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日前,第十二届全国政协委员、中国国家旅游局副局长王志发表示,对于中国游客而言,中东国家是一个发展潜力很大的新兴旅游市场。记者从旅行社了解到,随着我国出游目的地的不断丰富,拥有丰富民族文化、历史风情和生态环境的俄罗斯、爱沙尼亚等中东欧国家正逐渐引起游客的关注,已经成为不少游客出游的新选择。 recently,The twelfth session of the CPPCC national committee/China's state administration vice-president wang zhifa told said,For Chinese tourists,In central and eastern Europe is a potential big emerging tourism market.The reporter understands from travel agency,With the enrichment of travel destinations in China,Has the rich national culture/Russian history amorous feelings and the ecological environment/Estonia and other central and eastern European countries are gradually cause the attention of visitors,Has become a new choice for many tourists to travel.


"Because of the central and east European countries in regional distribution/National culture/In such aspects as history amorous feelings and the ecological environment has distinguishing feature very much,China a lot of people have to travel to central and eastern Europe emerging countries for sightseeing/The desire of the leisure vacation."Wang zhifa told introduction,At present China and Russia have jointly organized"Tourism year activities",Becomes a focus of central and eastern Europe communications,Tourism year this year, China plans to 300 activities in Russia,Will greatly promote the non-governmental exchanges between the two countries and tourists.


Caesar the relevant person in charge of tourism,Caesar tourism has launched multiple travel to Russia/Estonia/Central and eastern European countries, such as tourism products in Lithuania,Are popular with tourists."Estonia/Lithuania and other countries in the Baltic,With beautiful scenery and rich ethnic flavor,Accustomed to Australia to see/Landscape of southeast Asia and other places for Chinese tourists,The central and eastern Europe has a unique charm."He said,In Caesar launch of Baltic 10 back tour route in the four countries,Ornamental Estonia will lead Chinese tourists a station/Latvia/Lithuania/Finland, the beautiful scenery of the four countries,Appreciate these located in the coast of the Baltic countries medieval flavor and unique national culture.The Nordic + 13 tour line in Russia,Famous visitors will arrive in Moscow's red square/Lenin's tomb/Unsung heroes monument and so on well-known Chinese tourists attractions,Incorporated into the national symbol of the kremlin in Russia.

  “在游客出行经历不断丰富的情况下,一些具有鲜明特色的新鲜的目的地将日益成为游客出行的选择。”凯撒旅游该负责人表示,俄罗斯、立陶苑等中东欧国家都拥有着丰富的人文景观和自然景象,良好的生态环境和独特的民族风情对中国游客有着巨大的吸引力。随着中国俄罗斯旅游年活动的持续开展,预计这些中东欧国家将有望成为我国游客出行的一大新兴热点区域。 (来源:环球网)

"In the case of tourists travel experience enriched,Distinctive in some of the fresh will increasingly become tourists travel destination choice."Caesar travel the head says,Russia/Set tao yuan and other central and east European countries have abundant human landscape and natural landscape,Good ecological environment and unique ethnic customs have great attraction for Chinese tourists.As China Russia's sustained tourism year activities,Expect the central and eastern European countries will be expected to be tourists to travel in China one of the big emerging hot spot area. (source:The web)
