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“五一”周边游出境游成热门 自驾游受追捧--亲稳网络舆情监控室
With routine network has released[In 2013,"The May Day"Willingness to travel survey]According to,This year"The May Day"Consumers' willingness to travel during the holidays at 72.6%.Domestic mini-vacations/Outbound tourism has become the popular choice,The local tourism market.
周边游 、 出境游市场火爆 Swim around / Outbound tourism market
In order to reduce travel costs,Promote tourism consumption,The national development and reform commission has ordered more than 1200 scenic spots"The May Day"The price notification.Scenic spot ticket prices, on average, about 20% discount,Greatly stimulated this year"The May Day"The tourism market.
We have learned,In addition to the scenic spot ticket prices are favorable,This year"The May Day"section,Long swim ticket also rose by just 10%,And last year rose by 30% ~ 30%.Accommodation for tourist attractions and no price increases significantly this year,Some provinces and cities hotel even take the initiative to the lower rate to cater to consumers,All of these"The May Day"The tourism market.
but,The enthusiasm for travel is so high for consumers,Due to the"The May Day"Only three days holiday,Time limits made short trips around the choice of many people.
In Beijing, for example,The Beijing China international travel service co., LTD. Of the personnel of the service,The company launched"Beijing suburbs swim"Travel route,Travel is the scope of Beijing and surrounding provinces and cities,Due to the short travel time and lower prices,Meet most of the citizens' personal needs,In the travel route in high heat.
"3 + X"Vacation mode is still a lot of much vacation choice.Many people add weekend in Hugh annual leave or leave,The May Day holiday to a week or so,Choose to travel.Way cattle travel network monitoring and data display,"The May Day"Booking travel of tourists,Choose exit accounted for the whole order number 7 into left and right sides.
At the same time have data to display,This year"The May Day"Outbound tourism heat rose twenty percent,In Hong Kong/Bangkok/Seoul/New York city/Tokyo/Singapore/Taipei/London/Sydney/Like Los Angeles, became the most popular recent outbound tourism destination.
China scenery travel agency officials said,Sign up the number of outbound tourism rise year by year,This year the proportion of overseas tourism and domestic tourism is 1:1.
The personage inside course of study says,"The May Day"During the period,Due to the domestic price of some lines catching up some products abroad,Lead to quite a number of domestic visitors to leave the country.
At the same time,Analysis pointed out that,The UK/The United States/Australia/Thailand/New Zealand multinational tourism department lots of New Deal,By simplifying visa procedures/Improvement in China visa services attract more Chinese tourists,One of the reasons is this year's outbound tourism in hot.
自驾游受追捧 Making a popular
与短途旅游和出境旅游相比,境内长途旅游显得有些落寞。 Compared with the short travel and outbound tourism,Long distance travel within the territory of a bit lonely.
Beijing China international travel service officials said,Compared with the same period last year,In long-haul travel route turnout is declined,There are quite a few vacancies phenomenon occurring.relatively,yunnan/guangxi/Hainan's tourism market is more hot,Especially in yunnan is the most popular with consumers.
We have learned,This is the yunnan province to released"In legal holidays and even holiday province tour stops ticket price 20% lower"The provisions of the relevant.The scenery travel agency in China website,In view of kunming/Dali/Lijiang, domestic long-distance routes,The company through big on promotion activities to attract popularity.
In this year"The May Day"Before the scheduled period,Many travel agencies are reflected while individual tourist route is also full,But the whole year.Even said, head of the newspaper group in gansu a travel about four into decline.The personage inside course of study analysis,This year"The May Day"During travel number although little room for growth,But also won't appear too big decline.
In the tourist season,Travel service group is more than a dozen people less,Number is 40 to 50 people,It is hard to reconcile between visitors,More limited,And the travel agency is more pursuit of time and efficiency,Make a lot of tourists cannot play fun.At the same time,Some travel agencies jointly scenic area businesses forced tourists shopping of negative news out occasionally.Against this background,Road trips with its liberalization and personalization/The characteristics of flexibility and comfort gradually become a new way of travel.
This year"The May Day"During the highway to the car(7 a and 7 below)Implementing the policy of free access but also helped towns.In tianji"The May Day trip,Who let who joy sorrow"In the survey activities,According to"Five a small long holiday travel",57.1% of the professionals who plan to travel by myself.
Industry insiders estimate,With people having more and more,Road trip will be the trend later tour in the province.
局部地区旅游市场受挫 The local tourism market
Although as"The May Day"The advent of the,Domestic tourism market into the peak season,But due to the outbreak of bird flu and the impact of the earthquake in sichuan,Local tourism market shock is inevitable in a short time.Including bifengxia scenic area in sichuan province/On the town, some scenic spot because of the earthquake influence,"The May Day"Small long holiday can be difficult to open their doors.
One of the travel agency said,Recently five east China city travel enrollment situation is not optimistic,Sichuan lines have also been a certain influence.We have learned,The major national travel agency all appeared the situation.
"The travel industry's greatest systemic risk in all kinds of natural disasters."Zeng guang, an analyst with guosen securities, said,Expected short-term avian influenza outbreaks and earthquake will cause certain influence on tourists and tourism industry,But if you can before the year is the most busy season from may to June gradually died down,The relatively limited effect on throughout the year.
Analysis of the personage inside course of study points out that at the same time,Due to the central advocate thrift/Limit consumption of the wind continued to blow,Original travel business slashed by unit group.In addition,International and domestic influence factors after frequent spring this year,Outside the peninsula crisis,There is bird flu/Ya 'an earthquake,All of these made an impact on the current tourism market,The travel industry rapid development momentum is expected to short-term are suppressed.

丽江6日半自助游 最高每单减800元
Lijiang 6 and a half self-help swim every single highest minus 800 yuan
RMB4385 4385起
【携程旅游】牟尼沟/黄龙+九寨沟4日半自助游 - [Ctrip travel]MouNi jiuzhaigou huanglong ditch / + 4 and a half self-help tour
RMB3600 3600起
【携程旅游】西藏4地10日经济团队游 - [Ctrip travel]4 to 10, Tibet's economic team
RMB3580 3580起
【携程旅游】漓江阳朔龙脊梯田 5日半自助游 - [Ctrip travel]The lijiang river yangshuo Tours dragon ridge terrace 5 and a half
RMB3080 3080起
【捷达旅游】韩国全景深度6日游 - [Jet travel]South Korea panoramic depth 6, swim
RMB3699 3699起
【携程旅游】香港中转 台湾环岛8日团队游 - [Ctrip travel]Hong Kong transit Taiwan Tours around the island 8
RMB5199 5199起
【携程旅游】香港往返 巴厘岛5日豪华半自助游 - [Ctrip travel]Hong Kong luxury Bali 5 half self-help swim back and forth
RMB2899 2899起
【凤凰国旅】韩国首尔周末2日自由行 - [Phoenix CITS]Seoul, South Korea 2 day free at the weekend
7.0 -magnitude earthquake in ya 'an in sichuan province
Woman bikini island
Emergency trip how to deal with
The Netherlands not only sex
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