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And to March 15,For consumers,This day is not spit unpleasant days.For the travel industry,Many of the"ills"Still is one of the happy journey"A stumbling block".Detect traps,Protect their own rights and interests,Is March 15 the best gift.


关键词:宰客 Key words:Rip off

  相关案例 宰客可以说是反复出现的旅游顽疾。2012年春节过后,网友爆料称,朋友在三亚吃海鲜,三个普通的菜被宰近4000元。邻座一哥们指池里一大鱼刚问价,店家便将鱼捞出摔晕,一称11斤,每斤580元共6000多元。

Related cases rip off can be said to be the recurring problem of tourism.After the Spring Festival in 2012,Netizen has said,Friends eat seafood in sanya,Three ordinary dish was kill nearly 4000 yuan.Neighbor a the elder brothers just ask price means the big fish pond,Vendors will fell dizzy catch,A said 11 jins,580 yuan from 580 yuan per kilogram.


After the Spring Festival this year,Reporter survey found many links are filled with hainan tourism market"rebates"phenomenon,Rebate amount even more than 50%.Sea diving program also became a rip off,Normal diving,The human body needs according to the depth of the water discharge pressure gradually,But if they refuse to take pictures underwater,Some will bring tourists directly into the deep diving coach,Forcing visitors to give up because of the unbearable pressure in water.

  专家观点 中国闲暇经济研究中心主任魏翔表示,宰客确实是顽疾,但总体正在逐渐好转。通过之前的一些事件发现,更多的监管方法只是治标不治本。未来,行业应建立起信用机制,采取激励措施,而不是一味惩罚。例如,公布商家的信用度,引导游客去优质、诚信的商家消费,为游客提供参考。

Experts view leisure said wei zifeng, director of the center for economic research in China,Rip off is really stubborn,But overall is gradually improving.Found some events before it is passed,More regulation method is just take temporary solution not effect a permanent cure.In the future,Industry should establish credit mechanism,Incentive measures,Rather than punishment.Such as the,Released merchants (see article),Guide tourists to high quality/Integrity of business spending,Provide a reference for tourists.

  达人支招 目前,许多旅游网站或者旅游论坛都提供旅游攻略,许多网友讲述自己的亲身经历。这些攻略可为游客出行提供一定的借鉴,当去旅游前,可以搜集攻略,尽量选择优质的消费场所,避免掉入陷阱。

Talent show "action now,Many tourism website or BBS offer travel guides,Many net friends to tell their experience.These strategies can provide certain reference for tourists travel,When go to travel before,You can collect strategy,Try to choose high quality consumer place,To avoid falling into the trap.


关键词:强迫购物 Key words:Forced shopping

  相关案例 团队游是大部分国内游客喜爱选择的旅游方式,而强迫购物则是其中的顽疾。2010年3月,51人的港澳旅游团从安徽出发至香港,导游李巧珍多次强迫游客购物,并辱骂游客。 此事引起了轩然大波,并入选了国家旅游局公布的2010年影响较大的十件旅游案例。

Related cases swim team is most popular domestic tourists choose the travel mode,The forced shopping is one of the ills.In March 2010,51 people of Hong Kong and Macao tour starting from anhui to Hong Kong,The guide Li Qiaozhen forcing tourists shopping many times,And abuse tourists. This matter has caused quite a stir,Was named to the national tourism administration in 2010 released by the great influence of ten travel case.


Last year,,Mr. Soong 9 enrolled in yunnan,Although travel contract commitment without all the shopping store,But the actual shopping various during the journey.Even from the morning has been taken to several shopping store,Guide words are bad,Less amount of shopping will be scold.

  专家观点 业内人士表示,在竞争压力和利益驱使下,旅行社竞相以削价为手段招揽游客,导致一些旅游团以零负团费的价格出现。旅行社低价组团恶性竞争和导游薪金制度不合理是强迫购物频发的根源。政府部门监管力度不够,也是导致零负团费等顽疾无法根治的原因。

Industry insiders say expert opinions,Under the pressure of competition and the interests,Travel agency to competing to reduce the price as the means to attract tourists,Lead to some tour groups to zero inclusive-fee.it's price.Travel agency malignant competition and low group tour guide salary system is not reasonable is the root cause of frequent forced shopping.Government regulation is not enough,Is the cause of zero negative membership fee and other diseases can't cure.

  达人支招 选择旅游团尽量货比三家,当发现个别团的团费相比于其他团费低许多时,不要轻易相信。另外,尽量选择到正规旅行社报名参团。

's action choice tour groups to shop around,When find individual group membership fee when compared to other low cost a lot,Don't believe.In addition,As far as possible alternatives to formal travel agency registration tuxedo.


关键词:忽悠消费 Key words:Fool consumption

  相关案例 徐女士游览某公园,导游将一行40人带到院内寺院,听完和尚讲经后,向每人收取功德钱,当有人准备只给10元时就被赶出佛堂,于是,一行人在不自愿的情况下捐“功德钱”万余元。

Related case ms xu visiting a park,Guide line of 40 people to hospital temple,After hearing the monk preached,To each collection merits of money,When someone prepare only for 10 yuan is out of the temple,so,A line of people in the case of involuntary to donate"Merits of money"More than RMB.


Many of them had the same experience as ms xu.In some scenic spots,Traveling salesmen vendors set up stalls fool tourists consumption events such as common occurance.

  专家观点 中国旅游研究院区域所助理研究员张佑印告诉记者,没有标准化是景区乱象产生的原因之一。制订景区规范标准,景区的每一项都符合标准才能经营,这样的标准有利于景区的发展和监管。

Experts view assistant researcher at the China tourism academy areas Zhang Youyin told reporters,No standardization is one of the scenic spot the cause of chaos.Scenic spot specification standards,Every scenic spot are accord with a standard to run,The standard contributes to the development of the scenic spot and regulation.


Chinese leisure said wei zifeng, director of the center for economic research,Scenic area of confusion is why lead to chaos of the scenic spot is difficult to eradicate,Complaints about the lack of channels and dislocation are also one of the cause of scenic area is difficult to regulation.

  达人支招 游客在遇到问题时,不管通过何种渠道,应该及时向相关部门反映,引起监管部门的重视;游兴十足的同时,也要保持警惕性,遇到问题需冷静,理性维权。

Talent show "action of tourists when they have a problem,No matter through what channels,Should reflect to the relevant authority,Cause the attention of regulators;YouXing real at the same time,Stay alert,Have a problem need to be calm,Rational rights.

  晨报记者 康健

The morning paper reporter is healthy
