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林小俊(Hui evaluation network CEO):In February this year by hui evaluation network as data providers involved in the work list by word of mouth,In the whole 2012 high-end hotel reputation ranking work inside China,Hui the work content of evaluation of network is provided data about online comments,Here is simple with the leaders and all the friends to introduce such a solution.


数据的要求为什么提供网络点评,Tell me the reason and history.Now number the activities here,Word of mouth for high-end Chinese restaurant ranking,This two word by word of mouth actually refers to customer satisfaction,We mainly in the ranking is based on customer satisfaction.In the customer satisfaction rankings is not happy how to know the customer satisfaction,Customer satisfaction of the evaluation work is, in fact, through massive amounts of customer feedback data are needed to get,You will have to go and ask the customer,What does he to stay in hotels is how to feel,Only based on this data can be real objective to get satisfaction index is calculated.In traditional research director and will do with wearing has been mentioned repeatedly,In the traditional research is mainly in the form of questionnaire survey to collect customer's data.Why do the questionnaire?Because do not like maybe popular today in the Internet,When we want to know the customer,In addition to the formal in the lobby or outside or inside the hotel to meet with the customer to interview through expert interview,More main form like this form just now through the questionnaire form to submit to the customer,Let our customers can get some feedback information from this form.Some of his defects is quite obvious,Some customer questionnaire is clearly a form of fixed template,His problem all the problem before customer experience review was determined to death,13 a list like this table to determine the dead,Not your customer want to show what content have what experience can feel to express,Only comply with fixed template to answer the question.Such a problem will certainly stand in the Angle of the investigators to get the data instead of standing in the user's point of view.


In the second,Questionnaire survey in the form of customer ratings for review.Questionnaires were present at the hotel at the front desk,Took a minute or two beat one points,This simple point is satisfied put a check mark are not satisfied or fork is 1, 5 points from very not satisfied to satisfied to play a level five levels.Like such a way is, in fact I think relatively is relatively objective,Affected by the current form of emotional fluctuation is larger,Said it's hard to define what the hell am I three points with four points with any significant difference between five minutes,It is difficult to define one thing.Is not very favorable for objective evaluation methods.


第三点,We now do not to evaluate a particular hotel that you the satisfaction of the restaurant exactly,We have to do is list,Although discharged out the results five three hundred four-star hundred six hundreds in total,But in order to row the six hundreds of hotel we actually want to all involved in ranking of the hotel for the corresponding data analysis.We can have a look at just introduce data,There are 758 listed 4422 four-star hotel is a five-star hotel to participate in the ranking,Means that we have total of more than five thousands hotels in collecting customer feedback data,If in the form of a questionnaire to do need to be hundreds of thousands or even millions of questionnaire,Every hotel, one hundred copies of questionnaire is at least one hundred,If two hundred copies of questionnaires to more than one million,Its workload to collect three million questionnaire workload in time or cost is hard to accept.Lucky it should be said that the current technology in the era of development in development,"Web" is known to all is a one-way release time,Internet is also a kind of media,A one-way receive information on the Internet,We look at sohu news sina news this is the definition of".Is now 2.0 era background,Each of us is a from the media,Two-way communication can easily through the network,Everyone can go up and published their views on the Internet,2.0 this is the background of The Times.With the development of such a background now,The actual customers more and more customers are willing to share his consumption experience of hotel on the network,Because really is for each and every one of his has an express their demands,Whether happy or not happy,I lived in the hotel I whether it is set on ctrip and elong,There will be a very big appeal for himself the hotel experience sharing on the network to people express themselves.If not on the OTA will also share on weibo micro letter,Everyone has this kind of appeal,And willing to share their experience in the Internet and feedback.Also means that the actual so far on the Internet in the form of a review there are vast amounts of customer feedback data,Don't have to do the questionnaire survey,Now go to collect,Have to find did stay in this hotel people do investigation behavior,Millions of users really is unlikely.But on the network as the data accumulated over the years,So some customer feedback is very readily available in the data,As long as you use it well.Each of us a comment on how to use it,Each comment in our standing in the customer's point of view I am a consumer to choose a hotel,I ctrip to book hotel on each review for me is an endorsement of the hotel,I think it good or bad decision to not to live in the hotel,This is just the traditional usage.But to stand in the Angle of the scientific research or to stand in the Angle of the degree of satisfaction evaluation,Every comments are actually the customer did a questionnaire survey,He may be in the case of unknown,Is precisely this unknown to his objectivity,He doesn't need to cater to a hotel or catering to a certain investigators,He just need to true his own point of view good or bad by comments in the form of share out,Very objective,And use the words.While he was in between the lines means it must be the most thoughtful meaning expression,Every article reviews can be a customer stand your side for an objective questionnaire survey conducted by the hotel,As long as we can make it abstract out the content of the questionnaire will be able to do the work.Based on the judgment and consider,Hui evaluation of network on the basis of CHM has carried out the work,With massive amounts of online comments instead of a questionnaire survey,This is the word of mouth was significant innovation.Work in such a big under the background of the entire inside of the two aspects of evaluation of network to offer list,On the one hand is the support data collection,The second aspect is the data analysis support.Data collection is easy to understand,For many comments on the network,Each site has existed in the Internet,Exactly what website to collect the comments from at this moment,How efficient the review collection down,Because it is not a hotel hundreds of comments,For all that lost millions of comments on hotel,How to efficient rapid acquisition down and don't miss them,This is a big job.In the second,Acquisition down enough,This is really not enough,Because we collected down after each review is what users write some text content,As examples of secretary just said a words,That we want to find into the results of the questionnaire survey,Want to use it actually lacks a link lack of a link?Linguistic analysis of the link,Read this passage is easy to understand,We read,Know what's this passage about what aspects of the hotel,But the computer put this passage to understand what he was talking about,Customers in this period of review what kind of emotional attitude expressed what view,Anger is not happy or satisfied with acceptable,These are all have a job in it.Eventually put the comments into a calculable view database,With the database on the back of the comprehensive evaluation model of the satisfaction index.


分开来讲一下这两方面的工作,The first online comments collection,The second comment on analysis of the language.Actually just basic information, secretary-general of a simple introduction has been made,I do some technical aspects of endorsement and the detailed description.A mechanism of problem in the first place,We take the focus on ranking mechanism,This is distinguished from like baidu search engine,Because the so-called ranking is small computers to content on the network running down,For now on the network use crawlers use most is baidu search engine GOOGLE,Day and night crawl down all Internet page,But for us as a practical application background, the creeper is not enough use,Crawl down after all inside pages which is a comment,Which is not a review,Which page are related to review which pages are recruitment page is not what we want.We need directly when fetching the orientation to the hotel to see exactly what order it what is the title of the text is what time,Accurate positioning will send these information to,This is our focused crawler,When gathering content to locate precisely to what we are fetching,What is that we don't delete.The entire source website contains three most mainstream OTA website ctrip/elong/tongcheng,Vertical search sites where to,And two far the largest user-generated website usage over network and mass dianping we often used.For other site bigger basically copy the data from the website,Such as mango net from behing actually review the data of network reference it,Like asses evaluation of the net to use comments on ctrip,There are other small basic there is no comment on class,Because the booking volume no comment on the amount of basic produce less.The six sites in our down assessment covers the vast majority of comments on Internet original comments.The entire collection of time range is from January 1, 5 years to 12 years on December 31,We use for such a long span of comments for each of our factor each hotel concerned aspects of weight coefficient,This is the main purpose.Calculation of each hotel's satisfaction,We are 2012 satisfaction evaluation,We have 12 year data to do the calculation of this year.The actual update cycle now do is 10 minutes to update a cycle,It can avoid network comments on maximum loss or delete actions,Ensure that each of the comments we appeared on the Internet,We collected down within 10 minutes,There would be no omission phenomenon occurred.


In the second方面的工作是语言分析的工作,The introduced to you just now,We here is also a detailed analysis to describe language problem where exactly what to do.Our analysis objects is to the left of the original comment,Expressed in natural language text clips,Like the left one is the natural language expression.We hope to get the analysis results such as the right to review the customer identified to the point of view that the hotel and his emotional attitude in expressing the idea when identified,Actually such an analysis is to review the analysis of the demands of deep understanding.Just wear dean said,Such an understanding is a very difficult task,Because the person is in the variability of the expressing content with his presence,One can say,But the computer must read.Dean just an example,Pit dad,Have you seen the dean of the review is pit dad's words,Hadn't said it represents the complete definition is a what kind of attitude when it is hard to understand this sentence.Assume that I will tell the pit dad entered computer pit dad represent negative let you not satisfied with words,Is enough??I'll take an example,A review is written by a user under the taxi on the way to the hotel the dusty weather,The weather of Beijing is pit dad,I stay in the hotel service is good.In addition to pit dad this words is not original other words are original,With the bad,The weather in Beijing,A bad a pit dad,Current system inside most of the original system for such comments more headaches,If only see the pit dad or just see bad when it is a bad review,This is a negative review,Because the user can express the emotions are not satisfied with.But in fact not the expression of the hotel,His expression of negative emotions is the weather in Beijing,Has nothing to do with hotel.How can we put this article reviews the passage this sentence from a review of picking out said that you speak this sentence is the weather in Beijing in hotel it doesn't matter with me,You don't get a hotel negative comments,This involves another deeper level question,In addition to words when we are speaking the language more logical relationship,Believe we primary school junior high school of time studied syntactic structure,This kind of thing we have to teach computer,Let the computer word split into subject-predicate,Find them between the rhetorical unit.Through the system to understand this sentence pit dad represents the weather is the weather in Beijing,It has nothing to do with our hotel just ignore it.If he was referring to the Beijing hotel service so pit dad,Reference service is associated in the past,This service is not someone else's service is the service of the hotel,We as a hotel service class.This is a typical process of language comprehension,Want to do different judgement at the sentence level word level,To judge the speak this sentence what mean.Put through the analysis of the language on the left side of the original comment directly map to the right analysis of the results,Call each design to the hotel we factor and micro factor on representative of emotional attitude directly.


我们看一下标红了,Actually the red is what mean?We just mentioned our work trying to convert user's comments on to the questionnaire survey,Converted into a real spontaneous behavior can depend on the user is able to interpret the questionnaire.The questionnaire should be 13 on secretary general problems, such as the right,The actual user satisfaction play a points for each question/Not satisfied with,This is a questionnaire.Our job is to the left of the review into the right of the questionnaire,Finally imagine we actually can work from the Internet based on just grab those reviews,We can take these comments on the body of the converted into a piece of a questionnaire survey,When we mass to gather the comments we have such a free get millions of questionnaire data size to do list.Finally hui evaluation network as data provide guidelines for our online comments provided some customer feedback of massive amounts of data,Two indicators,It just we just mentioned 758 listed 4422 five-star and four-star hotel a total of five thousand,Article for the five thousand hotels with five thousand customer reviews.As long as each review there are a lot of point of view,Each hotel has more than one view,We extracted in the middle of the 2.7 million comments on 2.7 million views,Such work in million level play data on it.Why hui evaluation network can do about it?Secretary general zhang invited us later,We also really eager is confident to undertake this work,We have our own accumulation and basis for such a task.Simple actually said about our hui evaluation net actually is really appropriate,Hui evaluation network to do this,Hui review web search in the Internet/The understanding of the language/Mining and so on all have some technical expertise and knowledge property rights,Since I do Dr At Peking University has been doing this work.With these techniques applied to the fields of hotel at last,Actually for hotel areas we now can say pretty proud of established the world's most accurate hotel reviews database,Not necessarily is the world's largest,But at least is most accurate.We can get a review for all view and questionnaire survey.


左边我们分享几个数据,This data may wear dean can answer questions,Now we counted 13 years of network review covered 16 m hotel at home and abroad,6 m Chinese foreign 10 m hotel reviews,Collected 16 million comments,Extracted eighty million comments,From 55 latitude according to frequency,According to customer's comments to describe more and less to collect from 24 factor as the whole model of the factors.If we have opportunities such as released in the next round of next year there will be a chance to a listing on the national more than fifteen thousand star-rated hotels also have the opportunity to do such an integral part of the work,This data until February this year,Whole is our hui evaluation network inside the mouth ranking data to provide work and data analysis.


