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故宫客流量屡破8万人上限 院长称限流势在必行--亲稳网络舆情监控
京华时报讯(Reporter wang shuo)96000/107000,The May Day小长假三天,Forbidden City traffic breaking its set limit threshold of 80000 people a day.yesterday,By 11 o 'clock at noon,The arrival of the imperial palace has more than 41400 people.
yesterday上午,To cope with the influx,The Palace Museum launched the highest level of contingency plans,All of 30 ticket Windows at once.At the same time,经清明节期间的分流演练after,Imperial palace of the imperial official shunt current limit.According to the scheme of shunt,Take the east of the garden/West shunt,The audience one-way visit from the south to the north.The staff said,Will depend on the garden visitors crowding,Timely to take this action.But after ten o 'clock,The ticket window and began to row up more than 20 meters long.
故宫博物院院长单霁翔表示,The palace tried to current limiting measures in 2011,The May Day/Eleven holiday attendance rules limit is 80000 every day,Reaching this number no stop ticket.but,Did not close the window.The accumulation in the ticket window refused to leave audience,Can only continue to the ticket.
单霁翔表示,Visit the demand is rigid,Current limiting is difficult.If you want to jailbreaking"now"problem,Will focus on opening wider to the outside area,Reduce flow per unit area,This is the only way to expand the palace culture exhibition space.
单霁翔表示到2016年,The palace will implement"No space in the red walls",More will thus realize open.At the same time bearing standard is imperative to develop tourism.
据了解,During the two sessions this year,Vice minister of culture/Director of state administration of cultural heritage wound small jie media interview made it clear that,State administration of cultural heritage experts will be organized this year,Urged to develop cultural relics tourist attractions tourists bearing standard,Current limiting measures when necessary,Depending on the type of cultural relic tourist attractions/Degree of contradiction choice approved the first batch of scenic spot.
"I think this is imperative.Approved by the scenic spot more than when the maximum load of reception of tourists,Can take reasonable way such as ticket booking,Control the quantity of reception of tourists."ChanJi xiang said.
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