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Mixer holiday hot,Abnormal working day cold and cheerless,Holiday 8 to 10 times of average daily visitors inside and outside flow,Is the reality of a lot of scenic spots.
In pieces than traditional purpose of scenic spot,Serious unbalanced traffic distribution,Impact of situational experience scenic area is even more serious.
Mixer, experts say,Golden week and paid vacation system in parallel,Is the key to the scattered tourists travel choice in time.
"The May Day"After a little long holiday,Through the analysis of taian sun tribe/Binzhou city sun tzu/qufu"Three holes"Etc. Several old and new tourist Numbers of scenic area,Reporter found that,"Small long holiday"And during the holidays,The average daily traffic up to 8 to 10 times.Holiday tourist boom,Abnormal working day cold and cheerless,As the reality of a lot of scenic spots.
Just the past"Small long holiday"During the period,Within the scenic spots in stream of people bustling/Shoulder heel,There are even local places"People posted"The scenario,This has already been known by people.The holiday traffic inside and outside"should"Of the situation,Both reduce the leisure experience quality of tourists,For the scenic spot,But also not conducive to the balance of resource utilization.
On April 30,,Reporters come to taian sun tribal area,This is a fusion of the prehistoric civilization and modern entertainment experience, large"Situational experience"The theme park,More than 30 attractions for tourists to participate in.The reporter sees,Many tourists came to take their children from the driving,Just after 9 a.m.,Scenic area in front of the parking lot are already,Ten minutes drive from the outside of the spare parking space is almost full.In the scenic spot,Each place is a long queue in front of the amusement programs,Every place has a sign,According to"Still need to wait for 80 minutes"With the words such as.
Nearly noon,Journalists meet Mrs Meng sit bed rest.
"We are from jinan,The family of seven people.5 adults and two children,Tickets are spent 960 dollars in total."When talking to reporters, Mrs Meng said.
"What do you think tickets for the 160 yuan per person(Children are half price),Well spent??"Reporters pressed.
Mrs Meng just a thoughtfully,When it comes to:"If every scenic spot play it again,It's value,But too many people today,To have played in two places at noon,Now, father and uncle took children continue waiting in line,I and two old man was too tired to row."
Reporters noticed that,Similar experience of ms meng is very common in tourists.Scenic areas within a staff said,Today almost twenty thousand visitors,"Can be put in at ordinary times,It is difficult to even see RenYingEr."
Taian Kong Xianghai tribal area general manager sun told reporters,"Small long holiday"Scenic spot of tourists during total have seven or eight of ten thousand people,Every day is also in at least twenty thousand above."At ordinary times can have two or three to one thousand people a day.In the winter season,Estimated to have one thousand people."Kong Xianghai said.
Holiday peace of tourist traffic sent over ten times.In the holiday,Because the visitors is too big,Visitors can experience all the rides,Virtually will make tickets greatly"devaluation";In normal times,The scenic area even if only a handful of tourists,The field more than 30 amusement facilities, also have to run as usual.According to Kong Xianghai,The operating costs of about $fifty thousand a day on average,On the outside of the off-season 1000 daily visitors,Net income also however tens of thousands of yuan,This compared with a total investment of 3.6 billion,Just a drop in the bucket."Serious unbalanced traffic distribution,Effects on the traditional purpose of scenic spot is relatively small,For this kind of‘Situational experience’It is really deadly scenic spot."
Not only is the new opening of the sun tribe both inside and outside the holiday traffic"should",In the opening slightly long scenic spot,Such as the binzhou city sun tzu,The reporter learns from the binzhou bureau,"The May Day"Small long holiday during city sun tzu has hosted 4300 visitors,But in the first quarter of 2013,There are only about 170 people a day on average,Average daily traffic and holiday at ordinary times the difference more than eight times.
"The May Day"Small long holiday at the end of the day,qufu"Three holes"The scenic area began to hold for a week"back[The analects of Confucius]Gift ticket"activity,Activities prior to the start of an hour and a half,Has more than 200 people came to line up;After the holidays,Reporters on the scene to see,Activity has begun for half an hour,Only but also more than ten people lining up.
Vacation and usual area traffic serious imbalance,Exposing people to the necessity of changing the concept of tourism,To drive a day trip or LiangRiYou,Already visitors begin to realize,Can try to chose to avoid holiday peak flow,Choose the travel over the weekend at ordinary times."Really shouldn't have‘The May Day’Come out to play during the holidays,Anyway, all is the drive to go out,Starting from jinan can back and forth on the same day,Early know will choose a weekend to come,And have less time for people!"Mrs Meng said.
同时,也有不少专家表示,在继续实行黄金周政策的同时,尽快落实带薪休假制度的实施细则,让游客可以自主掌握出行时间,这是关键。(记者 高晓雷 实习生 崔文竹)
At the same time,There are many experts say,At the same time of continue to practice the "golden week" policy,Implementation of the detailed rules for the implementation of paid vacation system as soon as possible,Let visitors can own the travel time,This is the key.(The reporter Cui Wenzhu Gao Xiaolei intern)
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