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The communist party of China (eighteen big report for the first time put forward the construction"Beautiful China",And put the ecological civilization construction in a prominent position,And to emphasize in politics/The economy/Cultural construction should be integrated into the construction of ecological civilization.
Zhou Jiankun introduction,According to the spirit of the eighteenth big,Anshun will insist on"The five one",political/The economy/culture/social,Ecological civilization construction synchronous propulsion.He said,Will hold the country and the guizhou province policy opportunities,Anshun unique ecological environment/Cultural heritage/The advantage of tourism resources enrichment,To promote development of the ecological cultural tourism integration breakthrough,For those routes,Take on the,Working hard to blaze a trail in anshun and time requirements of the actual speed to catch up with.
Zhou Jiankun revealed,Anshun will continue to adhere to the industrialization/The urbanization/Agricultural modernization/Tourism industry"Four modernizations"Synchronous development,Tried to build anshun into ecological cultural tourism integration development demonstration area.
Industrialization aspects,Focus on building 10 provincial industrial park,Many forms/Through various channels to raise money,Strive to improve the campus productive/Life service facilities and environmental protection facilities,Strengthen the park gathering ability.
Urbanization in terms of,Take full advantage of new opportunities your Ann district construction,Actively cooperate with well your AnXin OuZhi district construction,Ten cities and focus on building complex,Stick to sorted guidance,From the business/To live/convention/tourism/Cultural aspects such as function,Realize the urban complex dislocation development.
Agricultural modernization,Increase the intensity of planting industry structure adjustment,Expand the vegetables/The tea/Traditional Chinese medicine/Fine fruits and other special advantage agricultural planting scale.Focus on building more than six provincial modern high-efficiency agriculture demonstration park,Further mountain characteristics and comparative advantages into full play,Highlight the key industries park,Enlarge the scale of industrial park.Support the leading enterprises in the increase,Promoting the development of agricultural industrialization.
Tourism industrialization,Focus on establishing huangguoshu - a holiday for dragon palace complex 7 scenic spots as the core,To promote tourism and culture/Tourism and sports development,Innovative tourism forms and transformation of the mode of development,Enhance the competitiveness of the tourism industry and driving force.
Zhou Jiankun think,"Beautiful China"for"Beautiful anshun"First of all to the rich,To make people live better.Guizhou is in the western region of the last GDP per head reached $one thousand provinces.Anshun 1837 administrative villages,But there are 991 administrative villages are funding,Covers an area of more than half,In the process of growing rich,Increase farmers' income,Also be anshun"agriculture/In rural areas/farmers"Agriculture, rural areas and farmers work starting point and the foothold.
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