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凤凰官方称长假游客稳中有增 148元门票不取消--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  信息时报讯 据中央人民广播电台报道,自4月10日实行148元门票一票制后,凤凰迎来了第一个五一小长假,但这并没有让当地的旅游业经营者高兴起来。他们反映,客流量比往年减少了一半以上。

Information times dispatch according to the central people's broadcasting station reported,Since April 10, 148 yuan tickets after a vote,Phoenix ushered in the first five a small long holiday,But that does not make the local tourism operators happy.They reflect,Traffic more than halved last year than ever before.


However, according to fenghuang county government,Small long holiday since,The indicators of the ancient city of phoenix travel,Stability has increased.Official and merchant of the small long vacation experience,Why are you so different?These two days,Reporters came to the ancient city of phoenix on-site visit.


The day before yesterday at 1 a.m.,Reporter from changsha to ride buses,Reach the phoenix ancient town.Many of the inn river,Were put in at the door"Today, the river has a room"The light box.The innkeeper said,This time last year,Even he has rented out her living room,But now,There is the river room.


The boss gave reporters calculated brushstroke zhang:"As we in April last year,300 dollars a river room,It is impossible to rent,No river house have to 350 yuan.In April this year,Originally belonged to the tourist season,One room is controlled in 150 yuan,Sometimes live.Do you think how much impact for us.(Is the price)Don't say more than half,Still live with.The price than the same period last year dropped by half.Anyway, we are not very optimistic this year."


And according to the data provided by the government in fenghuang county,On April 29/30 for two days,The visitors of the ancient city of phoenix 77000 person-time,Tourism income of 53 million yuan.


A hotel operator is frankly expressed their views:"We are all pit,The whole order of the phoenix travel pit.But the government is making money."For this,Related departments in fenghuang county,Don't have to explain the.


With the ancient city of phoenix eight scenic spots management of 50 years of the ancient city of phoenix culture tourism investment co., LTD,And the relevant head of fenghuang county,In different situations have been publicly,148 yuan ticket system,Will be implemented firmly.

  收费的凤凰,请别用和谐的官方数据代替民意 Charge of the phoenix,Please don't use harmonious official data instead of public opinion


Because of the fees from the parties disputed the ancient city of phoenix first after the tickets went on sale"The May Day"Small long holiday,The passenger flow of attention is the official data and merchants experience gave different phenomenon.Charge for the ancient city of phoenix,No matter how much public opinion against,Local governments can always full demonstration and data expressing its rationality,But ignored the"Feeling is the most effective measure".


Decision making is only a castle in the air without the basis of public opinion.a"Make head"Decided to charge, although there is a so-called economic arguments and data to support,But it is particularly weak in front of the public opinion,That is free/preferential/Support vessel of farmhouse and other series"Patch policy"Have issued,In view of the individual tickets"loosen"Also in quietly,Effect is"chill"sounds.


Ignore public opinion,Use the so-called statistical data"Put out the fire",The end result is not reduce the public's anger,But for the government to lose credibility.According to report of xinhua news agency


phoenix:Prosperity or decline


The ancient city of phoenix the innkeeper:The May Day is ruined

  高票价重创凤凰古城 小长假游客减半客栈赔本

High fares badly halve the inn at the ancient city of phoenix small long holiday tourists

  凤凰古城卖票4天赚227万 小贩1天仅卖18元商品

The ancient city of phoenix tickets 4 days make 2.27 million vendors for 1 day only eighteen yuan


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