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凤凰古城新政迎大考:客流锐减 归因一票制--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  中新网5月2日电(财经频道 种卿)“五一”小长假刚刚结束,湖南凤凰古城实施“门票新政”后面临的第一次“大考”。自今年4月10日凤凰古城对进入景区的旅客收取148元的门票政策后,遭到了网友和社会舆论的广泛质疑,致使古城散客数量骤减。而在五一小长假期间,尽管官方公布的表示凤凰古城各项旅游指标稳中有增,但城内客栈、商铺等经营者却愁眉不展,抱怨“五一”游客量较往年锐减的同时,对古城未来的经营状况也表示担忧。

中新网5月2日电(Finance channel of qing)"The May Day"Small long holiday had just ended,The ancient city of phoenix is carried out in hunan province"Tickets for the new"after面临的第一次"Big test".自This year4月10日凤凰古城对进入景区的旅客收取148元的门票政策after,By Internet users and the social public opinion widely questioned,The number of the ancient city of the individual.而在The May Day小长假During the period,Although the official said the ancient city of phoenix travel index has increased,But the city inn/Shops such as operators, however, when you are sad,Complain about"The May Day"Visitors are reduced at the same time,Operating conditions of the ancient city of the future is concerned.


查票点对散客形同虚设 Point to the individual demand


This year的The May Day小长假,Hunan phoenix ancient city scenic spot for a vote of 148 yuan a month ago and has attracted much attention.Integrated media reported,Including the inn/shops/The taxi, and many other operators agree that,The little long holiday,More than half of traffic stabilize.


但是,Although the sound of merchants complained of in the ear,But from the official visitors and field observation data,The visitors of the ancient city of phoenix is not less.The May Day小长假,Fenghuang county, hunan province,Number of visitors and many.Thousands of tourists every day,In the ancient city of less than 1 square kilometers,Make the ancient city streets,Appear a little crowded.


并且,According to the[Guangzhou daily]1 report,From the ancient city of charge has sparked criticism,The ancient city of charge policy fine-tuning.This year"The May Day"During the period,The ancient city of didn't strictly check a ticket for the individual,Ticket checking points almost useless.Fenghuang county officials said yesterday,This is humanized management and care of the interests of the tenants,Hope that traders"The May Day"During the business can be better,Emotions can calm some.


此前,The ancient city of phoenix town a total of 13 ticket booth,One of the biggest three respectively located in the north/Du Tian/Together these three into the direction of the ancient city,A ticket counters and ticketing inspection station.But as the scenic spot charges caused controversy since and the backlash from the ancient city of traders,Fenghuang county are quietly fine-tuning to charge policy,For individual ticket please recount is relaxing.


According to the湖南省凤凰县旅游局昨日公布的数According to the显示,On April 29,Phoenix, a total of 31286 person-times of tourists,Tourism income of 20.89 million yuan,The county urban tourists stay in 15143,Scenic visitors of 10419 people.On April 30,,Phoenix, a total of 46535 person-times of tourists,Tourism income climbed to $32.5745 million,The county urban tourists stay in 20176,Scenic visitors of 13436 people.


商户诉苦:生意差都因“一票制” Businesses complain:Business is poor because of"One vote per"


与官方数According to the的"Are going"deviating,Phoenix ancient city merchants are restless.Many of the owner of the hotel,The reasons of the poor business this year,Comes down to the county government's 148 yuan"Tickets for the new".A I wish the boss said,One vote per,These small family hotel for them,Very big effect.I wish the boss to reporters calculated brushstroke zhang.


中国广播网1 report,In the ancient city of running a hotel business wish the boss said:In April last year,不用说The May Day了,300 bucks a river room it is not possible to rent,No river house have to around 350.In April this year,Originally belong to the tourist season,In a room of 300 to 350 last year,This year at around 150,Sometimes I live.The price than the same period last year dropped by half.Anyway, we are not very optimistic this year.


然而,In fenghuang county there is such a press release issued by the expressions:"29 to 30,The tourism market in good order,Steady growth of tourism comprehensive index.On April 29,31286 people an county,Tourism income of 20.89 million yuan,County urban tourists stay in 15143,Scenic reception number 10419.hotel/Family hotel occupancy rate of more than 75%,The star hotel/Along the river inn inn and core."


因一票通而备受争议的凤凰古城,Perceptions of tourist traffic,The official and business experience,Don't agree with each other.For this,Related departments in fenghuang county,Don't have to explain the.While a business frankly expressed their views:Merchants and phoenix travel were damaged,But the government is making money.(News of finance and economics channel)

凤凰古城新政迎大考:客流锐减 归因一票制

凤凰古城新政迎大考:客流锐减 归因一票制

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