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Phoenix dilemma,是中国旅游业发展的一个典型样本景areacommercial的潮流愈演愈烈,Cultural protection is at stake,The strength of the foreign capital are stationed,For the government to lose control over the entire tourism formats,Lead to"To commercial"The legacy.but,凤凰At presentimplementOne vote per,For local operator is worried
表面的热闹 On the surface of the lively
"At least half loss.""The May Day"after就没什么people了.""Price 5 discount,客people也赶不上In previous years的8成"……In the凤凰当地,After such complain.
5月4日,Just had better take long vacation city looks tired,街上people流不再拥挤,Distributors are little face of the normal,Instead, the sickliest sigh.This is the order"Tickets for the new"After the first game"war",however"results"却令people担忧.
法治周末记者从凤凰县官方了解到,4月29日到On May 1期间,凤凰共接待游客10.21万people次,而旅游收入是7093.78万元people民币,Compared with the same period last year,implement"Tickets for the new"after,Fenghuang county this year"The May Day"小长假的旅游people数和旅游收入都实现了增长.In that case,Why there are so many businesses complain about?
"Surface looks lively,内In the却已经接近崩溃."凤凰县苗江大酒店负责people腾先生对法治周末记者如此总结今年"The May Day"The tourism situation."Not only is the hotel,整个凤凰的旅游业都In the急剧下滑."And this,还是In the古城放松了长假期间对tickets检查的情况下.
究竟这场古城commercial的博弈是喜是忧,Maybe true phoenix can be revealed.
"Please tourists to produce tickets or related certificates"Sign is undoubtedly the most scenery that punch a phoenix this year.The city 13 ticket booth,Without exception, upright this eye-catching logo.
但当法治周末记者以游客身份从古城西门进入时,工作people员却并未检查tickets.Reporter observed several visitors find later,This is not a lapse,But common phenomenon,Even still no ticket has been submitted.The occasional visitors take the initiative to show their tickets,检查people员也只是匆匆一瞥.In that case,The so-called"Tickets for the new"所In the何处?
对此,Fenghuang county government did not make too much explanation,It took the default attitude,Says that it is one of individual clients"people性化管理".而凤凰县旅游局的一位工作people员对记者透露,Due to the ticket charge caused by the rebound is beyond imagination,At present,The new policy is in adjustment.
一位当地贩卖手工艺品的商贩告诉记者,Due to the ticket policy later,Tourists populations,政府现In the主要只针对团队游客收取tickets,For the individual Chad is lax,但效果却不尽如people意.
记者顺着商贩手指的方向留意了几家稍显热闹的店面,Found mostly hand waving flags,Wearing the red hat travel team,Almost hard to find the individual tracks.The ancient city of old"Liu ginger sugar"The shop assistant told reporters,In the past"The May Day"Before and after a long holiday,Store visitors can hardly walk,Mostly the individual.Now just after"The May Day",Tourists at least halved in the shop,That part of the less are almost all soon.
对这种改变更为敏感的是Food and beverage业主.Located in the ancient city on the west side of a powder shop owner Mr. Zhang is one of them.In the他眼里,The phoenix has lost its past angry.
时值下午,The shop no customers,老张与两个店员靠In the餐桌边There are一搭没一搭地闲聊.The two boys were he to deal with"The May Day"Holiday special help, please,But now he became embarrassed in the store"The decoration".Sufficient food and reserves,Now still remaining,Holiday is over,These cost estimates are only without getting something back.
"A day at least an income of 5000 yuan last year,In the holidays,Is doubled.再看现In the,A day after,Of only one thousand yuan a day,Sometimes only a few hundred yuan.Don't know how long can also do this store."When it comes to here,Mr Zhang said with a sigh.
The reporter understands,Tourist hot at the time of last year,Mr Zhang took more than 100000 yuan a year the two-storey houses open a shop,Originally is expected back within half a year rent,I didn't think,A small,"tickets"堵住了他的goods路.
同样了无生气的还There are古城内的客栈,For assures to hang a few days ago"The May Day"Don't rise in price"The signature has not been removed,The rows"Today have a room"Sign is somewhat embarrassed.One of the inn boss Mr Xu told reporters."In previous years"The May Day"Before and after,The ancient inn hotel housing prices are in short supply in the city,Even after all don't worry about customers.Peers to remind visitors to"Today have a room"The signs on the,Thought has no place at this year."
这些,Is the consequences of the loss of individual."由于旅行团的购物都是In the定点的地方,Generally do not live inn/Eat a roadside stall,很多商户的主要消费people群只能是散客.Individuals are not coming today,These merchants we don't know what to do."Mr. Chee helplessly told reporters.
旅行团的怒气 Tours of anger
散客people数的骤减,把古城旅游收入的重担都压In the了旅行团的身上.
"After all the tickets for reform,In view of the main group is the tour group,The seemingly strong and Tours.But in fact,The tour group is already quite deep condescension."A phoenix local guide quietly told reporters over the weekend of rule of law,"There are many travel agency cost of tour,Is not convenient to revealed,But talk to phoenix cost gap of tour,现In the要148元的tickets,Up to 25 yuan is done before."
该导游给记者算了一笔旅行社的带团账:原来,Tour visitors registration fees paid,General is included is the ancient town of nine scenic spot tickets,The price in previous years, about 25 yuan.Now the new practice"One vote per",让旅行团不得不为游客负责每people148元的tickets钱.Of course,,The price is a discount for travel agencies,大概实际每people100元左右.But the travel agency is that inconvenience to tourists because of price increases,Otherwise it will affect the price of its own advantages.So the ticket money,Have to profit directly from the buckle.
"Due to each of the tourists paid is fixed,So the tourists' consumption level has become the interests of the travel agencies and tour guides.And already resent tourism consumption and prices,If I pass the price tickets on again to tourists,I'm afraid can cause even more."The guide says plaintively.
为此,Many travel agencies have begun to shift pattern of tour.From the previous"Into the store"Into today's"Add some".Take visitors to the designated shopping from before/Have dinner, etc,To let visitors are optional,Visit a few more spots,Thus increasing costs.The fixed pattern consumption,Even more popular with tourists favor,但At the same time也让旅行团的消费Ability to进一步下降.For the merchants of the ancient city of phoenix,Is definitely icing on the cake.
但这还不足以体现旅行社的愤怒.Reporters from changsha in hunan province/Tours to yueyang, etc,At present前往凤凰的路线已经日趋减少,Even a portion of the tour group has already started to boycott the phoenix,Into operation surrounding ancient city, such as dry state/DE tamper the miao/武陵源等景area,To express their dissatisfaction.Investigate its reason,Or that is as high as 148 yuan tickets touches the travel agency"The interests of the cake".
旅行社的抵制,Damage to one of the most obvious is the phoenix around the hotel.
"So say with you,This year's"The May Day"Is less clear."Downstream of the phoenix day hotel wu manager complained to reporters.
自从"Tickets for the new"Since its launch,Phoenix days downstream of the occupancy rate is declining.As soon as"The May Day",就基本没什么来旅游的客people了,Customers lost more than half.
作为一个从zhangjiajie做到凤凰,The hotel operators with tourism industry more than ten years experience,Wu manager seemed worried about this.His experience has taught him,凤凰正In the走的路似乎并不陌生,The xiangxi another town furong town tried.The attempt turned out to be,Furong town now,More like a"Die city".
伍经理对记者说:"The so-called"Die city",不是没There arepeople,But not angry,No tourists,No appeal.虽然现In the的凤凰还能靠着In previous years的余温吸引一些游客,But has been increasingly has a downward trend."
同样感到悲观的还There are苗江大酒店.Because in a golden section of town of fenghuang county tuojiang river,In previous years的入住率从不令people担心.But this year,虽然入住率仍然维持In the80%以上,But the cost is greatly cut a excellent grades,Door market price 380 yuan/night deluxe room has now dropped to 180 yuan/night,But also have to rely on the travel group to maintain occupancy.
对此,酒店负责people腾先生表示,景area收费早已There are之,But a"One vote per"实In the是冲击太大,The shops/Hotels and local common people is a heavy blow.Rather than follow the guilin,In the酒店收取维护费,Can also accept.
从旅行团锐减到周边酒店萧条,This travel"Chain of the chain"The increasingly thin,Make the development way of the ancient city of phoenix harder.
逼出来的收费 Forced out of charge
既然散客与旅行团均被限制,Why the ancient city of phoenix is determined to"A ticket is"??
记者从古城当地了解到,And on the Internet almost overwhelmingly questioned the rationality of the phoenix local government collect tickets are different,凤凰本地的residents却出现了赞同的声音.
这种声音多源于两点:第一,游people太多拥堵了交通;In the second/游people太多抬高了物价.这两点让当地people积怨已久.居住In the古城内的陈醒,因In the古城外一家银行上班,Feeling is quite deep to traffic jams and prices:"几乎每天上下班都会In the路上堵很久,Price is rising fast.Two or three years ago and only sell 5 yuan a pack of twisting, sugar,Now go to 12 yuan."
当地出租车司机对此则显得There are些矛盾.Today tourists too,Some part of money every day,But if recovery had visitors at the sight,The road congestion,There seem to be too many private cars,No money more,It is in a dilemma.
对此,同属湘西景area的武陵源天都酒店负责people胡先生告诉记者,The ancient city of phoenix is actually is"force"Out of the,Almost reached the point where they don't accept no.首当其冲的问题就是The ancient city of phoenix严重的people满为患,大大超过景area承载力,Environmental burdens.people满为患不仅是环境的问题,还影响古城residents的正常生活,Even local prices/Housing and social security, and many other problems.
过于集中的people流,Again lead to traffic jams.而且古城内由于people流巨大,Merchants can get huge gains,so,商户In the古城内林立,And once the merchants,It will damage the ecological environment of the ancient city of,Cause excessive commercial development.而In the这个过程中,当前古城的管理却是以常驻people口来配置管理的(Such as the sanitation/The public security configuration, etc.),巨量的流动people口让地方管理力不从心,Thus charges reversed transmission city alleviate the situation.
而对凤凰当地官方来说,The local government collect tickets,Consider more is governance phoenix travel chaos brought by the high-speed development.The phoenix of county YanChangWen told reporters,The ancient city protection difficult/Travel order/Poor infrastructure,Are three chaos like facing the ancient city of phoenix.And these are the reasons why the phoenix had to collect tickets.
而点评此次war的results可以发现,"The May Day"Small long holiday on the first day,凤凰全县景area共接待游客10419people,其中古城景area接待游客8475people,Year-on-year decline is about 15%.
对这样的"results",YanChangWen and fenghuang county deputy magistrate Cai Long said"relief".YanChangWen said,"The situation of the national tourism is generally bad this year,zhangjiajie/武陵源等国内其他景area游客接待量都There are大幅下滑.和其他景area相比,We still feel some comfort."
从4月10日实施tickets制以来,来凤凰的散客people数下滑约30%,But Cai Long don't worry,He think that already has a good signs,Data from the first day of the tourists,散客买票people数超过了团队,You buy a ticket of the increasing awareness,因为毕竟没There are哪个景area可以一直免收tickets.
景区商业化困局 景areacommercial困局
的确如凤凰官方所说,凤凰并不是景areaEnclosure the charge的特例.Jinan baotu spring - will/Daming lake, etc."三泉一河一湖四园area"Integrated into"天下第一泉风景area",On April 1, unified selling tickets;On May 1,贵州梵净山景area也将implement"One vote per".after,There are"China's first water town"Reputation of the ancient town of zhouzhuang/Qin shi huang's mausoleum museum/乌镇等景area,Began to sell tickets.
中国旅游研究院学术委员会委员周玲强告诉记者,"Enclosure the charge"是各地景area牟利的常见手段,但比收取tickets更让people无奈的,Is the enclosure after"Price not quality"In the manner.如江西明月山景area,Before 2004 tickets is 30 yuan,About 2008 years,Up to 120 yuan,可是景area仅仅修缮了大门.Tourists spend 90 yuan,就花In the了一个大门上.
同样的情况正In the凤凰身上显现.Ten years ago,If you come to the order,Spend 30 yuan can live in the diaojiao building to the core,Early in the morning,Natives will invite you to eat home cooked breakfast together.Ten years later,同样In the凤凰,吊脚楼仍In the,Just build up layer upon layer,Speak mandarin outside inn boss will tell you,今天客people多,House prices has risen again than yesterday."现In the因为One vote per,The market downturn,The best room has more than five hundred,In previous years at this time,Want 7810 river's house."The inn owner Mr Xu told reporters.
however过度的commercial开发并未停止.now,In the约0.9平方公里的古城核心area,There are 68 bars,More than 600 hotels and inns,A countless number of tourism products in stores and vendors.The fenghuang county,Food and beverage/entertainment/交通运输等直接从业people员超过3万people.In 2012,,The tertiary industry related to tourism contributed the county 67.5% of GDP.
这种走到极致的commercial,Let phoenix into an embarrassing dilemma.The reporter understands,Local traders often complain about the ancient town to no government installation of trash can,In fact,Installed 3 times from last year to this year the county garbage can,Add up to several hundred,But put on the first day,The next day was traders throw down."到处都是做生意的people,垃圾桶装In the谁家门前,Who are not willing to."The shop owner said.
这只是凤凰过度commercial的一个缩影,But is also a true portraiture of the dilemma.Societe generale securities LiuLuDan tourism industry analyst said,At presentIn theThe ancient city of phoenix做生意的超过三分之二都是外地people.The entry and expansion of foreign capital,Brought phoenix commercial and fashion elements.however,The ancient city protection and inheritance of culture,But never is that they are the focus of attention.so,The original clear tuojiang river is full of eat hutch garbage,Originally the stone path of of primitive simplicity is filled with the flavor of the beer and popcorn imports,古城正In the渐渐"stale".
而凤凰也并非唯一饱受"commercial"困扰的景area.after,Nanjing sun yat-sen's mausoleum villas surrounding the continuously expansion of the controversial,Dali/xitang/Zhou Zhuangdeng city guzhen business by tourists everywhere"Vomit slot",More famous mountains were listed/Temple by contract such as news appear constantly,One of the most typical is the world cultural heritage of the ancient city of lijiang,Has now become China's common people's mouth"A bar of affair".
刘璐丹认为,In the旅游开发和招商引资的名义下,China's many historical and cultural city famous town,Are suffering the most serious damage.
In the周玲强看来,Phoenix dilemma,是中国旅游业发展的一个典型样本景areacommercial的潮流盛行多年愈演愈烈,Cultural protection is at stake,The strength of the foreign capital involvement with long-term stationed,For the government to lose control over the entire tourism formats,Lead to"To commercial"Efforts to the legacy.In the市场经济中,To develop the business opportunities behind the historical and cultural heritage,Create economic benefits for both the local,又可繁荣国people的休闲生活,This is.however,Cultural heritage should have social function,Not only to the economic interests of the theory of value,Both cultural and commercial wing,Otherwise only on charge for nirvana,May be difficult to make phoenix rebirth.
作者:Li Fei

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