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中新网5月2日电 缤纷五月,花海佛国,心灵圣地,迎来祈福潮。今年“五一”小长假,峨眉山-乐山大佛景区共接待游客77798人次,迎来了雅安地震后的首个游客接待高峰。
Beijing, May 2 (Reuters) profusion of may,Under the buddhist,Mind the holy land,Praying for tide.This year"The May Day"Small long holiday,Mount emei, leshan giant Buddha scenic area, a total of 77798 person-times of tourists,Ushered in the ya 'an first visitors reception peak after the earthquake.
In mount emei,Tourists travel enthusiasm is not reduced because of the effects of earthquakes,Total visitors with May Day last year 50% year-on-year reduction,But tourist Numbers increase from day to day,organized/With the size of the drive the team to become a scenery line of flow,Achieve no tour visitors complaints and major stakeholders safety accident,Tourism market restorative growth after a disaster.
Mount emei, leshan giant Buddha management committee secretary of the party committee Qin Furong told me:"The wenchuan earthquake in 2008 after half a month,Mount emei to usher in the first wave of tourism.Ya 'an this year after the earthquake,Mount emei of tourists, there is no block,A minimum of there are more than 3000 visitors a day."
On April 30,,A visit to the Beijing/Shanghai and xi 'an 48 Israel's tourism team arrived at the emei mountain tour.The leader told reporters:"Mount emei is the fourth stop of this series team,Only one in the whole sichuan tourism scenic spot.Although just happened the earthquake in sichuan province,But this batch of old age group members are all very excited,Everyone didn't think of emei mountain is such security/Such a beautiful/So comfortable."
突如其来的地震灾害对旅游市场影响是明显的。据悉,4.20雅安地震发生后,峨眉山及时排查和发布安全信息,走好了灾后旅游提振的第一步。并迅速调整营销策略和产品,快速突击启动川渝市场。瞄准5月旅游市场,峨眉山全面快速造动旅游热潮。 (中新网生活频道)
The sudden earthquake impact on the tourism market is obvious.It is understood,4.20 ya 'an after the earthquake,Mount emei screening and publish safety information in a timely manner,Go with the first step in the tourism boost after a disaster.And quickly adjust the marketing strategy and product,Rapid assault launched each market.Aiming at the tourism market in May,Emei mountain comprehensive and rapid dynamic tourism boom. (News channel of life)

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7.0 -magnitude earthquake in ya 'an in sichuan province
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