey the arrangement of the travel agency,Otherwise expand losses shall be borne by the tourists."so,Mr Liu and 10 tourists shall be borne by the round-trip train tickets expansion caused by the loss.
港澳自由行,细节问题不容错过 Hong Kong and Macao free line,Details not to be missed
a/About the booking:When visitors through the travel agency booking rooms of Hong Kong and Macao,The best online access to relevant information of the hotel in advance,With the travel agency confirmation should pay attention to the details,Such as the"The hotel name","Check-in time and duration","Other services"And so on.
(2)/About the documents:When signing up for Hong Kong and Macao swim,The visitors should provide effective certificate and valid visa,If there is a problem because tourist certificate or visa to travel,Related losses are borne by tourist party.
three/Shopping activities:In Hong Kong shopping shop even when the rights and interests are violated,Tourists can be the first time through the alarm to the Hong Kong police for help.Collect evidence at the same time,After return to complain to the tourism administrative department to deal with again.
解读新颁合同,规范广州一日游市场 Reading new awarded the contract,Standardize the market for a day trip in guangzhou
"A day trip"On the basis of their economic benefits/Convenient and quick/Flexible features,Favored by many tourists,Development gradually become the main way of individual tourism.The national tourism administration and the state administration for industry and commerce jointly issued recently[Domestic tourism"A day trip"The contract(Demonstrative text)],Is essential to safeguard lawful rights and interests of tourists.Demonstrative text in the form of the contract to regulate trade behavior,Make relevant laws and regulations require more specific clear,Management services and supervision and management will be more powerful,At the same time,Also provide better protection for the consumption of tourists.Demonstrative text in combination with"A day trip"The actual situation,For tourism disputes prone,In accordance with the relevant laws and regulations,Clear division of contract liability between the parties.Demonstrative text in any form or content, there are many innovations and highlight:One is to cancel the shopping/Shall be paid project and free activities;2 it is to curb"Black club"/"Black guide"and"Black car"/"The black car";3 it is the force majeure circumstances does not support adjust the schedule/Changes to the contract;Four is form content is simple and practical.
guangzhou"A day trip"The market demand,And presents increasing trend.Through intensify efforts to clean up illegal for many years"A day trip in guangzhou",In particular, carried out in 2012"Three dozen two built"action,Perfecting the related/supervision/Management and service system,Implement and public security/Industrial and commercial/Urban management/Price and other related administrative department joint law enforcement,To make"A day trip in guangzhou"Market order is improved obviously.
City tourism bureau actively promote[Domestic tourism"A day trip"The contract(Demonstrative text)]The implementation and use,Carry out the following work:One is to require each travel agency organization staff learning contract text content,In accordance with the requirements stated in the text.Second is to require each travel agency group in the future"A day trip in guangzhou",To use or reference to use[Domestic tourism"A day trip"The contract(Demonstrative text)]Tourists with tourism contracts.Three is to carry out the selection"A day trip in guangzhou"Recommended travel agency activities,In this activity,The promotion[Domestic tourism"A day trip"The contract(Demonstrative text)]As a major work to implement,Completes the implementation supervision and check in daily work.
建设诚信旅行社,擦亮“广州服务”品牌 Construction of good faith travel agency,To polish"Guangzhou service"brand
As early as 2001,Guangzhou region tourism industry has signed the convention on integrity,And will be[Guangzhou convention tourism trade integrity]And complaint telephone number hanging on the eye-catching place of the business premises,To accept supervision from the public.
At the beginning of 2006,Travel agency association jointly formulate municipal tourism bureau and the guangzhou area[Guangzhou good faith travel agency assessment system](Trial version of)And formed a good faith travel agencies in guangzhou region assessment activities organizing committee,In July when the formal implementation,Building rules and regulations guiding the travel agency,Innovation management mechanism.In 2007 named the first batch of 66 good faith travel agencies in guangzhou,Cause the extensive concern of the society from all walks of life.
In 2009,,The city tourism bureau and the guangzhou area travel agency industry association put forward[Good faith travel agency service specifications and evaluation]Local technical specifications,By city pledges inspect bureau released.
City tourism bureau jointly relevant department every year to carry out the work in good faith travel agency reinspection,Selections of integrity management mechanism,At present,A total of 84 good faith travel agencies in guangzhou.In 2013,,Will the current implementation[Good faith travel agency service specifications and evaluation]To revise,Make it more perfect/More operability.
Good faith construction will further standardize the travel agency industry management and tourism market order,Promote integrity law-abiding business travel agencies and practitioners,Strengthen the awareness of the travel agency industry market credit,Improve the quality of travel agency services,Guide travel consumers understand reason consumption,Gradually promote tourism market credit system building,Build honest development environment and tourism consumption environment,Implement the city tourism market order improved markedly.By insisting on"By the good faith as this",Based on the construction of a harmonious/Health tourism market,Tourism credit system is established,Travel management system innovation,Governing the brigade,Sets up the guangzhou tourism image.
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