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落实带薪休假 不能再等再拖了--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
- have a paid vacation,Can better relieve work pressure,To improve the quality of life;People can according to oneself and actual situation of the family,Arrange travel time,To reduce the traffic pressure,Improving the quality of tourism,Make travel more happy more easily
China national tourism administration, figures show,China's domestic tourism market scale of nearly 3 billion people last year,Among the world's first;Number of outbound tourism in excess of the 80 million passengers,The world's third,To the world tourism market has contributed more than 7%.
just,The data behind,More visitors feel the bitter and helpless:Due to the paid vacation system implement well,People can only choose in the golden week/Small long holiday, etc. Public holidays to travel.Train hard/Travel is difficult/Accommodation is difficult……Each to the holidays,These problems are always hand,"People in town road"common.Quality is not high on vacation,Sharp contrast with the rapid growth of China's tourism market.
In the face of""Golden week""Become a"Week of congestion"/"Small long holiday"Become a"All is false"The reality of the,People can not help but ask,I go out to travel,Don't play a only focus on public holidays?Paid vacation,This has already been written into law system,Why slow to implement?
Around the level of economic development imbalance/There is a big gap of social security/Market competition is intense/A variety of recruitment system coexist,Is not paid vacation system to carry out the objective cause.Especially at this stage,Small and medium-sized enterprise absorbing employment is an important channel,These enterprises in order to reduce labor costs,Usually are not willing to let Hugh annual leave of employees.On the other hand,In front of the employment pressure,Enterprise employees because of concerns that affect their own development,Labor rights and interests of the vacation request was ranked the end.
Paid vacation system implement well,Also with our country enterprise culture/Has much to do with social psychology.In developed countries,Paid vacation has become an integral part of people's life,They put off as inviolable rights,Select the most leisurely way to spend holidays and ideas,The government/Companies also give full support.Such as the,In France,Enterprise employees' paid holiday a year for six weeks.When on vacation,The government would require employers to provide employees a special allowance,In order to make sure they have enough money to travel,Instead of just sitting at home boring.In the United States,Companies pay salary for the worker to write when the number of days of vacation left,Remind the worker don't forget to leave.
And at home,"Today didn't work hard,Trying to find a job tomorrow"Is belief in the concept of many enterprises.Some companies are simply equating dedicated to work overtime,Saturday work for granted.Some employees are also willing to work overtime in exchange for some additional income.
In many organs/Business unit,Although the holiday system more clearly,But due to work on/task,The weekend to work overtime/Night work overtime is the norm,"busy"Work is normal.You arrive early,Don't go off work on time,Both can't get compensatory,Also can't get by on vacation.Because the unit of leadership/Competent leave doesn't take the lead/Initiative to leave,In an atmosphere of everyone don't leave,Even some employees would leave,Also sorry to apply for.
Vacation is a fundamental right of workers,Is to increase the dignity of labor/Improve work efficiency of the basic requirements.To carry out the system of paid vacation,Need for government/The joint efforts of unit of choose and employ persons and laborer.The labor department should give full play to the function,Strengthen the labor inspection,Punish those use laborer the behavior of the vacation time.organ/Enterprise or business unit staff leave requirements should also be taken seriously,change"Paid vacation affect work"The old ideas,Use paid vacation to strengthen employee's identity/The sense of belonging.As a worker individual,Might as well start from the now,Rightfully fight for rights and maintain their own holidays.
In a certain sense,Vacation is paid vacation.Have a paid vacation,Can better relieve work pressure,To improve the quality of life;Have a paid vacation,People can according to oneself and actual situation of the family,Arrange travel time,To reduce the traffic pressure,Improving the quality of tourism,Make travel more lively/More easily.
落实带薪休假,不能再等再拖了。(杜海涛) (来源:人民日报)
Implementation of paid vacation,Can't wait again.(Du Haitao) (source:The People's Daily)
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