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According to the[New letters]reports,Foshan April 29 - May 3, tourism/Consumption sum more than 2 billion yuan.This is a good result.
纵观"The May Day"During the holiday,Tourism marketing around the same,To promote the main body of the government,Have business,Has a scenic spot.But rather than in previous years,A variety of planning new idea.
旅游业作为第三产业的一部分,There are quite a few articles to do,In foshan create cultural industries/Enhance the level of tertiary industry service,There are considerable significance.
众所周知,Foshan is an industrial city,The second industry occupies a dominant position.Foshan city, according to the data of statistical information network,In the fourth quarter of 2012,Foshan's GDP totaled 672.902 billion yuan,The secondary industry accounted for 62.5%,The tertiary industry accounted for only 35.6%.And according to the guangzhou bureau of statistics published 2012 years ago in the guangzhou economic operation,Guangzhou secondary industry accounted for 33.1% of economic growth,The third industry to economic growth contribution rate is 66.4%.
第三产业尤其是现代第三产业对城市化的推进作用是相当明显的.The foshan will make a difference in the urbanization,Enhance the level of the tertiary industry is the top priority.
在第三产业当中,In terms of tourism services,Foshan has a unique advantage.One of the lingnan culture birthplace,Because of the huang2 fei hong2/Leaf asked and other martial arts masters and kang youwei/Zhu jiujiang such academic insistance,Although the famous mountains and great rivers/Qifeng majestic mountains,But the lingnan cultural achievements in foshan superior tourist resources.
It is a pity,Throughout the foshan tourism industry marketing,Can put culture card play,To make the industrial chain,Keep tourist scenic spot is not a lot.
以祖庙为例,According to the[Foshan daily]reports,Ms from anhui come to foshan to see daughter leaves after go to temple, business circle,Somewhat disappointed.She said,As tourists,If no specialist,It is difficult to comprehend temple, conveys the lion dance/Wing chun, lingnan culture essence,"Read a lap down,There is nothing too deep impression".
祖庙虽然大名鼎鼎,Not much but it can go,The area is not large also,But if you can some interpretation with lingnan culture connotation of the introduction of related activities,Believe that won't merely"Nothing too deep impression".
借本身的历史文化资源打造旅游产业,A reference is wenshu monastery in chengdu area.Here to"China's first monasteries"The planning concept of urban renewal,More than 20 investment of one hundred million yuan,Planning covers an area of 403 mu,Now displaying chengdu leisure culture and buddhist culture has become a window,Become a business card in chengdu.
当然,We can also see in the temple, donghua district renovation,The organic combination of ancient new blocks,Opening sentiment better soon.But the subsequent how to,Still need to continue to observe,See the supporting/Tourist guide/Can keep up with the late project development, etc.
再看看佛山其他几个区的"The May Day"Tourism marketing,Brillant surplus sweet ecology garden lingnan farming culture festival is done,Sanshui lotus world held HeHuaJie/The south China sea GuiCheng is involved in the pearl river delta leisure joy festival and so on,Although each have distinguishing feature,But how to put the own characteristics/The unique cultural resources,And transformed into attractive consumer sector,In this respect,The individual, to some extent, and improve the space.
实际上,only"Martial arts"In terms of,There are a lot of articles for this card,It is a pity,In a few years ago[Leaf asked]popular/Big box-office heat from time to time,As well as before[Huang2 fei hong2]Series of time,Foshan has failed to these free publicity on the bus.If you can put the martial arts/food/Organic combination of lingnan culture, etc,Believe that there are many industries can dig deep.
佛山还Has a scenic spot曾推过"Objects in bath"/"The dai jade were"And other activities to do the stunt,But things like the combination of local culture,Even get on a web page's headline,But not the combining site of culture and consumption,Doomed to a sustainable.Li Cheng
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